
Sanctuary [Kingdom Hearts Ventus x Reader x Vanitas]

A Keyblade wielder finds her way in life, battling the inner demons and traumas that come with being a teenager and a reincarnation of Keyblade wielders of old.

What_Is_Shame · Fantasi
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Chapter IIII - Song of the Stars

Cloud sat down on my bed with an old guitar in his other hand, it looked like it was a minute away from breaking of overuse, I couldn't tell if that meant it was well taken care of or mistreated. Cloud assured me it wouldn't break though, that it was well taken care of and in tune. So instead, I think this guitar was extremely loved.

He puts it on his lap and I leaned over to see it, the old guitar looked well-loved, "It was my mother's," He told me, a fond and far off look in his eyes, I wondered if he even saw me as he said, "She died a while back, but she always loved to keep music in the house. The guitar was her favorite, so I thought I could start with teaching you this,"

I nodded, "I'm sorry about your mom, I'm sure she was wonderful." Why else would he keep something so precious like that guitar if she wasn't?

"Yeah," His light blond hair fell into his face and he had to move it out of the way, "She was," He gripped the neck of the guitar, placing his other hand over the body of it.

"Now, let's start, this is the bridge," He turned himself and the guitar to look at me and started pointing out the different parts of the guitar, then he taught me how to tune it, and then taught me how to hold it, and finally taught me how to hit the notes.

"This is E," He plucked the sixth string before letting go, letting me have a turn. We went back and forth with this as he taught me the notes, and soon enough we were making music together. Well, Cloud was making music, I wasn't very good at stringing the notes, but I could come up with lyrics just fine.

We spent days and weeks on it, until one day, it was finally the star festival.

"It's finally time for the festival to start!!" Denzel exclaimed, running around as people started crowding the square in front of the castle, decorations had been set up in the morning and people had spent all afternoon setting up their booths with games and prizes.

Denzel had been buzzing with excitement all day watching them. It was a miracle he hadn't burst out of the house and started the festival all on his own already.

Squall chuckled, placing a rarely seen ungloved hand over the boy's shoulder, "Careful, we don't want you getting lost."

Denzel pouted but agreed without a word. He was probably thinking about how Squall still treated him like he was small, as he often complained to me about that. I never said anything to him, but I'm pretty sure eight is still young.

I moved Cloud's hair out of the way so I could get a better look. He'd placed me on his shoulders before we'd gotten to the square, claiming that losing a five-year-old would be much harder than losing an eight-year-old. He wasn't wrong, I'm very small. And definitely scared of getting lost.

Cloud chuckled to himself while Denzel tried to drag Squall to the squirt gun stand, seeing three kids queue up with only one spot left, Squall barely had enough time to yell at us that that's where they were going before they disappeared.

"I'm glad he's having fun," he was talking about Denzel, right? It made me curious to know what happened to him, and why Cloud was so worried about him. Because to me, he seemed like the happiest boy in the world.

Cloud looked up at me as best he could, "So, what do you want to do?"

I shrugged, "I dunno. I've never been to a festival," all I really know about the festival is the dance. I'm going to perform that, and share the song we made with everyone. But other than that I don't know.

Cloud shifted his weight, and my puffy, star-covered dress shifted with it, the crinoline making a loud noise. I have to say Miss Aerith did an amazing job on it.

"Well, let's go find something to do then," Cloud started walking around aimlessly, "I know Aerith's stand was around here somewhere.." He mumbled to himself, and though I was on his shoulders it took everything I had to hear him with the large crowd.

"Whoa," someone pushed past him, almost knocking him over. The person, over their shoulder, apologizing but then immediately goes back to chasing, I squinted my eyes as they vanished into the crowd, three-year-old?

The kid enthusiastically giggled and ran away, excitedly looking at the pretty things and getting further lost in the crowd.

It looked like it to me, but this child and I were only two years apart.

Cloud steadied himself, making sure I'm okay too. In the distance we hear yelling, it sounds to be the syllables of our names. Cloud looked up to me and I looked down at him before we both shrugged. He walked closer to the voice to see what was going on.

There was a lady at one of the booths smiling widely and waving to us, calling our names. Her brown hair got in the way of her face even with the ribbon in the back of her hair keeping it out of the way.

Green eyes met mine as I waved back to her, smiling too.

"Miss Aerith!" I called to her, happy to see the kind woman. She looked very beautiful today, not wearing her usual pink colors but instead wearing a dress similar to mine, with all different types of stars on it.

Cloud set me down and I raced my way over to her, hugging her leg. She giggled while smoothing out my hair.

"Oh wow, your hair's a mess. Almost like a guy tried to do it, and failed miserably," She took a shot at Cloud, who had declined her offer to come over and help me get ready, saying she had enough work to do with her booth and getting herself ready.

Cloud grumbled, "Really?"

"At least you didn't ruin my dress," She ignored him, picking me up. She really liked children, Denzel and me more so, but I don't know if she's been giving me special attention because I'm new here or because I'm a girl.

"Thank you, by the way, it's very pretty," I told her. She gawked for a moment before 'awwing,' "You're just the cutest little thing!" She nuzzled her cheeks into mine, her hair tickling my face making me giggle too.

"Alright, alright Aerith enough, you're going to hurt her," Cloud took me from her, setting me down.

"I'm not that fragile," I spoke up softly. They didn't hear me, bickering about 'How was I gonna hurt her?!' and 'I don't know you just were?! Your hair was in her eyes!'

Aerith argued back, "We were having fun you marigold,"

"Huh?" Cloud questioned, dumbly.

I looked over to Aerith's booth, it was a blue table decorated with cardboard cutout stars and painted like the night sky. There was a wall behind it too, with little stuffed animals attached to ropes.

Aerith walked over to me, "Do you wanna play?" Her smile was back, I looked over my shoulder, Cloud had his arms crossed and looked like he was pouting. Miss Aerith always wins.

I looked back over to her, who had looked to where I was and had started giggling to herself.

"I don't know how," I admitted, I didn't see any directions and had never seen a game like this before.

Aerith stood up, having knelt down to talk to me. She gave me her hand and I took it, "Oh the game's very simple," She walked me to the wall of stuffed animals.

"All you have to do is pull on whatever rope you want and then you get a prize!" She explained happily, letting go of my hand and clapping hers together.

"That's really all I have to do?" I asked, baffled. This wasn't really a game, more like a free prize counter with an extra step.

"Yup! But watch out, you can only pull one rope, which means you're stuck with whatever stuffie you get," Aerith warned me.

I nodded, "Okay, Miss Aerith."

I went over to the bundle of ropes, something like excitement rushed through me. I didn't really care what I got, but I liked stuffed animals, they were warm and fluffy, something I could cuddle when I'm alone in my room at night.

I pulled down on a rope, watching as a yellow thing dropped. It was a giant chicken with long, neck and brown legs and a weird, small face with a big beak. The giant wings on the doll had good stitching too, it seemed as though this would last a while.

"Oh, you pulled a Chocobo!" Aerith cheered, "Do you like it?"

I took a look at it and decided yes, yes I did like it. Very much. Too much maybe, why did this thing give me so much happiness from just looking at it?

Aerith leaned closer to me, and I remembered I hadn't answered her. Turning to her with my biggest smile I told her that I loved it.

"I'm so glad," She looked over, back to Cloud then down to me again, "Let's get you back to your father now, shall we?"

I nodded again, "Yes please," I held up my new friend, "I wanna show him," Aerith giggled again.

"He'll love it," She took my hand and I carried the Chocobo in my other hand, "Do you have a name for it?"

I paused, a name? I think for a second, it's really hard. What do I wanna name him? Henry, Zach, Claud, some good names pop into my mind.

But then it hit me, just name my Chocobo all of them.

Cloud came up to us, "What's this about a name?" He crouched down as I tugged on his pants, shoving the plush towards his face, "This is Zach Henry Claudstine featherflump the first, he's my new friend."

Next to me, Aerith failed to contain her laughter, in front of me Cloud tried to keep his amusement in too, but couldn't help his chuckle and the continued twitch upward of his lips.

"Chocobo, huh?" His voice went up an octave.

I gripped it closer, "He's my friend. You'll have to get your own."

"Trust me, you don't want your own, their little devils," He mumbled.

"Do you not like my friend?" I asked him bluntly, tilting my head. Cloud shook his head, "No, why," He had to recompose himself, "Why would you think that?"

"Because you're laughing at him, don't laugh at my friend," I told the blond-haired man.

"I, I wasn't laughing at him," Cloud said, "I was…" He trailed off, before looking at Aerith, "She laughed first."

Aerith snapped her head over to him, gasping dramatically, "Traitor!" Placing a hand to her chest and leaned back, as if she had been shot by a bullet.

"Drama queen," Cloud muttered. You're one to talk, I thought, but I laughed along with them as Cloud picked me up again. This felt nice, this was right, I think, but for once I couldn't find the words to describe it.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pushing his hair out of my face. It was really soft and fluffy, like puppies, but that didn't mean I wanted it poking my eyes.

A gaggle of kids came up to Aerith's booth, wanting toys too, and Aerith had to go help them, so once more Cloud and I were alone navigating the plaza. Well, not entirely alone, Zach Henry Claustine featherflump the first is with us, I remind myself as the stuffed animal is firmly within my grasp.

"Anything catch your interest?" Cloud asked and I looked around, "No," thankfully I was right next to his ear, so I didn't have to talk very loud.

The blond looked around, "Ring toss?"

"You told me those were rigged though,"

He hesitated before responding, "Ahh-I did, didn't I?" In his hesitation, his 'I' was weirdly dragged out.

"How about that test your strength game?"

I looked him dead in the eyes. He sighed, "Okay, my mistake. Wanna try your luck at the bean bag toss? I think I saw a cookie decorating stand if you wanna try that."

I looked ahead once more, considering those options when an opening in the crowd showed me something that caught my eye.



"But," He asked me what I wanted to do, I wanted to do that. Why wasn't he letting me do that?!?

"Hey, there you are, We've been looking for you two." A familiar voice interrupted me. And now I can toss any chance at darts away.

Squall appeared out of nowhere, carrying Denzel on his back, candy apples in the younger boy's hand.

"You've been looking for us?" Cloud sassed.

Squall took an apple from Denzel, giving it to me. "He wouldn't stop asking for them after he lost that water gun game."

Denzel poked his head up from behind Squall's shoulder, mouth covered in caramel. "I only lost because that little girl kicked me!"

Squall rolled his eyes, "Zel, she was in a wheelchair."

Denzel took a bite of his apple, mumbling to himself, judging by the moving of his lips, it looked like a retort, his lips making the syllables for a or w or something, definitely, the letter l, and then his lips didn't connect for the rest of the phrase, so I couldn't read anymore.

I bit into my apple as Cloud and Squall talked, it was sweet and juicy and tasted like an apple with more sugar. I enjoyed it, but I was brushing my teeth extra hard tonight, I could feel the rot and tooth decay as the sugar was left on my teeth. Ugh, that tingly feeling was the worst, but the taste was well worth something fixable. I continued munching.

"The same goes for me too, don't get that anywhere near my hair. I'm warning you." It didn't sound like a warning, though. I raised my brow. What's going on?

"Huh?" I inquired, dumbly. The same tone Cloud used earlier. Biting into my apple again I munched as Cloud reiterated what he was saying.

"Oh," I bit into my apple again, almost done with it.

"What's that?" Denzel asked, having finished his candy apple, Squall cleaning his face with a paper napkin.

"Hm?" Cloud looked at him, "What?"

"That," Denzel pointed to Zach Henry Claudstine featherflump the first, who was still in my hand around Cloud's neck.

"My new friend," I told him, having to talk a little louder suddenly, as a whole flood of people came down this way.

"Where did all these people come from?!" Someone exclaimed, but I couldn't tell who as I gripped harder on Cloud as they started pushing us again.

"Is it already time for the kids to dance?" Cloud asked, out of breath and holding me tightly, making sure I wouldn't fall or get dragged away.

Squall shrugged, tapping on Denzel's arms, telling him to ease off with the chokehold.

"I guess so," He pushed Denzel up, regaining his hold on him, "If so we should get moving."

"Yeah, you're right." Cloud repositioned me, taking my finished apple and throwing it out at a trash can.

The kid's dance traditionally came before the adults, then the adults would go and that would mark the end of the festival, so it was usually late into the night, but it was still Thursday, and while work would be delayed tomorrow, it wasn't a day off for the adults, so they push up the festival's schedule for when people have work and still wanna see or do the dance.

I wasn't eligible for the adult's dance until I was older, but I was barely eligible for the kids. It helps that after you sign up for the dances they make you do it so they know if you can, which helped me get the spot of Velit Dominae for the children's dance. Denzel was playing the Fortis Bellator, which he was very excited for, he had long claimed the Bellator as his favorite.

I know Squall was playing the Pater Sapiens for the adults, but Cloud opted out this year, for some odd reason. I don't know why; he's great at dancing and knows all the movements perfectly.

We got to the stage, where the adults in charge of all the dancing kids were busy rounding them up, Denzel and I were released from our parent's grips and raced over, just as they called us.

We were on stage in less than ten minutes, no costumes or anything, just what we were wearing, all they told us was what our roles were again, in case we somehow forgot. A pair of twins were the Gemini, an older kid, around twelve was playing the Pater Sapiens, and Denzel's friend Marlene was playing the Oblitus Stella. Denzel seemed really excited to talk to her. These were only a few notable people.

And even though I was the youngest here, I seemed to be the only person not nervous. Another kid looked like he was going to cry, another looked like she didn't know the dance at all, just sitting in the corner, happy to be there.

I sighed, I shouldn't worry about others and just do my part, as Cloud told me.

When they let us out I was right, immediately half the kids forgot their dances and started dancing random things, the parent's watched, cooing and awwing, apparently, this is how the kids' dance always goes, and parents eat that up. So says Denzel.

It was my turn before long, the feathery light dance of the Velit Dominae didn't have any particularly difficult moves, so I was able to do it to the best of my practice and muscle memory.

Denzel did well too, fumbling some of the more difficult moves of the Bellator, who had the most technical moves in the dance, but for the most part, he did it easily.

We looked great.

Before long, the dance was over, and we were all exiting the stage. I hopped off and saw Cloud, ready with the old guitar, which we had fixed up together last week, now it almost looked brand new.

Squall congratulated Denzel and me, smiling proudly and patting both of our heads, saying he got it all on video. I'm glad he was happy.

"Dadd!!" Denzel whined. I giggled.

"Thanks, Papa,"

I looked to Cloud, "Dad," I looked back to Squall, "This was really fun."

Squall paused before smiling even wider, I did the same as he ruffled my hair.

'I'm glad you're happy, now, go kill it, kid," Cloud walked up next to him, taking my hand as Squall gave me an encouraging push.

One of the adults, a woman who looked to be a mom of one of Denzel's friends, announced to the crowd our song, introducing us and welcoming us, welcoming Cloud and me back to the stage.

Cloud sat down on a stool placed down, putting me on his lap, guitar in front of me. Microphone in front of us, as well as a big crowd. I wasn't nervous or scared, this felt nice, it felt right too.

"One Sky," I started us off, Cloud followed, "One Destiny."

"Take your hand in mine," I sang, trying to keep as still as possible as Cloud played the guitar, backing my voice.

"Doing just fine," Cloud sang back, our song was a conversation, a duet of love and trust from the character's perspective. I was very happy with it, I hope everyone else would be happy with it too.

"Reconnect your heart," I tried losing myself in the song. It was so easy to do, like at practice.

"On my own," Cloud finished the two-part lyric.

"Heal your broken trust," I placed my hands over my chest, where my heart was.

"Won't ever break," He challenged.

"Shine brightly once more,"

"The light fades,"

"Bonds stay forevermore,"

"Connections grow apart," Cloud's delivery sounded sad, he practiced it like that, since we came up with that line he's sung it sad. I liked it.

"Across the seas and skies," Briefly I thought of Sora and Mom, before pushing that thought down and enjoying the moment.

"Time controls it all,"

"Wherever you may be,"

"I'll never see you again,"

"I'll find you," It's a promise, a challenge. One that's made good on by the end of the story, I liked this lyric and was glad Cloud came up with it.

"Will it still be the same?"

"It's up to you, decide,"

"Misplaced trust," Cloud started saying the lyrics faster and louder, growing in intensity as I did it just a tad slower, the tune from the guitar got faster too, matching Cloud's voice instead of mine.

"Open up your heart to me,"


"One Sky," I sang, a desperate tone hitting my voice.

"There's only one destiny,"

"You can make your own"

"It'll happen once more,"

"Destines in your hands,"

"Out of my control,"

"Only yours," After I said this Cloud didn't sing, playing the guitar until the music fizzled out, and then waited a few seconds before a tiny, "Only mine?" left his lips.

"Take your hand in mine," I repeated the lyrics from earlier.

"To place my trust in you," Cloud's part takes a turn, giving in with each line.

"Reconnect your heart,"

"To open up again,"

"Heal your broken heart,"

"This overwhelming warmth,"

"Time to shine,"

"A light that never fades,"

"Across the seas and skies,"

"To never be alone,"

"Wherever you may be,"

"Wherever you may be,"

"One Sky,"

"One Destiny,"

"Tela Verititais."

"Tela Verititais." We both finished the last line together, at the same time.

We finished and Cloud plucked the last few notes of the song, then there was quiet. It lasted a split second before cheers erupted, claps and whistles too. I smiled as Cloud set me down, getting up off the chair and carrying the guitar with him.

I waved as we exited the stage, wondering if I should've bowed. I hopped down the steps and was tackled by Denzel, who was telling me way too fastly that I did amazing and that was very awesome.

Cloud and Squall were beside us, very close together. But I couldn't see why because Denzel was still hugging and shaking me.

"Thank, t, thank you Denzzzzzel," I tried saying, still being shaken from my brother's excitement.

"B, but could you pleassseeeeee,"

"Denzel, stop shaking the poor girl," Squall tapped his shoulder and he stopped. I had to stop my head from spinning.

"Thank you," I said, trying to compose myself.

"Sorry," Denzel rubbed the back of his neck, apologizing sheepishly. I hugged him, "It's okay, thank you for your support." He hugged me back tightly. I couldn't help but hug harder too, I'm so glad he's my brother.

The lady from before came back on stage, thanking us for our performance before calling for the adult's dance.

"Oh, I have to go now," Squall crouched down after Denzel and I broke apart, he kissed my forehead, and then Denzel's.

"You did a good job, kid," He ruffled both of our heads before leaving.

We all watched him leave, going backstage behind the decorative curtain they placed behind it for privacy.

Cloud looked at the two of us, guitar still held lovingly in his hands.

"Denzel, I need you to watch (Y/n) while I put this away, okay?" Denzel nodded, exclaiming a 'yes dad!' Before Cloud turned and left, going backstage to put it in the case he left back there.

Denzel looked down at me, who was a head shorter than him. His gaze was fond and loving and suddenly I felt as if Denzel was well beyond his years as he told me this, "You did really well, sis," he then ruffled my hair, laughing to himself.

I pouted, Squall ruffled out hair in a way that wouldn't ruin it, but Denzel just stuck his hand on my head and moved it around.

"Aw, Denzel, really?!" I complained, my voice came out high pitched, making me sound like I was four again.

"Hehe, sorry." He didn't look apologetic at all.

"Denzel!" Marlene came up behind him. Her short hair was moved out of her face as she brushed it back, the rest in a braided bun. Brown eyes looked at him with trust and familiarity. They must've been friends for a long time for that kind of look.

"Oh, Marlene, hi! You were great during your dance!" Denzel complimented her. She giggled.

"You too," she looked toward me, "And you did amazing on your dance too, not to mention that beautiful song!"

She walked over to me, "I'm Marlene Wallace, it's nice to meet you."

She put her hand out to me, I grabbed it, shaking the taller girl's hand slowly. "It's very nice to meet you too, I'm (Y/n)- uh," I turned to Denzel, which last name was I supposed to use?

"Strife-Leonhart, or Leonhart-Strife, depends on which parents are in the room when you use it," he shrugged.

All of us chuckled before I finished my introduction, "(Y/n) Strife-Leonhart, it's nice to meet you too."

"Sooo, was there something you wanted Marlene, other than to congratulate my super awesome baby sister?" Denzel gloated for me. I huffed. Heck yeah, I'm awesome, but that's not how you talk to a friend.

Is it?

I mean, Riku talked to Sora like that, but not to me, and mom had said Riku was a bit rough around the edges once. Denzel wasn't rough, he was a circle, he had no edges.

"Oh, yeah! I did have something I wanted to tell you but, uh, well," she hesitated, looking at me.

"Is it a secret?" I asked, blunt. She nodded, "Dad said I could only tell Denzel right now, sorry," her mouth quirked awkwardly.

I don't know why she was apologetic, we've just met.

"It's okay, I'll stay right here and I won't listen," I stepped back three paces.

Denzel looked between me and her, "But, I need to watch you." His voice was high, the turmoil from needing to watch me and also be a good friend was evident.

"You can still do that, just come over here," Marlene backed herself and him up four paces. I stuck to my spot.

"Don't worry Denzel, I won't move a muscle, and you can't still see me from here, right?" I smiled. He looked between me and Marlene before nodding, focusing mostly on Marlene, and whatever she had to tell him.

I stood by the curtain, away from the stairs to the stage so no one would be bothered trying to get down.

People crowded around the front of the stage still, waiting for the adults to come out. Marlene and Denzel were facing each other a little away from me, over the hum of the crowd I couldn't hear their whispers.

"So your Clouds new light," a voice came from behind me. It was a lower, darker version of Cloud's voice but somehow different, it sounded different, like it wasn't his voice but it was. It felt like it was filled with darkness. It was scary, so scary I shivered and my spine straightened out.

It took me a second to turn around and look at where the voice came from, even though my throat felt like it was closing up.

I looked up into striking green and blue eyes, more cyan, green than Clouds. But it also looked like it was filled with that same Mako color.

Long silver hair in big bangs would've covered his face if he wasn't looking down at me. The look was condescending, full of arrogance like I wasn't even worth his time. As if I was beneath him.

I tried to swallow the lump in my throat but it wouldn't go down, I had no words as unfiltered terror went through my system. I couldn't move, I couldn't think, taking in the sight of the tall, pale man.

He was covered in tattered black clothing, a striking blue wing at his back, his chest was exposed and his stance was one of sophistication and poise. Like he held himself up over the world.

I tried swallowing the lump again, it only barely went down as I gasped out one single question. The whisper barely escaped my lips.
