
Sans in multiverse

What happens when you get powers from the game you love the most and end up in fictional worlds

Omni404_Sans · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

I am back BOIIIIII!!!

YOO!! I am back I know I wasn't here for quite some time so I apologize I have classes and I had no time to make a new chapter till now PS today is my birthday so I had time I will update every 2 days from now on if I have time so I apologize in advance thank you for all the support now onto the chapter!!



[Omny sans-classic form]



INT: 240-IQ

INV:[Nishimura katana, Woolf blade5, Tempest arrovsX2, Genji's set,22.534Mc, Hydra, LVL30SalamandersX2, small knivesX20, chocolate 5Kg, low-grade healing potionsX10,]

Wow, my stats really skyrocketed but I am disappointed I hunted so many and only got this much well I will be lazing around some time why bother.

It has been a month since Ophis and I came here Valera was always near me and Ophis while Yue was using Hajime as a mule we were roaming around this god-forsaken place and I hadn't got any messages from W.D this whole time did he die or something I kind miss him and I bet Readers too (Not really). right now we are in front of the giant boss room where that snake should be AKA the final boss and I still didn't get my reward!.

[Do you want to accept the world reward?]

...What the hell! all this time I just had to ask!!! accept!.

[You acquired Truth-seeking orbs X9, Reaver set, Error Sans clothes, Truth cart.]

Hey, that is pretty good now can you explain it before we head to the boss room?.

[YO W.D here haven't seen you in a long time, my friend, I will explain to you ok]

YO you are actually alive I thought that you died or something ok ma man explains.

[Ahem Truth-seeking orbs are from Naruto universe I know that they can shift to look like a weapon, staff, platforms, etc they can channel different types of elements I don't know more ok next

Rever set is a set of weapons from a game called Valorant it has one of the best-looking skins in the game skins also has its unique animations and this set is made of 2guns,1 sniper rifle, I pistol. and a knife.

Error Sans clothes are clothes that look the same as the ones Error Sans have they give +50 magic defense,+69 magic,+80% for all Error Sans-related skills.

A truth card is a card that allows you to see the true colors of a person even if their souls are white it will show you their desires and their true self.]

Thank you for the explanation but why that cart?

[I think you should use it on Valera]

Why tho?

[Dont you notice how she is eying Hajime?]

Now that you mentioned it she really is eying him all the time I will use it after the battle.

Ophis: "Brother will we go out from here after we beat that boss?"

"Maybe we will see "

Hajime: "Well whatever is behind these doors will be surely killed by my Shlaga"

"Once more we will see can we go already"

Yue: "Hajime be careful"

Valera: "Yea be careful"

we headed in there were massive pillars with crystals on top of them of course I stole some of them 69 to be precise and in the middle of the room, a massive magic circle appeared.

"Its commig prepare youselwes!"

A ginormous snake with 4 heads appeared but there were 5 actually the white one is hiding behind the brown one. we started our attack I was using my blasters but it did no damage at all so I switched to Genji's armor with his sword at that moment snake started firing Ice spikes and magic missiles I used the sword to deflect the attack with the help of the armor.

Hajime finally decided to use his sniper so I had to hold the snake off but why isn't Valera helping Yue is doing all she can together with Ophis and she is just staying back with Hajime maybe she is reloading for him Idn I have luck I can teleport because I would be dead by now Hajime finally loaded and charged his shlaga I picked up Ophis and Yue and teleported beside them and Hajime fired destroying 3 of its heads.

Then the white one restored the 3 that were destroyed so we started aiming for the white one but the brown one seems to act as a shield to the white one but I managed to slip past them (teleported) and sliced it off and the rest fell quickly after it but I knew the real treat is jet to come then from the corpse another bigger more metal-like snakehead crawled now mowing the whole body of it alone this snake was a lot bigger than the others combined it shot a devastating beam of light that grazed me and sent me into the wall.

Hajime is lying beside Ophis he was bloodied and his eye was missing Ophis was unconscious beside him seams like he protected her Yue was using his pistol to attack the snake while Valera was standing beside the pillar smiling the snake fired another beam sending Yue flying and she was cough by Hajime I could barely move I drunk one healing potion and started attacking the snake this time I used everything I got I used telekinesis bearly pushing it back because of its mass, I was slashing on all sides Yue prepared together with Ophis their combined attack big blue purplish ball I then used Genji's ultimate Ryuu Gekiken! as the ball lowered the snake I sliced it but not enough to cut it massive head off so Hajime used slag and pushed my sword trough killing it.

Hajime: "well that damn thing almost killed me"

"At least you were not smacked like a fly into the wall"

Yue: "Yea!"

Valera: "Are you alright?"

Ophis: "And where were you all this time!?"

MC/Hajime/Yue: "We would like to know too where were you all this time?"

Valera: "Well I was...


Well people this is the end of this chapter I hope you liked it isn't it funny after 2 months I return and the first thing that happens is that cliffhanger-Kun crawled out of my basement this chapter has 1.000 words without My notes

Today is my birthday so I had to make a chapter I will try to update as much as possible as I can but don't get your hopes up too much as I said I will try to update a chapter or 2 every 2 days so see ya till next chapter so here is a hint stay tuned.