
Ryan Morgan: Love Contract

Slice of life novel of a power couple with mystery, twists and suspense that won't let you sleep! Ryan is the youngest and least accomplished of the world-renowned fashion tycoon Lady Elizabeth's grandsons. Out of nowhere, he is given a chance to inherit her multi-billion dollar wealth—but there is a catch to it. He needs a wife to compete in his stead. Unfortunately, Ryan doesn't even have a girlfriend yet. Before his Grandma returns to their hometown to perform the selection, he has a week to find the perfect wife. But... Will his mysterious urges even allow him to find love? What if they turn out to be something only written in fairy tails, something that will change his life forever? _____________ Advance Chapters on Patreon --> Patreon.com/Piokilek Drop me a coffee -> ko-fi.com/Piokilek Author's Insta -> instagram.com/piokilek Discord -> https://discord.gg/mFmYwyT

Piokilek · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs

First Meeting

Hearing his mom's voice, Ryan only glanced behind at the doors before returning to Rose, pinning her back to the bed. She was getting up on instinct but he didn't let her.

"Ryan, your mom came…" Rose informed anxiously, looking down at their naked bodies.

"Mom! I'm coming! Wait for a second!" He called out at the doors in response before whispering to her, "I need to hear a reply. I won't let go until you tell me. Will you follow me?"

Rose stopped struggling so he let go of her shoulders and leaned down, giving her a sweet peck as he brushed against her lips, softly and delicately, like butterfly wings. The feel of warmth still lingered even after pulling away and supporting himself on his arms so he could stare into her eyes from up close.

"Didn't we have a deal to help each other…?" Rose asked back after a moment of silence. "I am ready to explore the world with you. I told you that before."

"I know but the situation changed. My grandma doesn't seem like someone who doesn't get what they want, even if she has to use force. She also seemed really adamant about making you her successor," Ryan explained. "You have only two choices to choose from. You can either follow me but gamble with the chance of turning into a Vampire or run."

"Run…?" Rose questioned surprised. "I don't want to leave you…"

He smiled at that, unable to resist the temptation of biting on her lips once again. He was rougher this time, his lips squashing against hers as if trying to destroy anything on their path. Her mouth opened as if to cry in alarm but his tongue pushed past her teeth, shutting her lips tight.

Each time their lips touched, it was like a new experience, pushing them to discover new techniques and explore their tastes. His constant advances made Rose accept anything he tried, pushing their limits even further.


Both breathed out deeply when they separated, rubbing their noses as if ready for another round.

"Silly… You are not going to run alone…" Ryan assured as he gently grazed her cheek with his thumb. "No matter what you decide, I will follow you instead. There is no other option for us to be together. Either way, we will leave the city by the end of this week."

"Ryan… With the way you described your grandma, wouldn't she try to find us? We would be running forever… I don't want that…" Rose expressed worriedly. "Do you think we would be happy being on the run our whole lives? If your grandma decides to force us, we can only accept and hope for the better. As long as we stay united, we can fight off anything."

"So you will follow me?" Ryan asked excitedly, their noses almost touching.

Rose smiled sweetly and nodded, pulling his head down. She kissed him the way she liked it, soft and moist then hot and passionate. She didn't chase. She didn't race. She didn't try to win any battles.

She stole one breath after another till heat warmed up his cheeks and her sweetness filled his mouth, tangling and coiling around his tongue.

Knock, knock.

"Ryan, what takes you so long?"

Rose reacted to the repeated call from his mother, finally pulling his lips away but he didn't wish to move yet.

"Ryan…" She whispered as if to hurry him but he only smiled, staring at her face as he whispered, "Earlier, when I thought of leaving you, my head started to spin and I felt like something was eating me from the inside. I think you cursed me with that vow."

Rose pouted at his words and head-butted him lightly, suggesting, "Then maybe you shouldn't think about it because I'm not letting you leave me even if you want to…"

"Hehe, we will see if you continue to be a good girl," Ryan replied with a giggle and sat up, pulling her up with him, "Let's go, my mom has waited enough."

He only grasped her by the waist with one arm yet he was able to lift her up effortlessly, placing her on the floor. This was the first time he actually got a full look at her body and he had to admit she was extremely sexy, spiking up his desires.

"To think you were hiding such a great body under your clothes this whole time," Ryan commented shamelessly as he ogled his girlfriend without restrictions.

Even though he already inspected every corner of her body at night, he didn't remember any of that so his reaction was genuine. He embraced her and explored a bit, sliding with his palm all the way to her thigh.

"Didn't you have enough for today…?" Rose questioned, looking away from his hungry gaze but Ryan had an answer ready, replying with a grin.

"For us, men, it is never enough."

Too bad, Rose didn't buy it and only rolled her eyes, smacking his hands away, "Shoo, your mom is waiting."

She brushed him to the side to get to her clothes but just as she bent over to pick her shirt, Ryan's instincts kicked in.


A crisp sound filled the room as Rose's butt received its share of love.

Rose immediately strengthened and glared at him but before she could scold him, Ryan displayed his hands as if ready to be handcuffed and announced seriously, "I pledge guilty. I'm willing to receive punishment for the crime I committed. Either be it a hundred kisses or a thousand hugs, I will accept it."

"Pfft, how is that a punishment?" Rose called out with a smirk, making a mistake of smiling which Ryan quickly exploited.

"You smiled, I won. You can't scold me anymore," Ryan said playfully and walked away towards his wardrobe.

"Hey! That's not how it works," Rose complained but she couldn't erase the smile from her face, basically announcing his victory.

He pulled out a clean white jumper and walked back to her, ordering, "Lift your arms."

Rose seemed like she wanted to argue but then she looked at the doors with his mom still waiting and listened without complaints. The jumper was so big, acting as a dress on her. Based on her expression, she looked really comfy as she immediately wrapped her arms around herself, smiling at him.

"You can keep it," Ryan commented and wore his pants in two quick moves.

He didn't bother putting on any shirts and pulled Rose into his arms, walking towards the doors with her.

"You are not going to we—" Rose questioned but he quickly replied before she finished, "No need. I have you to warm me up."

Rose didn't reply anything to that and let him lead her freely.

He didn't tell her but he could hear each of her heartbeats and he figured she was anxious. After all, she was about to meet his mother. Thankfully, she calmed down a bit after his hug.


The door unlocked and they immediately heard his mother's scolding.

"Ryan. How long do you think I will wai—"

She was going off on him but the moment she saw Rose in his arms, she froze, changing her focus on her.


Her mouth shaped in a letter "O" as if she finally understood why she had to wait so long.

"Hey, Mom. We were still in bed when you came so it took a while," Ryan justified his delay, but his bluntness made Rose blush heavily.

She glared at him and subtly stepping on his foot as punishment before bowing to the tall brunette in front of her. "Good morning Mrs. Morgan. I'm Rose, Ryan's girlfriend. We talked over the phone yesterday."

His mom quickly beamed with smiles and brought Rose into her arms, calling out happily, "Ah, Rose! You are so pretty in real life too!"

She hugged Rose tightly while mouthing soundlessly to him behind her back. He was sure she said, 'She is so nice!'

He only smirked to that, knowing very well he won on a lottery.

"I always wanted to have a beautiful daughter but I was stuck with Ryan. Finally, my efforts of raising him paid off," his mother commented, caressing Rose's cheeks as if she was her own daughter.

"What a day to find I was an unwanted child," Ryan lamented sarcastically but his mother shushed him, snapping back at him, "Shh, did you finish packing already? I don't see your suitcases ready and the room is in the mess. You have fifteen minutes to clean everything and pack yourself."

After ordering sternly, she returned back to Rose, her tone softening to the maximum as she asked, "Rose, sweetie, how about you come with us and eat dinner at our home? My husband would love to meet you too."

"Actually… Ryan already invited me to come. I was supposed to help him pack and follow him back to his home," Rose explained the original plan, looking much more relaxed than before, the easy-going attitude of his mother influencing her.

"Perfect!" his mom exclaimed. "I will leave you two to pack and we will meet each other in the parking then. Do you have clothes to change?"

While asking, she looked at the floor where their clothes were all over the place and didn't wait for Rose's answer.

"Don't worry, we will pass near the mall on our way home. Auntie will buy you a nice outfit so you don't even need to come back home."

"No, no. No need." Rose quickly shook his head and suggested, "My house is just two streets away from here so we can just drop by so I can take whatever I need."

"Alright, that works too," his mom accepted without argument and left, waving at them, "See you at the car then."

When the door closed, Rose turned to him, looking happy that the first meeting was this successful. "Your mom seems nice," she commented.

"I think she already loves you more than me," Ryan pointed out, going back to bed to pick up the clothes.

"That's not true. She is your mom after all," Rose denied. "All moms love their children no matter what."

He didn't reply, knowing better and bent over to gather the clothes. Just as he thought, Rose was in a good mood and couldn't resist the temptation to have her revenge.


Rose didn't spare on power as she slapped his butt, the sound even louder than before.

He turned to her immediately and sentenced her like a judge, "Case closed! You are found out guilty and sentenced to capital punishment of one hundred kisses! Your punishment will be executed immediately."

"Hahaha!" Rose laughed happily and dodged his hands, running away from him. "You wish!"

"Come here!" Ryan chased after her and quickly caught her, executing the punishment.

"Noo— Mhmm!"


At the same time, deep in the woods outside the city, a lonely villa was located, hidden within the trees.

In one of the bedrooms, a blond beauty was waking up, rubbing her eyes. One could tell she had a great headache as she found it hard to lift herself up.

Just as she opened her eyes, she froze, suddenly noticing a glass of wine on the bed stand but instead of the wine inside, it was something different.

It was blood.

She shivered as she looked at it, looking like she couldn't avert her gaze away.

"Don't worry. Drink. It's your breakfast."

A soothing voice of a woman suddenly filled the room yet there was no one aside from her in the room.

"Drink Lisa, drink. You will feel better. You know you want it."

In the next moment, Lisa found herself holding onto the glass, unable to resist anymore. She put her lips to the glass and started drinking slowly, savoring the red liquid.

"Good girl. We will have a small chat after you are done."

Want to know what's next? Check out advance chapters in the link below! Don't forget to comment with feedback <3

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