
Sasuke Arashiden

Realising I, was born as Sasuke Filthy Uchiha, from the hell called naruto, I pleaded towards the god like any sane person would do. Their were good, bad and terrible news. Goodnews: He agree to give me an early power boost by unlocking Sasuke (which is now me) MS early and an then swapping it with Fugaku, giving me EMS early on which I can able to use. Bad news:I can't get access to Rinnegan or Indra chakra. Terrible news:I can not follow the cannon event and face events that not supposed to happened due to butterfly effect and I have to tolerate Konoha 12 and their sensei due to some sick joke. "Now I sympathised why he left village." All well, I can't complain after having EMS, and surely things won't be this difficult right? Note:1000-1500 words per chapter. ·Boruto and Naruto the Last events will not happened, so no aliens fight. ·Story events will began to differ after first Arc, thanks to butterfly effect cause by MC. ·RR means re-rewritten while number attached suggest amount of times I done it(the more the better). Plot however stays the same regardless.

DaoistcaqwL5 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
45 Chs

Prologue (RR3)

"So I am dead?" He murmured to himself amidst the vast emptiness.

"Yeah, bro," the being replied in front of me with an amused voice.

An incomprehensible entity stood before him in the vast emptiness.

"S-so are you God-d?" He stuttered, hoping not to offend in any way.

"Yeah, bro." God said, enjoying the sight of the trembling soul.

He was no religious person but even an atheist would tremble to be near a higher entity.

"Anyway bro, you are going to transmigrate into Sasuke's body, in the world of Naruto." God casually said while the soul was trembling even more.

He knows that Naruto is not a world of sugar and rainbows.

Though technically it applies to most worlds.

"Can I get a power-up?" he pleaded, hoping it was more reasonable than begging not to transmigrate into Sasuke, whose life can give any PTSD person the will, to suicide or to destroy the planet.

"Alright bro, in the timeline you are going to be born, Sasuke will already unlock MS, and I already replaced it with his father's eyes to give him EMS, just you can't get Rinnegan, Indra's Chakra and Sage of Sixth Path Chakra for reasons" God said, marginally brightening up the soul in front of him.

While it was a pity he couldn't get the later power-ups, having an early power boost is preferable to avoid such scenarios altogether.

However space became more eerie when a figure began to form that sent chills to his spine.

"However, bro, you must face the butterfly effect because of your wish, and you have to interact with the Rookie 9 and their Sensei while you can, or else."

"Yes, I Understood." He quickly agreed, having no courage to argue after seeing dismembered lips curling up in the void.

"Alright bro, take care." God said as the vast space of emptiness began to collapse.


'Aghh." he wailed before he opened his eyes. As he breathed excessively, feeling his vitality has been drained and regained.

He recalled the dream he had.

'No way it was real.'

He brushed it off and seeing an unfamiliar room, he convinced himself he was too drowsy to recognise his room and went to the mirror to comb his hair.

Even if his hair was not special, it doesn't excuse him to neglect it.

"What the fuck!" he yelled and startled after seeing his 'face'.

Black eyes, spiky black hair with a blue tint which hangs over his face as bangs and covers more of his face, he appears far from his mediocre appearance.

'So I am Sasuke Filthy Uchiha…'

He would already collapse after knowing what Sasuke went through, fortunately he doesn't have Sasuke's memory, so his sanity had not changed.

It did not take long for him to accept that the dream actually happened and he was indeed in the Naruto world, where no face slapping was waking up.

'Anyway, I got some power buff, I just have to do what God instructed.' he sighed, after remembering how annoying Naruto and Sakura are, especially at the start.

Though he wasn't exactly sure why God wanted him to interact with them, he was too scared to be near his presence to bother knowing it.

Despite how playfully he acted, dread he felt was greater than seeing one he long for was married to someone else.

'Oh God, have mercy on me.' he pleaded internally before going to the calendar to watch the date as he didn't have much choice.

Either suicide and hopes for a better world, which is same as winning the lottery or live using memories to his advantage.

Seeing he had the slave bandana that shows his undying loyalty to his Konoha master, he was figuring out when he had been transmigrated.

Fortunately, the OG Sasuke had the habit of crossing days that have passed and he briefly mentioned the occasion of the day, so it doesn't take much time to figure out the current day.

"So today is the day where our near- passive sensei will be announced." he fidgeted, having second hand embarrassment since it was the day he, as Sasuke, will accidently have his first kiss.

'It's best I sit with Hinata today and don't talk much until our Sensei calls me out.' he planned knowing she has no interest in him among the females in the classroom.

He sighed, and now embraced himself as Sasuke, because he had no chance in this matter, changed into black outfit Sasuke wore in the anime as 'it is better for stealth at night' he thinks and wore a slave bandana in his neck instead because it looks cool.

Even if he was a slave, fashion still mattered.

'Though I should try to be Chūnin and get the brown vest for more stealth, as I am have to get along with the fucking Rookie 8 + their Sensei.' He sighed and hoped that the EMS he possessed would grant him powerful Genjutsu abilities to ease his life.


After a long walk, from his clanbase that was on the outskirts of the village to the Academy that is near to Hokage Rushmore, he was too indifferent to the gaze upon him, hidden in plain sight.

He knows that Root and Anbu are watching him at every step, so he needs to act naturally, as in walking like OG Sasuke.

The Emo Walk.

Looking above the Hokage Rushmore he irrationally cursed, muttering 'Fuck every single one of you!' before continuing his way to the Academy entrance.

As for why he did it, he just didn't like them for all the things they had done, even though he admits some actions were correct and necessary.

While Sasuke entered the Academy, he realized he was too early; there was no one there except for the Shinobi teachers and staff members who were running around with question papers.

As he walked to the hallway while trying to be indifferent to the uncomfortable amount of stares he received from staff members and teachers, he made his classroom, which was empty.

This is what he thought until he saw Hinata in the back, who usually peek at Naruto using Byakugan while no one noticed her.

'Ah, well there is no difference anyway.' he assured himself before coming towards her and sitting next to her, near to the wall.

He then lays his forehead on the bench and hopes the upcoming headaches pass away.

Hinata, who was daydreaming about committing the grandest carnal sin – holding hands with Naruto – snapped back to reality upon noticing Sasuke's rare presence.

Taken aback yet too afraid to ask him, she ran 'simulations' in her mind to see what happened to Sasuke. After some hesitation, she decided to use her Byakugan, feeling something was wrong with him.

"Sasuke-Kun looks...different.." she murmured, noticing his chakra was now warm rather than cold like it used to.

While she was not aware Itachi was the one who caused OG Sasuke suffering, she, like others, knows he lost his clan and family before his eyes.

She couldn't comprehend his pain, but she understood the misery he was going through, undergoing a change from being quiet to being arrogant and reclusive, only talking about revenge, revenge, and more revenge.

She also noticeably his chakra was smaller, which was bizarre in her experience as it was rare for chakra to shrink before a person ages.

Hinata has no clue what happened and never heard about this phenomenon, but she knows for sure Sakura or Sasuke will kill her when they realize she accidently saw his genitals!

Since the Byakugan can see through barriers, clothes were no exception. Therefore, the Hyuga clan members were not allowed to use it except outside Konoha or the sparring field.

But it was one thing to see Naruto's genitals and blush, it was an entirely different thing to see Sasuke's genitals.

So having a face, redder than a tomato, she decides to read 'How to be a shinobi' guide she brought in the shop to distract herself.

And before you know it, Sasuke has unknowingly kickstarted the cursed butterfly effect already.


Sasuke tried his best to ignore his fangirls who were drooling like rabid dogs after seeing in all black while most of the boys were glaring at him like hyenas out of jealousy.

Like usual, the class clown Dattebayo Naruto Uzumaki was berated by his fangirls and Naruto as usual tried to undermine Sasuke.

But to everyone's surprise, Sasuke remained motionless, as cool as a cucumber.

He didn't reach nirvana or some kind of enlightenment, he simply determined not to talk until they left.

As Iruka wondered whether Sasuke was done dealing with Naruto's antics or just wanted some peace and quiet for once, he scolded Naruto and began the class.

While lying down, he noticed Hinata did not try to talk or look at Naruto and was busy reading a book all day.

'Maybe I misremembered the scene.' he assured, not realizing the change he made.

As usual, everyone's sensei was named, and most of his classmates left when their sensei arrived.

Only Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke were left in the room waiting for their sensei.

Ignoring both of their usual antics, he waited for Kakashi while recalling all the events from the anime that he needed to avoid.

Especially having the 'One Thousand Years of Death' on his anus!

As he snapped back from reality after hearing a stifled giggle, he calmly called out to Naruto who was pulling off the prank

"You should know that your headbang will be taken away if you displease someone as high-ranking as him, who was personally appointed by the Hokage."

"But then again, if you have second thoughts about being a Shinobi, be my guest," Sasuke sighed as he stretched his arms.

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