

"Dear, wifey can I hold your hands even for second, it's going to be like, heaven and Earth, I don't know, if am going to kiss you or try,

But within this seconds have missed you so very much" he said

"Okay, okay am Missing you too darling but you have to go back, to your room, " she said

"Okay but darling, will you kiss me? Just a small kiss like a peek on my cheeks darling, I swear that I won't do something above that I swear that 

I won't go overboard just a small kiss the lightest one..." He said

"Okay, then you disappear from here right" she asked but the answer that she received was a puppy  giving a nod.

"Okay" she said

With that she leaned forward to give a kiss but suddenly George turn his head and the kiss landed on his lips?

"What the hell is happening?' Eileen felt like screaming but it was too late, Tasha and Jane and Jeffrey were all at the door, Audrine pushed the door open, they could not even make a step forward.

"Ooooh my goddess" it was a young lady who admired Eileen shouted

"You mean that is why these three gentlemen were standing by the door like  robots, eeeish...!" Audrine said

"Hey, what is happening, hey, ..." 

George didn't know that his friends his Swon brothers were this useless, 

"He was beyond embarrassed, he pushed the door and walked out

"Oooh...,! My dear sister this is a taboo, you made a huge mistake, what  happened to you, are this crazy in love that you could not wait any longer" Audrine asked

"Woooo! Hahaaa, hold on , hold on...! You guys can't wait even for a second to to do it right I mean you are so much into each other that you can't think straight" Cassy asked

"Hahaaa, girl you got yourself a right man and I admire you, that kind of love in his eyes, this is a long lasting love" Tasha

"Hey guys, you guys were not around that man took me by surprise too, I didn't know he was coming here you know" she tried defending herself.

"Okay, okay he took by surprise he took you by surprise, and you didn't Know"  we get it and we know.

Jane seems to be the most matured person the mother of all this people so she looked at how helpless she was 

She smiled a little bit, and turned to face another direction, or else she was going to laugh 

"Big sister Jane, why can't you help me here"  she pleaded

"And who is bullying my sweet sweet daughter on her wedding day?" The queen came in

"Darling can you tell me who is bullying you, don't tell me it's that ugly princess of mine?" She was acting like a sitting mother talking to her little cute daughter who has been bullied by the ghost of the kingdom.

"Mommy, I have just come in with you, how can I bully my elder sister, when you came in before me " she asked

"Hehee, darling that is because you are a ghost your shadow is enough" she answered

"Sister, if you join them I will be lonely so you have to be by my side and support me all the time" she said

At that very time, George was surrounded by 15 princes, and his two Best friends

"Hey, Mr Wembley let me tell you, if you try, that nonsense again I will take my elder sister wirh me" it was the night prince of northern Kingdom

"I can't believe that my friend is so much in love that he can't think straight like a normal person, I can't believe that this play boy is going to marry" Jeffrey said

"Idiot I was a play boy yes, but I turned that immediately I saw my future wife, and now am a married man, a straight forward on at that, who loved his wife, loves his wife and will always love his wife,, 

You hear me? If you going to address after this address me by my woman's name, you are allowed" he said

"Chiiizzzz, hold it , hold it are you serious you are in love this much with our cousins?" The  8th prince asked

"You can't see this but, this gentleman's life has been transferred from him to our beautiful princess life, " the seventh said

"Guys it's time our groom is needed  at the podium, we better made the move, 

But I have to give you a warning, cause I know who my friend is, let me hear that my mama suffers a certain stupid grievances, my friend not even your stupid stuffs will help you I tell you, I will deal with ,you

Try to be a stupid loose man and try to hurt my mamaa, by cheating on her, 

Try to give out excuses of you having work loads , let me tell you, 

Tell all those ladies that you are married one by one, tell them to meet your woman if they need you, 

Even if my sister will not give you an heir you must love her, and respect her, cause you chose her you were the one that penetrated her her stone cold heart try to mess up" King was serious no one wanted to mess things the way they were 

They all realized that their nephew loved their niece, very much they all give a red eye short for him, George realized that he has married a treasure from three nation's two Kingdoms and nation A, from royals

"Okay"  this is the only word he could say, and could not say anymore

"Hey, better take our nephews words serious" the fourth prince

"Yes keep it serious" he said

At the venue

A cool music was played as George held by the father and mother walks in the friends also walked in

They could not keep it law no matter how they desired to keep it, they wore  royal outfit from different kingdoms and venue was also divided 

Now people could see that there were three Strong nation's in this wedding they realized that the Wembley's were not easy to deal with

"I can't believe this this side where this Kingdoms are seated is a place where the bridals family members should be seated don't  tell me that  our CEO is marrying a royal don't tell that that beautiful model is a princess in disguise?" ẞomeone working from George's company asked

"how can you explain why that old man is seated on the seat that is supposed to be for the brides father" another person said

"So you mean she is a royal? Heheeee, am going to be going to the office now thausualAnd infact am going to apply for being a maid for CEO's wife" she saidAn

The song played was cool and to their surprise it was musician V, who was performing by herself, how come she came by herself, this has been the best musician but she disappeared 8 years ago, she said she was retiring from music industry many people tried to make an offer with her but could not reach her.

"Closer to my heart, 

Closer to my eye,

Be my eye opener, let's cross the shubby river full of life together

I know that at one point, my eye might grow tired from seeing you , I might loose my mind and suffer from amnesia 

But I know my heart will never forget you, in that state I will love you even more,,,

I Know am not perfect but baby please hold my hands and do not let go, 

In this life in my next life, you are the only woman I wanna wake up and see, 

In our old days together, I wanna feel the old wrinkles on your face, cause  you will be my most satisfying woman, 

Iwill love you till forever... and this is my promise"  she sang the song

"I love this it's too emotional, I can't hold it anymore, why can't we see her" another person said

George has always love her he cried when he heard the music, 

"For sure I want to grow old with her I want her to be my old woman I want her to be my everything I give her my heart and my everything" he said 

This is something that nobody was not expecting the music played on and on until he was at the podium.

Immediately he stepped on the stage the music was changed

"Here, here I am , here here I wait for you my woman, 

It's not tiring as long as it's you that am waiting for, 

I can see me holding you in my arms for life, 

I can see our children laughing around us together,

Am seeing my future so full of peace love and happiness together

Here here I am waiting for you... 

It doesn't matter how much I wait but I will wait for my woman, a beauty that has plastered my heart... 

I can see myself say I do to my woman ... The kisses are overwhelming..."