
Sasuke Arashiden

Realising I, was born as Sasuke Filthy Uchiha, from the hell called naruto, I pleaded towards the god like any sane person would do. Their were good, bad and terrible news. Goodnews: He agree to give me an early power boost by unlocking Sasuke (which is now me) MS early and an then swapping it with Fugaku, giving me EMS early on which I can able to use. Bad news:I can't get access to Rinnegan or Indra chakra. Terrible news:I can not follow the cannon event and face events that not supposed to happened due to butterfly effect and I have to tolerate Konoha 12 and their sensei due to some sick joke. "Now I sympathised why he left village." All well, I can't complain after having EMS, and surely things won't be this difficult right? Note:1000-1500 words per chapter. ·Boruto and Naruto the Last events will not happened, so no aliens fight. ·Story events will began to differ after first Arc, thanks to butterfly effect cause by MC. ·RR means re-rewritten while number attached suggest amount of times I done it(the more the better). Plot however stays the same regardless.

DaoistcaqwL5 · Komik
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45 Chs

Chapter 15: Fight against the swordmen of the mist(2)

"So other than water jutsu, what is the recommended combination of elemental jutsu we should learned?" Sakura asked, since Kakashi seemed to be knowledgeable about it.

"Usually, it depends on affinity you have, like if you have wind nature like Naruto, then he should learned both wind and fire jutsu since they complement each other."

"But if you like Sasuke, who has lightning affinity, than personally I say to learn earth jutsu for defensive measure with added benefit of being less chakra consuming, but like Sasuke you can learn fire jutsu to counter his weakness on wind jutsu."

"Also like me or Sasuke, you can try to use 5 elemental chakras by training, but, it's not that useful since spreading too thin is not recommend as you will have less proficient with them, so 2 or 3 kind of elemental jutsus are recommend, excluding earth jutsu where in my opinion you should learned from me considering benefit I mentioned minute ago, where even if you bad at using earth jutsu, defensive jutsu I will teach will be worthwhile to use." Kakashi said, who used earth jutsu frequently alongside lightning jutsu and adamant to teach them after saving his teammate and his junior multiple of times during missions thanks to them.

Sakura was surprised at Sasuke, who assumed Sasuke only knew how to use 2 elemental chakra while Naruto, did not thought much, rathe, he was thinking to work hard to catch up with him.

Kakashi continued: "Moreover, they are rare people who are born with 2 elemetal chakra affinities, giving them edge since they more likely to be proficient in two elemental jutsu and even chance to have a Kekei Genkai, which usually gives them edge over average shinobi."

"But its discussion for another day, anyway lets start training." Kakashi said, who pointed two of his student to grab a leaf.

"Now the training is simple; concentrate your chakra on the leaf, and if enough chakra is applied it will be show either 5 result."

"A section will burned if you have fire affinity"

"A section will be sliced if you have wind affinity."

"A section will crumble if you have earth affinity."

"A section will dampen if you have water affinity."

"A section will wrinkle if you have lightning affinity."

"However, if you are learning how to use elemental chakra you have no affinity, then try to shape you chakra to get other result."

"Like if you want to use wind chakra, then concentrate chakra on the leaf and try to shape your chakra in a way where you able to cut a section of a leaf, which signify that you able to use wind chakra, which of course is easier said than done."

Naruto understood and already summon multiple of his clones and each grabbed a leaf in order to learn how to use wind chakra, then fire chakra and at last earth chakra like Kakashi suggested.

"So, umm, sensei...what was my chakra nature again?" Sakura asked, who was kept in the dark about her affinity.

Seeing no point of hiding, he revealed her unique affinity to Yin and Yang, saying she will be expert in using genjutsu and medical ninjutsu and assuring her that he will find a suitable teacher for her soon.

Still then, he instructed her to do leaf training in order to learn to use earth jutsu and ordered her and Sasuke, who was in front of them, not to reveal it in any circumstances.

Both of them nod, understanding risk Sakura will face if they casually revealed it.

After Sakura went to training, Kakashi look at Sasuke: "Now, Sasuke, here is two earth jutsu I want you learn."

Sasuke nod and went to where Kakashi was going.

After arriving at an empty space, far from Naruto and Sakura, Kakashi demonstrated Earth Release: Mud Wall and Earth Release: Multiple Mud Wall to Sasuke when he had his 'one tomoe' Sharingan activated.

Considering Sasuke used 5 full duration of Bunsuki in order to learn how to use earth chakra, he was struggling to learn it.

'Yeah he is terrible, but it does makes him more impressive to able to use Earth chakra as practically he could not able to learn it withoue wasting months for it.' Kakashi thought, thinking Sasuke would have been 3rd strongest in his clan excluding his father, thinking him to be a genius, just little bit below of his brother and Shinsui.

Kakashi even bet he would easily be 2nd or 3rd youngest Anbu member to join and even be 3rd youngest Anbu captain if Uchiha massacre did not occur that deter his growth.

Kakashi sighed and began to remember both of his fellow comrades.

'I fail both you guys, for being too busy with my own misery.'

'Just like everyone I once cared....'

Kakashi sighed, trying his best to control his emotion.

'I only thing I do is protect Sasuke alongiside other three while I can, without thought of redemption, which I no longer deserved.'


"So how is your training going?" Sasuke asked both of his teammate, while three were eating from their bento box they prepared for their trip.

"Able to use wind, fire and earth chakra, but man, later two was fucking hard!!!" Naruto groaned, whose hands was burned which irrated him since he wanted to eat his meal fast.

"Managed how to use Earth chakra though sensei still did not spare me from spars!!" Sakura roared before she end with a sigh, already tired with training.

"Anyway, Kakashi sensei told me he is going outisde to gather intel, so he instructed us to guard old man Tazuna's house while also told me to teach you guys jutsus."

Sakura wondered what is Kakashi planning to do, while Naruto was wanted to eat fast so that he can learn those jutsus.

Sasuke not sure why Kakashi is not planning to teach us himself rather than asking him, but did not declined, where unless he managed to defects alongside Konoha 11, he have to stay at Konoha with them according to god contract, so eventually will lead him to being assigned to a Genin team.

'Though, I could just fail them like Kakashi, but with no way to succeed.' Sasuke thought, already hoping that good team did not get the misfortune to get a 'test' from him.