
Sanctuary [Kingdom Hearts Ventus x Reader x Vanitas]

A Keyblade wielder finds her way in life, battling the inner demons and traumas that come with being a teenager and a reincarnation of Keyblade wielders of old.

What_Is_Shame · Fantasi
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11 Chs

Chapter I - Training Days

"Channel the magical power into a point at the tip of your weapon," Master told me. I did just as he told me to do, I tried collecting the power into that singular point.

I watched as the blade I held up with one arm became surrounded with wind.

"Release!" I shot my arm forward along with my body as the wind collected and swirled and shot forward into a powerful whirlwind.


I relaxed my arm and body from its battle pose, coming to stand up straight a little in front of master.

I looked at him, wondering if that was an adequate job. He nodded and I relaxed my body fully, smiling. I had thought magic training would be hard, but it seemed to be the easiest thing Master Yen Sid was teaching me.

"Good work, (Y/n). That was an excellent cast," Master complimented me. A compliment from master wasn't something I heard often at the beginning of training, and he still only brings them up when we're doing magic. So receiving one for my first time using aero that way was something to be proud of.

"Thank you, master," I bowed my head to him. He waved his hand, "I think that's a good endpoint for today. Get some rest, (Y/n), we'll continue in the morning at the regular time."

He walked off and I nodded, staying where I was until I could no longer see him.

And when he was gone, I went back to work. Practicing all the magic he'd taught me. Fire, water, and now aero. I wanted to be ready and master the old ones before we started thunder magic as he'd told me.

Master said I was proficient, that I mastered magic extremely fast and well, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that I needed more practice.

So I continued. Fire, water, aero.

It was an hour later when Mickey came to visit. "Hiya, (Y/n)! How's it going?"

"It's going well, Mickey. What brings you here?" I asked, Keyblade still in my hands.

He looked down at it, frowning, before picking his face back up and smiling at me.

"I just wanted to see how Keyblade training is going!" I desummoned my blade. Somehow I feel Mickey doesn't like me with it.

I smiled too, "It's going well."

He looked around, "Where's master Yen Sid?" His face was concerned.

"Oh," I paused, I'd thought he'd know since he trained under the master, then again master must've been younger when Mickey was being trained.

"The lesson today was over an hour ago, so he must've gone to bed." It was around six now, master had actually made today's lesson a little longer.

"Gone to bed?!" Mickey asked, surprised. "But it's six!"

I shrugged, "I don't see anything wrong with it, that's just masters schedule."

Mickey sighed, "(Y/n), when do lessons start?"

I paused, taking a moment to think about it, "Well, we wake up at three. But don't usually start training until four," I look him in the eyes, observing his reaction.

Mickey gasped, "That's no way for a child to live! A four-year-old needs a proper sleep schedule,"

"I don't see anything wrong with it, it's always night here anyway," I shrugged again.

Mickey muttered to himself before a lightbulb expression came across his face, it seems he's thought of an idea.

"(Y/n), give me some time and I'll try to fix this, okay?!" Mickey said excitedly.

"I don't think it needs fixing," I muttered. But Mickey didn't hear me, or maybe he ignored me to focus on my yawn.

I covered my mouth and yawned, slouching. I had told Master Yen Sid long ago that I didn't need afternoon naps, but he'd told me if I ever wanted to grow then I needed the sleep. So while I've only been up for five hours, in all I've been up fourteen hours today.

"Let's get you to bed," Mickey said in a softer voice. I nodded sleepily. My eyes suddenly felt heavy.

"Yeah… I think it's bedtime," I nodded and took his hand as he led me back to the tower, up to my room.

I brushed my teeth and changed as Mickey waited outside, I opened the door and he tucked me in.

"G'night Mickey,"

"Good night (Y/n)."


Mom crouched down to my height, tears pouring down her face and she tried to contain her sobs.

"My little sea star, be good for me and Sora, okay?"

I nodded, "Okay, Mom," tears were threatening to come out of my own eyes.

Sora grabbed my hand, he was sobbing, "Please! Please don't go, sis! I love you, so please don't go!" I grabbed his hand with my other one.

"I'm sorry Sora," it's all I could say. Because I didn't want to go, but, at the very same time, I did. Mom explained to me what was happening, so I knew I had to, I wanted to, cause if I went I could protect Sora. My twin brother would be safe if I went. If I stayed he'd be in more danger. I didn't want the darkness to get him. I didn't want him to be scared too.

"I love you too, but we'll see each other again."


I paused, "…We'll see each other again. And that's a fact."

He frowned when I didn't promise, but he understood, giving me a nod. Sora knew by now I didn't promise things.

I hugged him again. "Bye-bye, Sora."


"Wait," Mom said as she walked over to the bookshelf, pulling out a box. She walked over to us again, crouching down and opening it. Pulling out a necklace, it was shiny and metallic, and it had a giant heart shape. She put it around my neck.

Doing the same to Sora, except his necklace had a giant crown on it. I held the heart to my chest, Sora grabbed his too and we gave each other one last teary look.

A heart and a crown, exactly like the storybook Mom reads to us every night. The moon was watching over us, just like in the story. This felt a lot less difficult knowing that. The tears finally sprang from my eyes, as if the dam held together by tape and gum finally broke apart.

I hugged my brother one last time, both of us were glued to each other tightly, I didn't want to go, I didn't want to leave. But I had to. Telling myself this, along with the necklaces around our necks perfectly locking up reminded me that it was for the best.

When we broke apart mom took my hand and we walked out the front door together.


I woke up early in the morning, three o'clock like always. Getting up I brushed my teeth and hair and dressed myself. I tied my shoes too.

I rushed towards the kitchen, seeing Master there. I've never seen him eat, so I assume he does so before I get there, or maybe he just doesn't eat in the mornings.

I hop onto one of the dining room chairs, master already left out a bowl of cereal for me.

"Thank you, master," I say like every morning. "Itadakimasu!"

I eat my cereal at a steady pace, remembering the first week I was here when I ate quickly to get started, as master didn't eat, I thought I was troubling the kind man who was training me.

Now I know to take it easy, so I take my time. When I'm done I put the bowl in the sink and master and I go outside to train.

"Today, we're not going to be learning magic," Master tells me. I slumped, I'd rather be doing magic than anything else.

But that's not up to me, it's up to master, and I do need to learn everything, so I pick myself up and nod.

"We need to work on your close-range abilities, in a one on one fight, especially against a bigger, stronger heartless, you'll want to know how to handle it once your mana runs out, or if you can't keep enough distance between you and your opponent," Master explained.

I nodded, that made sense.

"Alright, Master."

"Let's begin,"


It's later that day, when Donald and Goofy drop by. Supposedly they're looking for Mickey.

"Sorry you two, Mickey hasn't been here all day," I searched my memory, "Actually, Mickey hasn't been here all week," Master said he left with an item not long ago, maybe that's why he hadn't come back.

"Really?" Donald exclaimed, surprised.

"You sure?" Goofy asked, much sadder.

"Yeah," I tapped my head, "Photographic memory, remember? I would remember if Mickey showed up."

"I suppose so…" Goofy mumbled.

"You're welcome to wait, he'll probably come eventually, just to update master on what he's been doing. Though Masters still not too happy with him." I shrugged.

"We'll do just that. Thank you." Donald walked down the steps, sitting down.

I sighed, "I meant inside," he didn't hear me, but Goofy chuckled.

"We'll come inside soon; Donald's just worried. The king is our old friend." He reassured me.

"Well, alright," I looked away from Donald's sitting figure up to Goofy, "Tell Max I said hi."

He smiled, "Of course."

Goofy joined Donald, sitting on the steps and I shook my head not understanding their stubbornness not to just wait inside. I closed the door and walked back up to master's office.

He'd been stressed lately, apparently, Master Eraqus' disciples had been sent out long ago, and Eraqus had been worried, saying that one of his apprentices had left without his say so and he was very worried about him.

I got to his office a while after I started climbing the stairs, the long things. Walking in I passed master who was still looking stressed, certainly feeling worried.

But I quietly resumed my work, along with Keyblade training master also taught me things like math and science, English, and even history on the worlds and the universe.

Donald and Goody barged in a little later with a new person too, he was blond and just a little taller than Goofy.

I don't know why, but he looks familiar. Especially his blue eyes. Master called him Ventus.

They talked for a while, but it wasn't my conversation, so I went back to my math work.

Master had picked up that I might be smarter than others my age, thus right now I'm learning multiplication.

It was easy to get the concept, and easier to remember what the equations were once I memorized the multiplication table.

I ended up hearing their conversation anyway, it was about Mickey and how Ventus was one of Eraqus' apprentices and how Mickey was in danger.

They finished up their conversation and Ventus left, but I couldn't shake the fact that I recognized him from my brain.

So I turned in my math work and went after him, yelling to him to stop when he was halfway down the first set of stairs. Good, I caught him before he went through a portal.

"Ventus, was it?"

He hesitated, "Yeah, can I help you?"

I inhaled, "It's nothing really, just that you look very familiar."

He looked confused, "I do?"

"Yes," I told him, "I'm sorry I was just wondering if I talked to you I would know why."

"I'm sorry," he looked down.

"Don't be," I wave my hand. "Good luck in finding Mickey."

"Thanks," I turned away from him, going back up the stairs, still bothered that he looked familiar.

"If it helps," he didn't have to yell, I heard him because the walls echoed his voice, "You look familiar to me too, kinda."

He smiled at me before turning away, racing down the stairs and through the portal door.

I was left on those stairs, furrowing my eyebrows. I was familiar to him too?


It was the day after, when another of Eraqus's disciples showed up. This time they were accompanied by an unconscious Mickey.

Her name was Aqua, appropriate for her Aqua blue hair. With bright blue eyes and tan skin. She was tall too, taller than mom for sure.

Master had to give her the bad news, yesterday evening master felt Eraqus disappear.

He was struck down. For some inexplicable reason that hit me very close, but not out of fear or pity, not even sorrow for a lost life.

Just, it hit my heart in a weird way. Especially when I heard the master was struck down by people closest to him.

It pained me. A sharp pain, so bad it caused my head to hurt too.

I shook it off, I didn't like that.


They don't come back for a while. The disciples of Eraqus. It's a long time before Mickey returns with them, one being comatose and the other desperate to find her other lost friend and set things right.

Ventus' bodies slouched on the floor, but the closer I got to him, the more I felt like I shouldn't. It's not his time to come home yet.

It's the work of Sora, it has to be. He's kind, accepting Ventus into his heart.

So then, why do I feel it too? Is it because we're twins? Or because Sora and I are close?

Master gives Aqua advice, which she takes and plans to follow. Mickey and Aqua together, planned to believe in Ven with all their hearts. Love him.

"I'll do it too, and rest assured, we'll keep him safe," I put a hand on Aqua's hand. I hope this simple comfort will help.

She puts her hand on mine, "Thank you, but," she looked towards him, "I think there's a better place to keep him."

I nod, though that isn't what I meant. If I re-explained I fear she'd try to get Ven's heart back in its place right away, damaging it even further.

She left with Ventus's body, and that was the last time I ever saw the apprentices of Eraqus.


Mickey was different after what had transpired at the Keyblade graveyard, which master had yet to tell me of what events took place there.

He was sadder, and when he came to hang out and play with me he looked even sadder when he saw my Keyblade.

He kept promising me that he'd find me a better place too, one where I could still be a kid, one where I'm not training every day and all my time is consumed by that training.

I told him I didn't mind at first, but it always made him look more depressed. So I stopped telling him that, just nodding along instead.

My training kept up, master seemed more conscious of how old I was, he made a comment too, about how small I was.

I'm perfect size for my age, probably. I mean, I'm a little smaller than Riku, but girls are always smaller, right? I should be fine.

Things changed, the schedule being one, training started later, at seven instead of four. Then master taught me from ten to two. Then it was training again until five.

It was strange how things changed after the disciples disappeared. I know that Terra was lost, and Ven was asleep, but Aqua would've found Terra by now, right?

Weren't they just living their lives? Their friend would join them soon enough, they had to know that, right?

I sighed and continued today's training, master was letting me fight against basic heartless today.

There was just one, it's black frame looked like a stuffed animal, if it weren't for the inky blackness, antennae, and yellow dot eyes with no shine. Nothing behind them.

I'm scared of it. I know that for a fact. It inched closer to me and I took a step back before it swung at me, I blocked it with my keyblade before it backs off.

It doesn't feel right to attack it, it feels even worse to block it, for some odd reason.

It came at me again and I tried to block it, but the keyblade was knocked out of my shaky grip and I fell to the ground. The heartless disappeared.

"If that were a real heartless, (Y/n), you would have died, heart torn from body," master Yen Sid told me.

It wasn't real, and yet I was still afraid of it. Still couldn't do anything against it.

I don't know what this feeling is, and I don't like it.

Master helped me up and we retired for the day. My spirit has been lowered, my soul hurts. My heart, I don't know what it feels.

Shouldn't it be the other way around?

I sigh, I just don't know anymore.


The walk down to the beach wasn't long, we lived close to the coast. When we got there, a ship was waiting. It was blocky and colorful, and it reminded me of when Sora would draw, and that was comforting.

Comforting. Comforting, sad, terrified. How could someone feel all these things at once?

A being stood by the ship, he looked like a mouse, with big, black ears and a big nose. He had big shoes on and black clothing that had way too many zippers.

What was it with strangers wearing black on hot days?

"...You'll take good care of her, right? She'll be safe?" I was still holding her hand, I could feel her shake. I could hear her voice choke up.

It's times like this, that I wish I was like Sora, who was like everyone else our age, who wouldn't remember this. And, most of all, would be able to make mom feel better.

I squeezed her hand, saying nothing as she squeezed mine back, too tightly.

"Of course! But are you sure about this? She's only four. We don't have to start training now! I can protect this world fine!" His voice was high-pitched and squeaky. It reminded me of the cartoons I and Sora watch.

"I can't ask that of you, Mickey. You already juggle too much with your kingdom and being a Master. Besides... I don't think we can postpone training." Mom squeezed my hand more, I flinched and she relaxed her grip fully, looking down at me to see if I was okay. I gave her my best reassuring nod.

"Ah, right, that. Are you sure that it was that one though? Who knows, it could have just looked like–"

"It was that one." Mom cut off Mr. Mickey.

"I see." Visibly, he deflated.

An awkward silence washed over the beach like the splashing waves and I looked in between them. Unclasping my hand from Mom's I walked closer to Mr. Mickey.

"If it's for my brother, Mr. Mickey, I don't care. I might only be four, but I promise I'll work hard!" I exclaimed. "Put your faith in me! I won't disappoint you!" I gripped the necklace and stared him in the eyes.

I disappointed him, Mickey. I'm sorry.