
Sacred Moon Alpha

Seperated from his parents and his clan right from when he was born; Ryan, unaware of his true identity, grew up and lived with a couple, James and Stella Smith, in New York City.. Ryan's foster parents ain't rich nor poor but they made sure that Ryan never lacked anything and he was grateful for that.. He thought that he had a normal life... not until he turned 18, something unimaginable happened... What will happen when Ryan finds out that the people he'd known all his life and considered as parents aren't his real parents?.. What will happen when Ryan discover his true identity?.. What do you think happened when Ryan turned 18?.. Stay tuned to find out

Anthonia_Charles · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Chapter sixteen

★★★Author's POV★★★

Alexa cleared her throat and spoke up..

"Many years ago, King Stephen and queen Luna, your true parents, ruled the Werewolves kingdom with love and kindness. The werewolves loved and cherished their king and queen so much because of their kind hearts as peace reigned in our kingdom. The king and queen loved each other so much although, there seemed to be a little problem, the queen was having problems in child bearing.. Every night, she cried and prayed for a child while being consoled by her personal maid and closest friend, Lisa... The moon goddess heard the queen's cry for a child and blessed her with one.. Nine months later, they had you. The king was filled with happiness and he threw a big feast to celebrate" Alexa paused for a while and sighed then continued..

"The news of your birth spread out like wildfire and, unfortunately, came across the vampires kingdom. Damon, the ruler of vamp kingdom was really furious.. Him and his armies attacked the kingdom that night.. they wanted to kill the crown prince.. they wanted to kill you" Alexa paused and stared at Ryan, whose eyes had widened a little out of shock and confusion to what Alexa said "They.. wanted to kill me?" Alexa nodded "but why?" "because! you were blessed by the moon goddess with unimaginable powers.. making you stronger than any other supernatural creature.. You're like a God on earth.. Damon saw you as a threat to him and wanted to end your life but unfortunately, your parents lost their lives while trying to save your life.. They succeeded in keeping you safe but they didn't make it" Alexa sighed sadly "When Damon discovered that you were still alive, he sent his spies across the two worlds: the supernatural world and the human world; to find and capture you but we were fast enough to know what he was up to, so we sent our own spies to find you and bring you down here for safety.. Looks like we came just in time" Alexa smiled while Ryan, on the other hand, was trying to sink in everything that Alexa just said.. "so I really am a prince huh" Ryan thought as he scoffed in his heart.. Suddenly he remembered something.. or Someone •_<

He raised his head and stared at Alexa and asked "where's Alicia?" Alexa sighed "sorry but.. the vampires have her" "WHAT!! I've gotta go save her! she could be in danger!" Ryan tried to stand up from the bed but Alexa stood up and pushed him back "No you can't go now!" Ryan furrowed his brow "And why?" "because you're not ready yet" "Of course I'm ready" "No you're not! you can't just barge in the Vamp's territory like this.. you're not physically or mentally strong yet.. you have to undergo some serious training before you can be considered ready" Alexa said as Ryan closed his eyes and sighed. As much as he hate to admit it; She was right. He knew that he wasn't strong enough. He made up his mind to undergo the training. He looked up at Alexa and asked "Ok, when do I start?" Alexa smiled and answered "when you get better" Ryan nodded "o..k, but who's gonna train me?" "Oh John will" Alexa said smiling while patting gently on the shoulder of the brown skinned guy.. The guy gazed at Ryan with his silver eyes and a wicked smirk on his face. Ryan gulped, having a feeling that things ain't gonna end well..

"umm Serena" Alexa called out "Yes madam Alexa" "I need a helping hand in organising some things in my tent please, if you don't mind" "but of course not madam, I'd love to help you out" Serena stood up and walked away with Alexa, leaving Ryan all alone with John.. John crossed his arms and walked towards Ryan; his silver eyes gazed hard at Ryan "Have enough rest for today prince.. because it's gonna be a LONG, PAINFUL day tomorrow" he smirked and turned, walking towards the exit, he turned and smirked-scoffed at Ryan before walking out of the tent while Ryan gulped hard at nothing.. "Oh dear God please save me" he thought in his mind as he felt chills running down his spine..

★★Meanwhile in human world★

"honey!! where's Ryan?!" Stella yelled out to james, whose was in the kitchen as she sat down on the coach. James walked out of the kitchen, holding a glass of water "oh he texted me that he's heading to the amusement park that just opened downtown with a friend of his.. so he'll be coming back home a little late" James replied as he took a sit on the coach, close to Stella. "oh" was all Stella could reply. "Go on sweetie, turn on the TV, it's almost time for the evening news" James said. Stella nodded and grabbed hold of the remote, turning the TV on.

*Reporter: In other news, tragedy strikes as the newly opened amusement park "Fun land" had been attacked by unknown creatures.. Many dead, few injured.. Investigators are still investigating on the matter.. The local authorities still have no clue on where the strange creatures came from and why they came... They assured us that they will get to the bottom of all this"

Stella turned off the TV in shock "j..James, isn't that the park that y..you told me that r..ryan went to?" Stella stuttered in fear .. James, also shocked from the news, nodded slowly.. Stella gasped and covered her mouth, her eyes brimmed with tears "Ryan!" She yelled and stood up, running towards the door, opened it and ran out.. James stood up as well and chased after her..

They arrived at the amusement park. There were police cars and ambulance. Some investigators were inspecting the dead bodies of the strange creatures.. Stella didn't care about all those things; all she cared about was her son. She tried to enter the crime scene but got stopped by a cop "sorry ma'am, no one's allowed to enter" "please officer I need to check if my son is okay.. if he's still alive!" Stella begged as tears rolled down her cheeks "sorry ma'am, no can do" the officer refused..

Stella covered her face and cried the more.. She can't accept it.. she just can't.. James walked up to her and hug her "it's gonna be okay honey.. just calm down" he tried to console her as his eyes also brimmed with tears "How do you expect me to calm down when our son is..." Stella choked on her tears, unable to say or accept the fact. James cooed her "it's ok... we can still go to the police station and report about our missing son" Stella looked up at James "yes you're right!.. Let's not waste any more time.. let's go" Stella hurried her words and she and James hurriedly went to the police station....