
Sanctuary [Kingdom Hearts Ventus x Reader x Vanitas]

Penulis: What_Is_Shame
Fantasy Romance
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What is Sanctuary [Kingdom Hearts Ventus x Reader x Vanitas]

Baca novel Sanctuary [Kingdom Hearts Ventus x Reader x Vanitas] yang ditulis oleh penulis What_Is_Shame yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. A Keyblade wielder finds her way in life, battling the inner demons and traumas that come with being a teenager and a reincarnation of Keyblade wielders of old....


A Keyblade wielder finds her way in life, battling the inner demons and traumas that come with being a teenager and a reincarnation of Keyblade wielders of old.

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I’m supposed to be The Hero but why is this small villain so pitiful

Never-ending parade of new doctors and specialists was his normality. Slow loss of muscle control and pain were like constant background buzz. All this was irritating but easy to get used to in the long run. What really led him to ending things was the face of his mother. With each new treatment ending with a failure and sometimes with even more rapid decline. His mother's eyes were becoming a little bit more empty. With every day she had to observe her son slowly waste away. Her face became a little bit more worn. Once beautiful and cheerful women from his memories, become a shell of herself. Last straw that broke Camel back was overheard conversation between his mother and doctor. According to recent lab results his muscles were atrophying with such speed that it was a matter of mere days when his limbs stop working, leaving him unable to even scratch the itch, let alone take care of his daily needs. He knew his mother. She for sure without batting even an eye would take on this new role of caretaker, tending to him with wholehearted dedication. But he couldn't let her carry this burden. This was too much for a single mother to handle. So he convinced the doctor to perform euthanasia on him in secret. Mum will think her only son died from complications brought on by a lifelong disease but he passed away in his sleep, peacefully without the pain. This will soften the blow, at least he hopes so. Everything went according to the plan. And then came this pervasive witness and complete silence. But he didn’t have time to enjoy any of it. [ Hello player! Would you like to become a Hero and save The World?] [Yes] [YES!] ------------------------------------------------------------------- What do you mean I am the last hope for the world from a novel I read!?!

Miss_MiMi · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Hopeless Romantic Prince and The Knight in Distress

1st Part Interviewer: Here we are today to have more in depth analysis of two exceptional young men currently overtaking craze online because of a lot of situations that was either coincidentally filmed by others or were based on their works. Lots of people, especially the CP—eherm, especially the enthusiastic fans wanted to know a lot about your relationship. Zeri: "Sure." Brienne: Looks away. "Whatever." Viewers: Kyaa! Zeri is so gentle while Brienne is so snobbish but handsome! Interviewer: "Eversince your first appearance and until now, the two of you had been together, showing really good attitude towards each other. Brienne: "You saw wrong." Zeri: Remained smiling. "……" Interviewer: "S-so our first question is, uhm, when the two of you first met, what did you feel?" Zeri: "Irritation." Brienne: "Fear." What the heck is going on? Why is this flow so wrong?! Interviewer: Trembling while holding their lists of questions. Not really clear if it's anger or fear they were currently feeling. "What I mean is, what did you first thought of each other when you first saw one another?" Zeri: "Hmm, well, when the two of us first met, it was really a kind that was unique but cliche. I've never really thought I'd be able to meet someone that way" Brienne: "The kind where you want to forget about it but you can't?" He became more serious as he was earlier. Interviewer: Excited. I think we're up to something here! "So, you mean…" Zeri: "It was embarassing, really." The viewers and people on set became excited as they thought that it was to that sort of thing! The one with the 'doki-doki' feeling! Zeri: "I had the really strong urge to just sock him in the face" The people watching: Violence! Interviewer: Totally numb and was expressionless. "How about you, Brienne?" Brienne: "I was dizzy at that time so I couldn't think much, but I did feel that it hurt, but it didn't hurt much truthfully." Everyone: So, the fight did happen?! How come the princely-looking one was more violent than the one with the delinquent aura?! ……

Fish_Cake_dpny1 · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
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  • latar belakang dunia


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General Audiencesmature rating