
Sans in multiverse

What happens when you get powers from the game you love the most and end up in fictional worlds

Omni404_Sans · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

Calm before the storm

In the morning I got a notification

[World quest-Punish as many sinners as possible until you leave the world reward-depends on the number of punished souls]

Well this is something that I waited for and this world is like made for this I was confused because my blasters didn't alarm me that the Night raid left so I went downstairs and I had what to see all of them slept here Ophis was on the couch with my Leone was on the flor Bulat was sleeping on the chair and Akame was sleeping on the other one sheele was sleeping near Mine.

"Since where did this become pajama party!"

Leone: "You are too loud"

After a couple of minutes, they all woke up and continued to watch anime.

"So when will you all leave"

Mina: "Whan I want I will leave you can't make me leave"

"Is that a challenge I can be pretty scary when I want to and I recently build a basement I am wondering what will happen if I lock you up there?" I said while my smile became a little distorted she gulped and backed away.

Ophis: "brother don't scare them and *rumble* I am hungry can we eat I didn't have my diner last night"

Akame started staring daggers at me probably she wanted to eat too but yesterday she eat like half of the store wort of food and she is still hungry. "I will cook one last time and you all will leave Ophis and I will go to the city later"

I started cooking but I really didn't have any motivation they made a mess out of this house and I have to clean it up I have to learn more magic soon WAIT A MINUTE I have chakra I bought shadow clone Jutsu and I can only make 1 clone but that is enough I lowed the expression on their faces when I passed by them and another me too.

After they all eat they left and Ophis and I started heading towards the city we are low on chocolate and that is worse than being low on water for us both.

Ophis: "this city smells yucky"

"Yes it does and I really want to shoot every second person that passes near me because there was a lot of slave traders and murderers"

Ophis: "then why don't you?"

"We have to buy sweets first remember if I kill them all who will sell us some"

Ophis: "You are right but if you kill them we could use sweets for free hehe"

"Well you have a point there but then some of the sweets could get dirty"

Ophis: "OH"

As we passed the gates Ophis got a LOT of lustful eyes and Jeluos ones but I don't know why she is just a kid I really want to nuke these monsters why didn't I get sent to Marvel first so I can joink a nuclear bomb I hate these people more and more by second than some man bumped into me.

???: "How dare you to hurt me, commoner!!! you will pay for hurting me you will pay me with your sister! and I shall take good care of her hehe"

"That's it" I punched him right in the face with all I had he was sent flying like a rag doll straight through the tower killing him instantly people were scared of me and started running I blasted his guards into oblivion and we left the city I snatched around 20kg of sweets tho.

I was carrying Ophis on my shoulders she was quiet until we got back to the house.

Ophis: "Now give me sweets I saw you take a lot of them now give them"

"I won't give all to you you can have a couple of them the rest will be for later" She pouted cutely.

Ophis: "Hmph but can I get some now?"

I gave her some sweets and left her to her anime I had a hollow smile and eyes that will scare Satan himself and I headed back to the city my only goal is to wipe them all out but I must affect the plot so I will be going there where the plot will start.

I finally came to the brick building in the middle of the forest Leone and Akame were there with brown-haired boi seems plot started earlier I appeared beside them.


Tatsumi: "help me we need to protect this girl!"

"Why should I she is a murderer"

I opened the building showing all the death inside Tatsumi was stunned

Leone: "You really know what to appear ou know that"

"I know so can I have her soul?"

Leone: "Creppy but I really want to see one"

Girl: "why should she have a better body than mine she should just die!!

I ignored her talk and blue strings wrap around her she started to scream and turn to dust bit by bit until black heart remained."So what do you think I could leave her alive but I didn't want to so look at this" I summoned errors blaster and blasted the soul breaking it apart.

Leon: "Remember me to not hug you"

"Well she was really WRAPPED up if I say myself"

Akame: "Is that supposed to be fun?"

"I really don't have a funnybone"

We returned back with Tatsumi he was sad and I didn't care I have my mission first to protect Ophis and hunt sinners well time to do a genocide run on sinners this is a bit ironic but I can do it a couple of tests with them.

Ophis: "why are you smiling so creepy do you plan something bad?"

"well yes"

Mine: "because of your creep I will have nightmares"

"Oh really" I made a creepy face with my well-known empty smile Mine screamed and run to Ophis.

Ophis: "Why do you lowe to scare people?"

"Because it is fun"

Ophis: "Yea"

Mina: "You are wierd"