
Sage of Senju

"Destiny is like a river, where the weak find it hard to go against flow and if they stand in the way of the current they drown. I can't stop the flow of history from sinking them if they are in the open all I offer is a place to hide till the storm dies down." -- said the sage to the god. A child supposed to die in his mother's womb and a soul that was being washed of memories come together, born in the Shikkotsu forest watch as he seeks to get back his family, and how the encounters he has guide him to new possibilities.

NPCthatKILLS · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs

Chapter 0 - Prologue



As I sat down next to the boy, I asked him the question that weighed on my mind: "Naruto, can you answer a question of mine?"





said Naruto as he continued eating his bowl of noodles.



"I want to save someone's life, but I don't know if I should do it," 

I confided, seeking his advice.



"Are they bad people?" 

asked Naruto.



"No, they are good people," 

I replied.



"Then go save them," 

answered Naruto without hesitation.



"But saving him might put many others in danger," 

I said, sharing my dilemma.



"So, what's the problem?" 

asked Naruto, appearing confused.



"Ugh~ what do you mean? The problem is saving them might cause others to be in danger, like I said." 

I repeated for him.



"I don't see if it's a problem; you can just protect the others from danger too,"

 Naruto said as if stating the obvious.



"But what if I am not strong enough to protect them?" 

I asked.




"Ah! Then since you know it, you just have to train harder and be strong enough," said Naruto as if my worry was something trivial.



"What if I am unable to become strong enough?"

I prodded further asking the question that was pushing me into a spiral of uncertainty.



"Then I, Naruto Uzumaki, will help you! Dattebayo. You can trust me; I am the man who will become the Hokage one day," said Naruto with a smile as he pointed his thumb to his chest.



Seeing the smile on that child's face, I don't know why I felt something within me. 



'I see, so this is what Godfather probably felt when he decided to believe in me.'


"I see. Thank you, Naruto, but no! Since I decided to do it, I will do it myself." 




I said to Naruto as I sighed at myself and let go of the pathetic worries that clouded me along with that breath.



"Are you sure you don't want my help? I am a ninja academy student," asked Naruto proudly.



"No boy, you're still too young to deal with the matters of grown-ups, and compared to you, I am much stronger," 


I said, giving him a grin as I got up from my seat.



"What? You wanna fight? I will prove who is stronger, right now," 

Naruto said as he waved his chopsticks.



"Maybe when you grow up, but I will try to ensure I am stronger than you."


'Because as long as I am strong enough, all problems aren't much of a problem.'


"No way," Naruto said as he jumped down from his seat.



"Since you treated me to a meal today and helped me with my problem, I will prepare a big gift for you. Look forward to it," I said while still feeling the gaze of disdain and disapproval from Ichiraku's closed Ramengan, which had been focused on me during the entire mealtime.



Seeing the trouble Naruto might try to cause, I used 'Flying Raijin' and disappeared from the place. Standing at the top of Hokage Rock, I watched Naruto looking around for me as I firmed my resolve. I will do what I believe is right, and any trouble that happens, I will just have to get strong enough to suppress it all.



As I looked down at the face carved upon the mountain, I remembered that ever-smiling face of Godfather.


'I think I kind of understand why Godfather never faced problems.'


 Maybe because he was strong enough that what might have been a huge problem for others was just a small trouble for him. He could solve it with a clap of his hands, and if a clap wasn't enough, he just had to clap a few more times.