
Sans in multiverse

What happens when you get powers from the game you love the most and end up in fictional worlds

Omni404_Sans · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs


In the morning I was greeted with Ophis poking my face when I opened my eyes the whole Night raid was in my room staring at me.

Mina: "why did you attack the whole city are you insane! but thank you for sawing us."

"Well did I mention that I can see someone's sins and to me, that city seemed like black fog it was bothering my eyes so I had to tone it down now it is not even half of the density it was before, and your welcome" It was half the truth yes I saw that city as black fog from al the sins did I mention how it stinks like a corpse on which someone poured a ton of wet socks that stayed in someone's sweat for years and like a public bathroom in the subway.

Sheele: "Wel it made our job easier so it is ok and you only targeted bad people right?

"Yap and Ophis no more chocolate for a week"


Tears were threatening to fall from her eyes.

Mina: "You made Ophis cry you really are a monster"

I started to laugh uncontrollably what made others look at me like I was a lunatic "Oh that was good did you Ophis forget that I am a monster by species standard"

Ophis: "Oh I forgot I am too hehe can I get some chocolate please"


Ophis: "Can I get chocolate tomorrow at least" Puppy dog eyes

"Arhhh fine how can I be mad at you"

Ophis: "Victory!"

Leone: "What do you mean as species and you are a monster?"

I turned my eyes normal what startled them "Well I am actually a skeleton oh aren't we all but I am more like a species skeleton if I say myself and I feel a big amount of sins coming into the city I gonna go blast her a**" Mina and sheele blushed it came out wrong but I really don't care and I directly teleported but left one blaster to guard Ophis.

I appeared a couple of meters from Esdeaths army and started blasting she attacked me but I already wiped a good amount of her army

Esdeath: "Oh another man came to die but I have to admit you are strong what do you think about joining me as my partner.

She had a blush on her face while putting her hands beneath her chest that made her big chest seam even bigger I used this opportunity and attacked her I ain't into sadistic bi**hes she managed to dodge and sand an ice wave at me

Esdeath: "I will get you one way or another"

"Sorry I ain't into Bit**es"(Insert intense fight)

In the end, I managed to kill her but I got a couple of wounds myself I was careless and she managed to hit me a couple of times but the damage is minimal I like that I asked to be humanoid.

I teleported home and was eminently bombarded with questions which I ignored "hey Ophis we can leave now if you want!"

Ophis: "Can I say goodbye to Mine first?"

"Shure" I have to get to some world bit more peaceful so Ophis can have some friends this world is corrupted.

After we said our goodbyes I picked up Ophis and picked up my house to which shocked Night raid "Well goodbye" with that, I disappeared with Ophis in a flash.

We Appeared in front of some doors with 2 statues and a white-haired man was opposite of us he looked at us and pointed his gun at us I put my hands in the air I know him.

Hajime: "Who the hell are you and how did you get here!?"

"Oi I am Sans and this is my sister Ophis as how I came here no clue I just appeared here so what's up"

Hajime: "I will trust you for now and if you stand in my way I will kill you my name is Hajime"

"Well what a nice introduction well so these statues are mowing need help?"

Ophis: "Hello mister Hajime"

Hajime: "Well it will be appreciated if you will help if you want to leave this da*n place hy to you to"

"Ophis wait here a minute well let's make some lasagna" my eyes started glowing and 2 blasters appeared Hajime looked at me and decided to ask later and we started shooting at them but boy the cyclops managed to defend from 2 my attacks and then it got killed so I helped Hajime to ad attacked the other one destroying is a shield so Hajime killed it.

We took the cores and Opened the door it was different than in anime there were 2 cubes(hehe I added my own character I ain't love stealer you guessed wrong hehe) In one was future Yue and in another was a silver-haired girl with a scar on her cheek and her eye she was naked trapped in a cube beside Yue

Yue: "Please help me I will do anything dot leave me I am trapped here because I was battered" Hajime paused then the other girl said while crying

???: "Please I don't want to be trapped here anymore, please."

We go back to them I broke the silver-haired girl's cube and Hajime Yue s

Hajime: "So what is your name?

Yue: "I don't need the old name you give me one"

after that, she got the name Yue and I named silver-haired girl Valera and gave them some clothes like in the anime, and Valera vas following us out of this place t before I killed that scorpion thing and it was tough.

Valera was a half-Elf that had just like Yue's immense regeneration and power so she was sealed with Yue in this dungeon also I think she likes me and boy she is hot scars don't affect her beauty only add to her charm.

I am a trickster yu though it was Yue or shera but no it was her Valera

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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