
Sage of Senju

"Destiny is like a river, where the weak find it hard to go against flow and if they stand in the way of the current they drown. I can't stop the flow of history from sinking them if they are in the open all I offer is a place to hide till the storm dies down." -- said the sage to the god. A child supposed to die in his mother's womb and a soul that was being washed of memories come together, born in the Shikkotsu forest watch as he seeks to get back his family, and how the encounters he has guide him to new possibilities.

NPCthatKILLS · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs


MC pov

Two years that's how long I've been living in the wet bone (shikkotsu) forest

In the past two years, a lot has changed, I have come to understand the foreign language of Japanese or was it the native language(?).

Anyway, apart from language, I have come to learn a few things first I was a premature baby like half the time in the oven kind of premature I had a great mother who loved me and was probably an amazing ninja and a genius as well given that I survived the past two years.

Secondly, according to Katsuyu my body is not well because of being underdeveloped from extremely premature birth it lacks some essential aspects a living being needs for basic survival in this world.

Now the first thing one would think of is the chakra which would have been true but apparently, my mother's final jutsu somewhat overcame that deficiency of mine and the only reason that I am alive is that my body uses some of the abundant natural energy I take in with each breath which means I can die just by leaving places with a high concentration of natural energy and the chakra from my mother's body coming through the umbilical cord(bye- bye my dream of travelling all over the world), how you ask well she made her casket into my crib.

Now I am trying to maintain a cheerful persona but I cried myself to sleep for months when I first learned what my mother did for me.

I was told by Lady Katsuyu that from the wounds she had one should have been a dead person but through sheer will she made a miracle for my survival I never had any parental affection in my life but for now I felt more than enough for both my lives and I am proud to be my mother's son so I made a promise to myself that no matter how long it takes I will have my mother in the world of living I know something like this is possible in my current world it just needs some special eye power or something.

Now in the past 2 years, a few changes have taken place first the casket was redesigned so now my mother lies in a fetal position in her casket that has wheels, I have improved the quality of my shed and the ground near my shed has been levelled, of course I didn't do it I asked for help from the animals it just took them a few hours.

I had begun turning over at 1 month old at four months I started crawling, walking at 8 months old and now at around 21 months I can pull the casket somewhat with a harness made of vines around my tummy and shoulders like a hiking bag strap.

And after 2 months of hard work, I have finally pulled my carriage and moved my shed to the lakeside and I finally got the chance to take a look at my face oh yeah and for those wondering about my hygiene well I had good nannies to take care of me you see I don't know where lady katsuyu called them from but my caretakers were from a tribe of sage monkeys so yeah I was washed and fed properly.

Now for my looks well I look like a handsome baby for now my hair appears to be black in color and well I can't really tell my facial features from my face with baby fat but I am a handsome baby alright.

Now for the past two years, I have spent most of my time learning language and training my crawling, walking and cart pulling but aside from that since I learned about my survival and its dependency on natural energy I tried to ask about the sage mode from katsuyu and she discouraged me to practice it since I have no control over my chakra.

And after some discussions with her, I decided to focus on meditation to clear my thoughts, enhance my mind, my attunement to natural energy and try to figure out how the resonance created by my mother's technique works so I can survive on my own because according to katsuyu my mother can only provide me for 4 more years so I have to find my way to survive.

And so four more months passed and I have practiced meditation and sensing of natural energy for a total of 11 months.

I felt my mind become sharper my mood swings have calmed a lot and I can now maintain a more peaceful state of mind my memory has improved.

Now I can somewhat sense my physical state which helped with physical training as I now know when to stop or continue for best results, but just as I thought things would go on like this my routine was disrupted when the animals informed me of a human's arrival.

An unexpected visitor has come to the forest and believe me, it certainly wasn't someone I expected.

(A.N.- and so the plot begins)