
Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

The One Piece world's kingdom rankings are here! Which is the richest kingdom in the world? Answer: Dragon Kingdom! Which country has the most resources in the world? Answer: Dragon Kingdom! Can you guess which country's king is the most beloved? Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom! "But it doesn't stop there! We also have the most scientists, the best education system, the highest productivity, and the best salaries in the world!" After the kingdom rankings were revealed! All eyes in the One Piece world are now on the Dragon Kingdom! Five Elders: "Such a perfect country needs the Holy Land's protection!" Aokiji, Garp, and Zephyr: "There is still justice in this world!" Gao Yang stood up and declared: "Everyone, remember, we also have the strongest military in the world. Think carefully before acting. Don't say I didn't warn you!" https://wap.faloo.com/1333204.html

Alex081904 · Komik
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79 Chs

Chapter 59 The Dragon King's Unconventional Gamble: Giving Away Rewards and Unraveling Alliances

Everyone saw Gao Yang's message and their eyes widened in shock.

Some even rubbed their eyes, thinking they had misread it.

The reward that everyone had been coveting was being given away to someone else? It wasn't just billions of berries or some Devil Fruits.

The King of the Dragon Kingdom was giving away sky screen rewards.

This was insane!

No wonder the Five Elders had sent such messages when they saw Gao Yang's message.

This was something that no normal person would do.

Even if you were a good king like Cobra or Riku, would you give away your rewards if you had the chance?

Of course not!

[Whitebeard: Is the King of the Dragon Kingdom really going to give away the Rewards?! Marco, check it out for me, did I read that right?!]

Whitebeard's eyes widened in disbelief as he stared up at the sky. 'I was wrong!' he thought.

'This guy is incredible! How can someone be so noble as to give away such huge benefits to other countries? I've never seen anyone like him before, except for Roger.'

"Dad, that's what he was trying to say!"

[Kaido: What the hell are you thinking, King of the Dragon Kingdom?!]

The King of the Dragon Kingdom might not be strong, but he's definitely not stupid.

So how the hell did he do something so stupid?!

[Morgans: Is the King of the Dragon Kingdom afraid of having too many resources and attracting more enemies? So he's giving up the rewards?]

[Loan Shark King: It's too late for him to do anything now! No, I take that back. It was too late the moment he revealed his ability!]

"What the hell is he thinking? Is he actually scared?"

At this point, Sengoku and the others were scratching their heads, trying to figure out what the hell Gao Yang was up to with his astonishing move.

[Gao Yang: "If you can guess what I'm thinking right now, you're a genius."]

He had the special ability to double any reward he got!

He previously got Sengoku a Magma-Magma Fruit from a random reward!

He got two himself, and he has more control over them!

When Rocks came back to life just now, the kingdom system sent him good news!

[Additional rewards will be generated, and the host will be rewarded with three resurrection opportunities! You can control it at will! It has arrived in your backpack!]

If the sky screen agreed, he would get double rewards, which would be much more than earning the rewards directly.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was targeted by so many forces, Gao Yang wouldn't want to do this.

He would just earn the rewards honestly.

After all, which country in the world is worth giving things away for nothing?

But now, the Giants seem pretty good.

They are a group of people who value love and righteousness.

Without any request, they are willing to help the Dragon Kingdom.

The people of the Dragon Kingdom also value kindness.

They will repay you with springs if you give them a drop of water.

If you treat me well, of course I want to treat you better. I will never let my friends down.

This will also disintegrate the momentum of many forces in the world that are about to sweep the Dragon Kingdom.

[Can. ] When the sky screen agreed, everyone's faces were stunned.

[Queen: He must be up to something. Even a dumb king would know how valuable the sky screen Rewards are. No way he'd give them away for free.

[Gao Yang: That just means our Dragon Kingdom is the most respected country out there!]

[Ninety-one percent approval rate, number one!]

The Five Elders, Kaido, and Im all looked pretty pissed when they saw the approval ratings.

They must have interfered with the voting of many kingdoms, but it didn't work!

The approval rating for the Dragon Kingdom was even higher than in the wealth list!

The Dragon Kingdom had a 91% approval rating.

This is a blatant slap in the face to the Five Elders and Kaido.

And many people voted for Elbaf out of sympathy, giving them a 5% approval rating.

Wanokuni, on the other hand, got only less than 4%

"These Wanokuni people are still unruly after so many years! When the time comes, I'll send them all to the mines to work until they drop dead!"

Kaido looked at the approval ratings and felt like a joke.

He had less than 4% of a percent approval rating!

He must have been laughed at by many people at this time.

But not everyone was laughing at him. Whitebeard and the Red Haired Pirates were openly mocking him

[Whitebeard: Pirates should stick to pirating, not interfering with other countries!]

[Red Hair: Where there is oppression, there is resistance. Violence cannot make people completely surrender.]

[Garp: Ha! Less than 4%! The people have good taste!]

[Kaido: You'll all see! I'll make you all regret this!]

[Rayleigh: We're in Wanokuni now, where are you?!]

[Aokiji: f**k! Did Rayleigh sneak into Wanokuni and kill everyone?!]

[Kizaru: That was fast! What kind of ability did he use?]

[Aunt: Rayleigh isn't a devil fruit user. There must have been more than one person with him.]

[Oden: Rayleigh!]

[Queen: Captain! Save me! They...]

Queen trailed off before he could finish his sentence. He probably passed out.

[Kaido: Rayleigh!!!]

[Rayleigh: You want to find me? Well, I'm coming for you! I'll find you wherever you are!]

Kaido didn't say anything. He just looked pissed.

[Garp: This is crazy!]

[Sengoku: With Jack and King gone, Rayleigh and the others have a chance to attack!]

Wanokuni is a tough place to invade, even for the Four Emperors.

The three disasters are a big part of that, but the strength of the defenders is also important.

Usually, the Four Emperors don't leave their base unless they have to.

Wanokuni is a different story.

There are three disasters that can cooperate with other combat forces and natural dangers to make it even harder to invade.

The other Four Emperors wouldn't be able to get in either.

But if one of them did try to invade, Kaido would come back quickly to defend his territory.

"We are going back, captain?" Black Maria asked

"Nah, we're taking over Dragon Kingdom! That'll be our new base"

Kaido thought about it for a moment and made a decision.

He already had a feeling something was up, otherwise he wouldn't have brought most of his forces to the Dragon Kingdom.

He just didn't expect Rayleigh and the others to be so fast.

But as long as he takes over the Dragon Kingdom, he can make up for all his losses.

Now he has no choice but to go all in.

[Gao Yang: I'm giving the reward to Elbaf!]

[Loan Shark King: You're insane!]

[Kizaru: Elbaf? Is it out of pity?]

[Sterry: Damn it, you stupid king! Give it to me! We're all from East Blue!]

[Roger: That's bold! Giving away such a huge reward!]

[Garp: It's rare in the world to be able to let go of such a huge benefit.]

[King of Giants: Huh?!]

[Dorry: Gao Yang-sama helped us again!]

[Brogy: His kindness is even greater this time!]

[Dorry: I need to catch some rarer creatures for him next time!]

The giant king can't believe what's happening! He got such a big benefit for free!

This is something that can strengthen the entire country!

He really gave it away!

[Resource List 1 rewards are distributed to the Kingdom of Elbaf! The land area is being increased, resources are being produced, and the national physical fitness is being improved...all increased to 20%!]

"My lord! A new land has been added to our coastline!"

"My lord! We got two more freshwater lakes!"

"My lord! I feel like I'm way stronger now!"

The giant king was stunned! This happiness came too quickly and suddenly!

At a time when Elbaf was in danger,

Long Guo actually helped them so selflessly!

This is a benefactor, a true ancestor!

[King of Giants: From now on anyone who messes with the Dragon Kingdom will have to face the wrath of our Elbaf warriors!

[Kaido: Hmph, so there was an ulterior motive. You're trying to win over the giants? Too bad you miscalculated. Elbaf is all the way at the end of the New World! They're too far away to help you, and they can't even protect themselves!]

[Loan Shark King: You need to see a doctor!]

[Bonney: So there's a benefit to being nice to the Dragon Kingdom? You don't have to plunder and invade to get what you want!]

Bonney's words suddenly made a lot of forces and kingdoms realize something.

[Cobra: War is hell. It's better to make friends with the Dragon Kingdom and reap the benefits of peace.]

[Neptune: I agree! With the resources and manpower of the Dragon Kingdom, they can definitely achieve great things in other fields.]

Gao Yang also chimed in with a timely comment.

[Gao Yang: If you're friends with the Dragon Kingdom, we'll hook you up with some sweet deals! But if you're enemies of the Dragon Kingdom, you'll regret it!]

[Ghost Mother-in-Law(who's this?): You're so generous, Gao Yang! But those are just small favors compared to what you've done for me. I have a deal for you. I just want to regain my youth, and I don't want to fight for world dominance. If I kill an old guy who's hostile to your Dragon Country, can I have some angel potions?]

Gao Yang: Deal!

[Ghost Mother-in-Law(who's this?): Hehehe... I understand.]

Of course, friends! There are more than just one bottle of angel potion!

[Big Mom: Hey, ghost mother-in-law, you can't be serious about that kid's words!]

[Ghost Mother-in-Law(who's this?): My goals are different from yours.]

[Ochoku: Short-sighted woman!]

[Ghost Mother-in-Law(who's this?): Ah~ I think I have a goal now!]

The many forces that were just united by a powerful force are now starting to show cracks, thanks to Gao Yang's actions.

"So that's what it is! This is their real plan. The Dragon King is really cunning!"

"We may not have been allies at first, but we were all working towards the same goal. We all understood each other without saying a word. We wanted to put as much pressure on the Dragon Kingdom as possible!"

"But now..."

As soon as it exposed, the hidden distrust between the various forces that were against to the Dragon Kingdom was exposed!

Now, those guys have to watch their backs, because they don't know who might be plotting against them.

Sengoku couldn't help but admire the Dragon King's cleverness.

He had exposed the cracks in the alliance before it was even formed, and now those guys were going to be at each other's throats.

"You're a smart cookies. Even though you're young, you're not simple!"

After listening to it, Garp couldn't help but express his admiration.

"No wonder he was able to develop the Dragon Kingdom so well at such a young age! It's not just about having resources, but also having that unique ability! You have to be smart!"

"Even though the situation has changed, they're still weak, and it's still going to be tough for them."

Also, Rocks got revived, and Elbaf won, giving the kingdom a huge boost!

All for just a Devil Fruit! Who cares about the Lava-Lava Fruit? Dogs don't even eat that!

Compared to all that, the cheap ones are nothing!

[There are other kingdoms that get rewards in the system sky screen function of the Host! There are additional rewards generated, and the territorial area, natural resources, and strength of each Dragon Kingdom have increased by 40%!]

"That's really great! It's not a double increase, but it's still a 60% boost. For ordinary people, that might not be a big deal, but for the strong, it can make a big difference. In a battle of strength, it can make the fight even, or even give one side the advantage."

Gao Yang thought for a moment. He didn't plan to use the reward right away.

The Dragon Kingdom had just been promoted, and there were still many empty territories. They didn't have enough people to take care of them yet.

And there could be a war soon. If they lost their territories, they would lose their people too. That would be a big loss.

However, the reward for overall performance could be distributed now.

[This resource ranking is over, and the next kingdom ranking will start broadcasting in a few days! Advance notice, the next broadcast will be the kingdom troop ranking!]

[Top three kingdoms in the troop ranking!]

[NO.1 Alabasta!]

[NO.2 Totto Land]

[NO.3 Dragon Kingdom!]

[Rocks: One day? That's almost enough time for me to get to East Blue!]

[Sengoku: This time, they even gave us advance notice!]

[Garp: Kingdom Troop Ranking?! Do you have any idea what this is?]

Cobra looked at the preview, and his face lit up with excitement!

Their Alabasta had turned out to be number one!

[Aunt: I'm finally on the list! Mamama~

[Aokiji: Dragon Kingdom isn't number one this time?! I'm not used to it!]


What the heck? He just said that Dragon Congress would be number one in other fields!

So why did they suddenly become third?

They were first placed twice in a row, and now they're suddenly third!

I'm so confused...

[Big Mom: Hold up, that's not fair! What do you mean it's not number one?! Judging by the name of the ranking list, it's even weirder that Dragon Kingdom, a medium-sized country, can even make it onto this list! Logically speaking, they shouldn't even be in the top three!]