
Sacred Moon Alpha

Seperated from his parents and his clan right from when he was born; Ryan, unaware of his true identity, grew up and lived with a couple, James and Stella Smith, in New York City.. Ryan's foster parents ain't rich nor poor but they made sure that Ryan never lacked anything and he was grateful for that.. He thought that he had a normal life... not until he turned 18, something unimaginable happened... What will happen when Ryan finds out that the people he'd known all his life and considered as parents aren't his real parents?.. What will happen when Ryan discover his true identity?.. What do you think happened when Ryan turned 18?.. Stay tuned to find out

Anthonia_Charles · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter seventeen: Meeting Jayden (Discovering my mate 1)

*********Alicia POV**********

It's so dark in this stupid dungeon that I can't even tell if it's dusk or dawn.. Gosh I'm so hungry.. I feel so weak and helpless.. I've lost all hope in trying to escape this place.. My hands are starting to become sour and hurts from being chained this long.. I sighed heavily and rested my back on the cold wall of the dungeon.. Then I suddenly remembered something..

Today.. I turned 18..

So far, this has been the worst birthday of my life.. Alot of bad things happened.. I feel like my birthday is a curse.. I'm a bad luck.. "if it weren't for me and my bad luck, Ryan would've..." I choked on a sob "oh Ryan I'm so sorry!" .. What is my fate now?.. why did these weird creatures capture me? what do they want from me? Are they planning on kill me?.. My mind was filled with so many thoughts.. Well, before they can kill me, I would've died of hunger by then..

Suddenly I heard the dungeon doors open, I flinched in fear and looked up and saw someone walking in, carrying a tray of food. The person came closer and I figured out that it was a guy "Hi" he said as he placed the tray of food in my front. I stared down at the food and felt like shedding tears of joy ಥ‿ಥ .. I'm not going to starve after all.. The aroma of the food was so mouth watering and I started salivating "I figured you might be hungry so I brought you this" the guy said again but my focus was on the food. I couldn't wait to dig in.. I tried to grab the spoon but I couldn't because my hands was chained "oh.. forgot about that.. here, lemme help" the guy offered and squatted down in front of me and that was when I had a proper look on his face..

Holy Jesus of San Francisco! he's the most cutest creature I've ever seen, golden eyes, long silky black hair which he packed into a ponytail but left some strands to fall in his face, smooth skin, pure red lips, long lashes, pointed nose, perfect cheekbone and oval face.. Newsflash.. He was a work of art.. I didn't even realize that I was drooling over him until I felt a hand gently pat my shoulder, jolting my out of my daydream. I saw that our faces were just inches apart, he suddenly tilted his head and sniffed my neck "smells so good" he muttered. My face reddened. He looks at my flushed face and let out a soft chuckle. My heart skipped couple beats hearing that captivating voice.. Why am I suddenly feeling this way towards a total stranger?.. Is staying in these dungeon finally made me lose my mind?..

I shook my head and stared at him "didn't you offer to.. feed me?" I muttered but somehow he heard me "oh yeah! sorry" he chuckled nervously and grabbed a spoonful of food and positioned it towards my mouth. I gladly opened my mouth as he fed me.

"I'm Jayden by the way" "nice to meet you Jayden.. I'm Alicia" I smiled softly. "pretty name for a pretty lady" My face flushed red. He laughed a little and gently patted my head "cute". I faced down as I felt my face heating up once more.

I was done eating as Jayden picked up the tray and kept it aside and sat down beside me as we began chatting... I've gotta admit, Jayden is a really funny guy, he told me stories of how his stubbornness sometimes lands him in trouble; I couldn't help but LMAO (Laugh my ass off)..

"So.. how did you get here?" he suddenly asked. I sighed heavily and narrated everything that happened "and that's how I ended up here; in this fucking ass dungeon".. "oh.. sorry you had to go through all that" "that's ok.. at least I had you to keep me company" I smiled at him as he smiled back at me, revealing.. dimples!!.. Can this guy get any cuter?!!..

We sat down there in silence for like 10 minutes when suddenly he stood up "well, I guess I'd better get going" "but why so soon?.. can't you stay a little longer, I'm really enjoying your company" I whined and pouted. "I wished I could but.." . I furrowed my brow "but what?" . "My.. dad doesn't know that I came here.. and if he finds out, he might get mad at me for spending my time with a prisoner.. no offence" I felt hurt when he called me a prisoner, I mean, I know I am.. but why did it hurt when he called me that?..

I sighed heavily and faced down, feeling sad "it's okay.. I understand" I muttered. I guess he noticed my mood and sighed. He squatted in front of me and held my face with care "hey.. don't feel sad.. I promise to come see you soon" he said softly as he gently caressed my cheek with his thumb. I felt like a thousand butterfly are flying happily in my tummy. I slowly nodded "okay". He smiled and pecked my forehead and stood up, after picking the tray of empty plates, he opened the dungeon doors and left..

My head was swimming with thoughts; "who is he exactly?!" "why do I feel so drawn to him" I asked no-one in particular..