
You never did it before......?!!!

"man do you get it when I told you that sister in law was being admired by the three of you

The problem is she never met the three of you so I believe that when this man showed up she thought that it has always been him doing all those things" Jeffrey said

"When you meet someone black mail he into marriage don't waste time, this ladies are humble and they are special in their own was so marriage is what can help" king said

"That boy won't like it how dare he Come just for my wife,is he mad?"

"They are getting into a private room, Jeffrey what do you think is going to happen ? Is he going to sleep with her? What if he drug her into sleeping with him" George was worried

He could not believe that his woman is going to sleep with another man,,, he dashed inside and was listening to what was going on inside

"Aaah! p.....please...p...lease,,,"

"Babes let's do it this way I can not wait anymore,,,"

"Come on feel it more,,, yeah! Yeah...! Like that" 

There were moans and moans, what is happening inside his eyes turned red and he pushed the door inside, "you!" My

Both Eileen and Young master Young were seated and they were pretending like they were kissing and touching 

When he came in he found them in a comprising position, he saw his world crushing down right in front of him

He didn't give it a second thought, he grabbed young master Young by his neck and punched him

He kicked and drugged him out of the room, Eileen could not believe her eyes, 

'how come it is him? Of all the people , why is he behaving like this' by the time she recovered the down was hardly closed

"You how dare you kick and beat him, he is my boyfriend" she shouted

"Your boyfriend ahhh! Eileen you are shameless , you are calling a married man your boyfriend

Look at you you are a beauty without brain

Are you really desperate to sleep and kiss a man since you have been single for many years?

Okay a boyfriend you want,a kiss you want, sex you want? I will give all those to you and we are starting now,, 

This roo. Is smelling home reckers follow me to another room, " he didn't give her time to respond and drugged her to a private elevator, 

The door opened on floor 35 where he opened a penthouse door,, he pulled her inside and closed the door and kissed her immediately after pinning her on the door

"A kiss you wanted aaah! Now I am going to give you a kiss,," he was behaving like a possessed man

He was kissing her roughly he could not take it anymore this man what is wrong with him?

Eileen didn't give him chance to penetrate her mouth, , therefore the next thing he did was lower his hand and squeezed her pussy really hard


With immediate effect he thrust his tongue into her mouth, he was fucking her mouth with his tongue,,

After his satisfaction he grabbed her neck and inserted one of his fingers inside her mouth, 

Deep inside, Eileen felt like she was going to die her eyes were filled with tears and they were threatening to fall,

'he wants to kill me,? Why did I lure him in there first place' she thought but now it was too late

"Now this is all you wanted am showing them to you no man can ever do this with you" he said, he tore her dress and her nude bra and panty was exposed, 

He rapped his hands around her small tits and squeezed the hell out of them,,

"George... Please let me go" she managed to say

"Let you go so that you can have your time with him? Eileen do you think am stupid, do I look like one to you" with that he pushed her towards him and squeezed her two back hills in him

Eileen could feel his third leg tempting to come out cause he was very hard,,,

"Dear that is what is waiting for you that little boy can't satisfy you only me can" with that he carried her to his bed

He dropped her very hard and started to kissed her all over he was liking her allover

Eileen could not take no it anymore, 

She had the urge to most but she could not she tried to resist the feeling

"Darling just let it out I just want to hear you calling my name don't pretend like you haven't done this before

This is what you wanted and am here to fulfill your dreams" 

He inserted his two fingers in her,  but to his surprise his two fingers could not penetrate her

"What the hell???? Do not tell me you are still.... You never did it before,...?" He asked 

Eileen felt embarrassed and hide her face in the pillow, she wanted to disappear in a thin air she wanted to run away from everything

"Eileen look at me,, you have never done it before,,,!"

She could only node out of embarrassment,. 'what kind of situation is this?' the thought

"Hahaaaaa, hahaaaaa, wait a minute babes" with that he made a call

"Hey I want you to purchase the largest and most beautiful and eye catching yartch in Southern sea

I need it by tomorrow morning and nothing else if you can't do that then forget it,,," he said

"Helloo, I want you to prepare my Villa, and make sure there is not a single dust in it,  you get it!" 

"Hello friend connect me with Zero or Ghost now,!"

"What is wrong with you?"

"Hello,, master Zero I know you are my sister in law but I need the most beautiful dress for my woman I don't care if it's going to be made out of pure gold or something but remember that everything including the bag shoes must be in gold for her, one week I need them I will send you her picture"

"Okay, but don't worry I k know who she is" she answered

"Then thank you" 

"Hellooo, I need a specific model of a car for my woman I need it to be the first one and only her to have it 6 months it's enough"

"Hello,, the sophiry restaurant and anything under it will have a new president tomorrow announce this and send the email to the employees no error is to be made everything must be perfect by tomorrow, papers should be ready I will be right there to hand over the power of Sophiry empire" he said and ended the call

"Hello, is this Gold empire I need a dress for to be delivered to me that suits Eileen's shape, all the latest dress and shoes jewelries and handbags should be taken to  Wembley's -side residence in the capital" he said

After he was done giving orders from corner to corner, 

"George are you mad what were you saying and what is all this with yartch to  gold Empire?" She asked is this man running mad

"Yes I am mad sweery just make sure no man, come closer to you, or try to breathe the same air as you,, or else you will know what madness look like,,, 

Do not be afraid of me darling I will be the only man to share your sadness with you,

I will be your friend your love and the first person to do it with you

I will take you through everything the land full of passion and sweetness,, mmmh! I will be the person to make you feel pain and take away that pain step by step till you feel sweetness

You will shout my name in between the sweetness and 

You will beg me to do it faster oooh babes, you will squeeze me tightly not letting go as you cam, sweery we will be in our world at that time you will realize that you are also crazy my darling and mad we will accept this condition throughout our lives

You get it" he said

"What type of madness is this what is wrong with you?" Is this man turning to psycho?' she was wondering

"Sweery relax, you will make me jump allover you like a greedy hyena and hungry lion,, you know your voice is enough to make my second in command want to do things with you"  he said

"Mmmh?!!" She could only node what else can she do or say with such an idiot infront of her

"By the way darling our wedding is 1 month from now infact yesterday , you need to prepare yourself and you will be staying at home now,

The dress is coming you will bath we are going somewhere" he said

"Can you......" Before she could finish she was cut off

"Are you trying to seduce me, darling go and prepare yourself don't talk okay" he said

She signed okay with a node