
She is my woman...!

"this woman is heartless, how dare she not see me, what is all this like am not on this table' Colin thought just then 

Jeffrey logged in to WeChat

"Even God of war can't be see today"

"I thought that they don't know each other, for a second" George added

"Hahaaaa, guys can't you take me to your in laws too , be polite this is my in laws place" king said

"I see someone is making noise yet he can't approach the so called future wife" Colin said

"Are you trying to provoke me , Jeff why do I feel like the love of your life is seated right here and you can't accept it?"

"Man she is a lioness with all the beauty that she has man this sister in law sister is something else"

"Point of correction she is my in law,,, mine" Colin said

"What do you mean" Jeffrey who wanted to coil his tail asked

"She is Jane's sister"

"Did I hear you say your in law, when almighty Zero the greatest business and God of beauty can't recognize you?" King asked

"We are on a new phase of enemity retrieval" Colin said

"Man you are shameless,,," Jeffrey asked

"How can this unknown lady be so powerful in speech!" George asked

"She is not ordinary doctor can't you see apart from your sister all of them have complicated work history from my point of view" Jeffrey

"Man,, I will kill you after this" George said

"Remember to give my family another me and a love life but not like the boring one" he said

"Okay guys have seen my daughter I will have to go" before she could make a step she turned around and gave a warning "a single joke with her you will understand the language of her hidden identity,,, 

She not only has us but everyone in the world"  after saying that she left immediately

Colin could not take it anymore how can she ignore me she said hello to everyone except me but why,  he left after her

After coming from the dinning table he walked faster and grabbed her hands  before she could react she was pinned on the wall,,,

"Jane Sanchez ! How dare you ignore me?" He asked 'is it really painful if I don't want to see you?' " Mr Colin I didn't know you were here? Or do you want me to see you, is there ghost in this house" she pissed him odft

"Mamaaa, please I know I brought you back again your will so I will make things clear if you hate me this much I will not appear infront of you" Colin said and left

But before going further he stop like someone who wanted to say something

But he grabbed her and kissed her,, "mama I won't disturb you but let me take you home" he offered

"I have my car" 

"I know but let me take you home for once,, mamaa, please" he said 

Jeffrey who thought that, the couple were going to fight, was stunned by what he saw "is this man the same man , how can he beg for love" he heream I seeing my eyes or something?

They took the cab and left just then Audrine came out, guys byee I will see next time 

Not aware that someone was standing by the door she bumped on him


"How come the opened door has been  closed ?" She murmured

"Hahaaa, it's not a door" Tasha said

"Sorry did you get hit hard" he asked later  then after sometime he regretted  what came out of his mouth

"Can't you see me or are you blind?" She fired up

"Am sorry I didn't know you were at my back" he said

"Move yourself" 

"Sorry" but he didn't stop he went after her and get into his car as Audrine get into hers

They were driving like  maniacs 

"You why are you following me" Audrine asked

"Young lady you are not beautiful and I can't follow you can't you behave yourself am on my way to my house I just do not want my car to get dust from your car, so excuse me, " he said

"Audrine was stunned for a second in her car,, if she had a power she can kill this person"

"You?...!" She said

"What about me, so miss am handsome that I Know I have a good body that I know am wealthy that I know.....

I also know that you are ugly and not attractive no man will want you even if you get rich

If you are rich but ugly what will that add to us,, we need perfect genes" he wicked after saying that

"Signered where did this shameless man came from?' "you you are sick!" And with that she speed off

Jeffrey was smiling like a Maniac,,,, "just you wait" he said

Back in Eileen's place

Tasha and Roby took the group floor guest room , Addah and King went to the third floor whereas 

Eileen went to her own room, 

She is like a robot no emotions the only time she can feel the motion of love is when she holds her sister and when she is with her friends

What happened to her to be so loveless? But something was troubling her,who is the man that kept on sending her food and even yesterday when she was in the office in the middle of the night ,she received an artificial body massage  from him 

How did he know, ? She wanted to find out, so she texted Jane for help

But Jane said " sister Eileen don't worry he will show up what we will do is for you to hook up with another man to make him jealous

This way he will not take it" 

"Are you sure this will work!" She asked

"Trust me on this it will" Eileen who is stone hearted smile by the thought of that man showing up and punching the guy right on his face and even nose bleeding

Few weeks later,,, 

Eileen was in the office and then Tasha's brother showed up with his fiancee , this man is what they were to use to trap the rat

"Eileen are we ready to go?" He asked

"Yes, " she answered

Just then Morty's fiancee said

"I hope your true love shows up, if he doesn't take it as he was joking around with you" she said and parted her husband

George who was waiting to just see her today by the gate was shocked by what he saw 

Too bad he came with Jeffrey and King

"What the hell ? Isn't that your future wife with one of the young brother's!" King who has come across this people said

When George turn him head and said nothing he felt blood on his throat his eyes turned blood short! The blood flowed from his head to to his whole body parts 

The Adams apple allowed him to swallow large amount of saliva, he opened the door like a mad man who was going after his possessive ancestors tormentin him

But was stopped by both king and Jeffrey

"Man relax, how can you show up maybe that is her customer and client" king said

"Are you blind that you can't see what is going on between the two?"George shouted

"Let me asked her sister if this is true" he said after some few seconds the phone was picked

"Little wife how are you" 

"Am fine husband, hey husband don't tell me you called to ask me that"

"Little wife you clearly understand your husband" he said

"Then go on"

"I saw your sister is the almighty stone hearted Sister in-law dating" he asked "I just saw her with a handsome man" he said

"Husband are you following your sister in-law?" She asked

"Not at all dear wife, I was just asking' he said

"Okay, dear sister has found love and yes she is dating this young tycoon not from this side but north" she said

"Okay little wife husband will not disturb you anymore get to work by and I love you forever" he said

"Good day and I don't love you forever" and she ended the call

"Man you heard it she is dating him" King said

"Impossible she is my woman my woman! And why didn't my sister tell me about it she must have known" he said his whole body was trembling

"Follow them I want to know everything follow them!" He was going mad

"Relax brother you might scare her like this if you show up right in front of her" Jeffrey was afraid of how an upright man cango crazy because of love

"I don't care, I just want her how dare her have another man ? And of all the people why did he choose her?" He was burning in rage

", Brother relax do you want her to be scared or you want her to be yours, if you continue and approach her like this you are going to loose her" king said