
Saiyan King Brokuta

King of the Saiyans

13DeaDJackal · Komik
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Avalanche Fall & a Dragon Rises

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Here we Go!!!!!


Upon seeing their fallen comrade, fear and instinct were the only things left in the Furies. One of their strongest members had fallen, one whom they recognized as a New God nonetheless.

Brokuta looked at Steppenwolf's fallen head with detest and spoke, "To think that with your power level, you have such high self-esteem and even go as far as to call yourself a New God. Well, that might be right for this universe, but a new level of power is in town. You will all fall before me."

In a Vegeta-like style, similar to the Budokai in the Majin Boo Saga, Brokuta put his right arm up and blasted, causing an explosion that none of the Furies could avoid, not even if they tried to put up a Boom Tube at the last second. The explosion was double in size compared to the one that killed the Perademons, but it had about the same amount of power. Brokuta had only one intention in mind when he did this - to destroy his enemies. As the explosion cleared, only skeletons could be seen.

"Brokuta, don't you think that was overkill?" Vados asked as she approached the two guards behind her, carrying Gundam Barbados.

"What are you talking about, Vados? Didn't you say you wanted to take pictures? Their skeletons are good enough for pictures."

"I guess so... anyways, since you killed the uncle, are you going to kill the nephew as well?"

"I'm already annoyed with this, and I know he's the one who sent them, so of course. Now, all of you, grab on. I'm going to use Instant Transmission to find him."

Hearing this, they did as he instructed. Brokuta put two fingers on his head and seemed to be in a focused state.


As he spoke those words, they all vanished. In an instant, they appeared in an enclosed room with a throne. No one seemed to be home, at least to the naked eye.

"Come out. I know you're there. You're the only one with a high power level other than us. How do you think I found you, huh?" Brokuta smirked as he spoke. This prompted someone to walk out of the shadow close to the throne.

"Who are you? Who dares to challenge Darkseid?" Darkseid asked, looking at Brokuta.

"To you, it's Brokuta, but to your uncle, I was someone who showed him where the graveyard was, since he couldn't find it himself," said Brokuta. Just after saying that, he showed Darkseid a picture of Steppenwolf's lifeless body, and burst out laughing, rolling on the floor.

Darkseid responded, "Don't compare me with that low-life of a general. Come forth if you dare."

Brokuta stopped laughing and stood up, looking at Darkseid.

He didn't see him as an opponent, but he didn't like to bully the weak. "Give me your best shot. I will not move from this spot. Come on, with that big head, I bet avalanches slip off it every day!" taunted Brokuta.

Darkseid's eyes turned red with anger as he said, "No one dares mock Darkseid!" and shot an Omega beam at Brokuta. But an almost white translucent shield appeared just in time to protect Brokuta.

"Is that all, pussy lips? Or did your mama not have any?" taunted Brokuta again.

Looking infuriated by these comments, Darkseid lunged forward and threw a left fist, which Brokuta stopped with his pinky finger. He kept stopping the punches coming at him with his pinky, but soon grew bored and crossed his arms.

Five minutes must have passed as Brokuta looked like a bored Saitama. Darkseid was still punching and shooting Omega beams, but he had a look of displeasure and fear. Brokuta looked at him, which didn't go unnoticed as Darkseid tried to back up.

"Oh no, ding dong, click clack, your time is up! I'm not one to entertain the weak, but since you held your head so high, it's time to know what it means to suffer yourself," said Brokuta.

A red beam of Ki formed on Brokuta's fingertip, which he shot at Darkseid's leg. Darkseid fell to the ground, but he pulled himself up by flying. Another beam appeared and hit him right in the chest, which was shortly followed by five more. Even though the beam cured the wound that it caused, his body looked like it was going to melt at any second.

Looking behind Darkseid, the back that had the throne, the interior became exterior as molten slags could be seen behind him and through the holes in his body. As he fell to the ground, Brokuta looked at Vados and said, "Hey, Vados, get a picture of this!"

Just when Brokuta let his guard down, an Omega beam hit the back of his head, which seemed to only leave a clean spot of baldness. Brokuta put one hand on the clean spot on the back of his head while turning around. "You dare try to make me go bald? I came here to see if you were strong, not for a haircut! I will make you pay this instant!"


But just when Brokuta's power level seemed to rise, Vados spoke out. "You know he's already dead, right?" Brokuta stopped and looked, and indeed, that was the case as the lifeless body was on the ground, but that didn't stop his anger about going bald at the back of the head. Brokuta did not notice that everything had crumbled around him as the sky looked clear with sunlight shining.

Brokuta looked at Vados, Zeni No.1, and Zeni No.2 as he spoke. "Go eliminate any creatures with Ki that you find on this planet. I don't want anybody finding out what is about to happen. Tomorrow is when everything starts."

Still mad about what happened to his hair, Brokuta saw all of them nodding in agreement as they disappeared in an instant. Not a second later, screams could be heard starting close and started reaching throughout the planet.

"I should have killed him from the start. Messing up my hairstyle does matter, but it will grow back. Now that the wish to split my soul is going to be very handy. Just think about leaving my soul in Vegeta's body and defuse…"

Just then, he closed his eyes, and soon what followed was one being splitting into three in a flash. Goku, Broly, and Vegeta stood side by side in the rubble that they had caused.

"Now, let's see, Broly and Goku, raise your hand." Just as he said, they raised their hands. "Good, good. This will work just great. I think I don't need to say anything, so let's begin."

They all stood on three corners close to each other in the shape of a triangle, stretching their hands up front as instructed. Brokuta then instructed them to close their eyes. In the "Language of the Gods," he transferred the vision of what he wanted to create, Super Shenron, and thought about the settings for it.

Name: Super Shenron Brokuta.

You can only speak the language of the gods from Dragon Ball.

You will grow and shrink as I command.

You will only grant my wishes and the wishes of those I permit.

You will stay in a designated area after a wish is granted.

You will respond only to the following invocation: "Eternal Dragon, For One Who Calls Your Name Has PEAZ AND CHERROTS."

With all of this in mind, I signal to Broly and Goku to pour their energy into creating the sculpture of Super Shenron.

From a distance, three Saiyans can be seen powering up, causing the ground to break under the pressure. One of them has silver hair, while the other two have green and dark purple hair. The atmosphere around them becomes so dense that the ground forms a crater full of cracks. The three of them float just above the ground. In the middle, a sculpture begins to take shape, turning gold. The entire dimension begins to feel shock waves.

Soon, nothing can be heard, nothing can be seen. Where there was once a planet, there is now a dead planet split in half. But soon, six glowing eyes turn into one. The figure finishes the sculpture and, with one last push, expels almost all of their energy into it. At the last moment, all that is seen is their body turning pink.

The figure is none other than Brokuta. Brokuta has turned into Kid Boo? The last thing that is heard from them is the Language of the Gods: "Eternal Dragon, For One Who Calls Your Name Has PEAZ AND CHERROTS'. NOW COME FORTH AND GRANT YOUR MASTER'S WISH."

As those last words are heard, golden light begins to hit the ground and a dragon begins to soar into the sky. But just as it is about to pass the size of the planet, Brokuta closes their hands, causing the dragon to shrink to the size of a normal Shenron.

"Well, that took a bit," I say. Looking at the soaring golden dragon with wings reminds me of my power. After all, it is only as powerful as its creator. Now, to business. "Bro, do me a favor and bring me planet Vegeta with all the Saiyans before it was destroyed. My second wish is for you to create the Null dimension where I can snap to open a portal to it at any time with the option to turn on and off the 10 Commandments from the anime 'No Game No Life'... except for Commandments number 1, while also having Planet Vegeta in the Null realm. You took my energy, so now that your belly is full, it's time for you to do the work. When you're done, the Super Dragon Balls are to orbit Planet Vegeta."

Super Shenron Brokuta looked like he had been caught red-handed going to the kitchen at midnight. Ha wouldn't blame him but taking almost all my energy… and had to resort to turning into Kid Boo so I won't die in space. he knows that I will cook him… if he doesn't work for the food that has been provided.

"My apologies, master. It was not my intention to almost deplete your reserves. As you will, both your wishes will be granted. Now, obey, master," spoke Shenron.

As those words were spoken, Shenron dissipated and the seven Dragon Balls, the size of Earth, zoomed through a crack in reality. However, what was in front of Brokuta, as Kid Boo, was a dead planet split in half, which only made him smile with a big smirk. Another second went by as he heard a voice.

"Well, not what I was expecting, but it didn't seem to take you long," said Vados, looking at Brokuta as Zeni No. 1 and Zeni No. 2 stood behind her.

"Well, I would do it again if I knew he was gonna crack this planet like an eggshell," replied Brokuta.

This prompted Vados to ask him another question. "How many do you plan to destroy?"

Brokuta looked like he was about to die laughing. "I don't know. I'm not a math guy. I won't really count it."

Vados seemed to understand the reference and only smiled back. Brokuta as Kid Boo spoke again, "Now, let's go make me the new King of the Saiyans and the new God of Destruction of the Null realm," said Brokuta as Kid Boo.