
Wedding 2...!

"I can't believe that number one beauty is here, she is as stunning as ever, a very rare beauty, " line said

This is something that Joylen was not expecting this people to give her a warm welcoming, she knew that she had once wronged them and just like many people not a single person was going to be nice to her

They prepared a VIP seat for me? Even though we haven't been talking for so long they looked forward for my coming.

'am sorry I wronged you guys but you still treat me well , you even anticipated for my coming, just what can I do to erase all the bad things that I did  

"Hey, godmother?" Addah called out when she realized that Joylen has attended the wedding

"Helloo, Addah,," she greeted

""God mother thanks for attending my sisters wedding, you just don't know how this will mean to us" she said

"Am sorry, hunny, I was stupid before, like I loved no! I went crazy for the wrong people but now, have realized 

My mistakes please guys, do forgive me, am sorry for troubling your marriage with King and am sorry for everything I did to both of you and your sister.

I  know she might find it difficult to forgive me in future, but please talk to her tell her to forgive me.. " she said, sincerity was written all over her face

"Okay, sister Joylen those years back, we didn't take it to heart, therefore feel welcomed, we didn't know that you were coming but , we hoped that you were to come

We knew that, you and George were some how close due to Colin, so we arranged the seats for you in advance, thanks once more for coming we have a lot to talk about later" Addah said

"Okay, thank you" she said she wanted to cry but she could not cry, she wanted to say lot's of things to her, but today was her best friends wedding.

"Am I seeing my eyes isn't that ex model, Joylen Wade ?" Some lady amongst those that very rich asked

"Your eyes are not lying to you I that I was the only person that was seeing things, " the second lady said

"So this evil bitch, still has no shame at all, after ruining people's lives she dares to appear infront of everyone how heartless" another person said with lots of bitterness

"Let us go and teach her a lesson, after all because of her rudeness, the Wade's became bankrupt sometime ago" another lady whose career almost got ruined by Joylen said

"I didn't know that the number 1 beauty, a dotted daughter of the 4 Wade brothers, 

Would end up leaving the industry just like that" a lady said to her

"What a shame, because of a man who never loved her, she did everything to a cold hearted CEO" another voice

"Aaah, are you forgetting how she made our lives difficult in that industry" another person said

"She even dismissed her so called friend who loved and respected her, she is just a bitch who never valued that great friendship" another person said

"Hey Joylen Wade, how did you get in here this wedding place is not a place where beggers can come too"

"Hey who are you ladies" Tasha treated, she had recognize her by the dress, she was surprised to see the lady who  broke her brothers heart to be her 

"Oooh Young lady, let me tell you, this lady called Joylen Wade, she is not someone who can be trusted...." The lady said ranting and ranting

But before, she could finish she was cut off

"How dare you call my godmother names how dare you, call my best friend names? Do you realize where you are standing? You are at the Wembley's wedding arena, and the bride is her best friend her Swon sister' Addah was clearly mad

"Aaah... How can the future wife of such a prestigious family be friends with, this kind of person" the lady could not believe 

"What did you say, did you just question my sisters being friends with the Wembley's?" 

And who are you, to talk back at me, the heiress of my family" 

"And how dare you, question , the future queen of great northern Kingdom?" A lady in princess like 

Asked, she was really beautiful. Everyone including Addah, was stunned

"And who are you..." Another lady asked

"Hahaaaa, did I hear you question me the only princess of  great northern Kingdom?" 

"Abd how dare you disrespect the only married woman in my kingdom as a queen " she asked

"I don't want to see. You in here" she said

"Am sorry we didn't mean it" she said

"If sorry then why do we need police to solve the problems

"You wronged, her, and then my sister in law, let me ask you can you tell me why are you sorry?" She asked

Addah, was confused, why is Brian's sister standing up for me?

 Sg"Guards I don't want to see this bunch of  useless ladies who doesn't know how to control their mouths here she said

"And you should prepare yourselves, how can a queen be bullied yet you are quiet and can't do a thing?" She said shouting

"Let this not repeat itself 

"Hey sister in law sm princess Quibe, king's younger sister and the only princess nice to meet you" she said extending her hands

"What? King, is not just some nicknames?" It was joylen's turn to be surprised

"Yes king is a prince " Addah said

"Why did not you tell me before?" She asked

"That is because we never had a good conversation, please forgive me " she said

"Its okay, just like you said we have lots of things to talk about" Joylen said

"Sister in law, allow  me to join you guys, I just want to know and if my sister is a real beauty, I feel nervous I feel like my sister is a cool person and I will love to see her clearly" she said shyly

"Okay sister in law" 

"Joylen be at ease with us" she said


George could not help it anymore

"How long will it take, till I meet or see her, is it going to take that long, I can not wait anymore , " he was complaining

'how can this wedding thing be like this? Where by I can't see her beautiful face, I just want to see what is happening with her, I just want to kiss her now, damn I fu*coming miss her' he was talking to himself

"Hey, man you can not go see the bride right now it is not allowed, you have to wait for our sister in law" Jeffrey said

,"And do not just kiss her stupidly, you have to wait for your pastor to say, the bride may kiss the groom, but not that fast or too Long, just do it lightly so that you avoid so many problems" king said

'this idiot might loose it and spoil everything even before knowing it, how can we help this  one here"' he thought

'at least I knew things like this might happen so I let her have me, I didn't want to miss her this much

"Hahaaa,  GEORGE, don't even think of Messing this up, you have to hold it okay, let your woman surprise you with this side of beauty that you have never seen before" Colin said

He could not help but imagine his wedding with Jane , will this cold hearted woman smile at me or will she give a cold shoulder, I just hope our wedding will be the best,

He was lost in her sort the problems he just want to be with this cold hearted woman in his life and Shae a happy family

"Guys I can't hold it anymore, I promise allow me to go and see her, hold her hands or else am going to go crazy^_ you Know and I just want to calm down, she is my only medicine guys help me out here please" he said

Both king, Colin and Jeffrey could not do a thing they become restless and they decided to help him schem, and hide himself to the bride's room

"We are helping you but please do not mess things up " it was ment to be a hug and hand kiss

"Hey George, what are you doing here, don't you know that, you are not suppose to be Coming into the bride's room, this will be called a a taboo , George" she said

"Hey, hunny I could not help it anymore , I just wanted to see you and make you feel special , I wanted to hug you and kiss you, " he said how can he resist that temptations

"But still this does not give out why you stormed, so heard in my room  that, she was going to face a few, more difficulties , but she is used to this man's shameless