
The warmth that is brought by love....!

"hey boss can you hear her?" One of the triplets said

"I didn't send you to meet your crazy partners" she said

"Good answer their sweet sister.." Line said

"Let's go and promote our business sister I don't feel like moving to another mall will do us any good, let's move to Knight's" Shasa said

"I feel like what she has just said is cool"


Joylen Wade have been traveling all round the world and through this she caught the wind of George Wembley having a wedding with his fiancee even though the fiancee was not said, 

But she had once be close to this play boy George Wembley, he is lovable and funny, 

So Joylen made a decision of facing her fears and attend the wedding.

Now that she has let go, why can't she attend the wedding?

She has started her own business Eve though she is not aware who her partner is , but she is greatful

"Excuse, I want to attend the Wembley's wedding, please help me choose some nice dress" she said to the maids,

"Madam, when it comes to that I can't see any cool dress, and we don't know the theme of the wedding, so , 

Kindly tell us the theme then anything will follow, we will make sure that you look your best" she said

"And madam, don't worry where we are there is a designer shop here from UK, even though we don't know who this person looks like but be assured that they are somehow close to the Gold's" the maid said

"A designer at per with Gold? Who is this person?" She asked

"The person named the designs Filiam garments, why they believe that they will be taking the world of designs very soon, though this person has never appeared, I feel like , this person is waiting for Gold to be at her sorry state to make a move" she said

"Well , every new decade a new Designer is born and with unique quality, therefore this is Gold's time and Zero, 

Another person will come greater than her, 

The same way she made a move than Ghost the legendary know designer, so don't not think that, gold will be at sorry state

Your work this one that you are doing someone will do it better in the future..." Joylen stopped talking.

"Just like me I was once the goddess of modeling industry, but now my sister is" she felt sorry and like she wronged a sister who loved her despite her dark side,

This lady Eileen never looked down on her, but because of the thought of her being mighty, being rich, and powerful, she chose to mistreat the best family she build,

Even though she did all this, this people didn't curse or something is like they respected her, but she was never greatful

Will they understand her one day?" She asked herself silently

"Madam you are wise, am sorry for making you feel your past I will not repeat this in the future" she said

"It's okay, and madam boss said that he will be sending the cosmetics team over and the dresses from Filiam are on their way, 

He also said that, you must be beautiful and cool, he doesn't want to see you sad 

He wants to see you happy, your happiness is his happiness, remember he will always be by your side" she delivered the message

"Okay, can you tell me something" she asked

"Go ahead madam, if am in position i will answer" she said

Ever since Joylen Wade decided, to travel around the world, this man has given her everything , but not even a single day has he appeared infront of her, but why, or perhaps he is old and afraid that she won't accept him, or perhaps he is ugly.

"Why is your boss not making appearance, are you  trying to hide the fact that your boss is old and ugly,

Okay let's put it this way, if he has always been waiting for me since my childhood, then that means that he has been single right and am not going to interfere with anyone's marriage

And if he truly love me , I will love my old man back, so tell him not to hide anymore" she said

The lady was caught off guard, 

'is this how madam think of big boss,  oooh my I understand boss has never appeared infront of madam,, 

Aaah..! Madam you are too beautiful and boss is waiting for you , our boss is a real person, with lots of charms' she thought

Madam, i personally have never met our boss but we talk via radio call, even if boss is in the same house or jet as us, we have never met him, but you. You met him before , then how can you explain why boss has been waiting for you, ?

And another thi..........." Before she could finish

"Don tell me he is one of my father's friends? OMG am done, so he is actually old and ugly? Anyway it's okay.

As long as, he respects my family and sincerely loves me then tell him not to hide next time if he makes another radio call, what kind and type of person he is, 

He likes and loves a young lad, he should be ready to face this young lady, since am not here for his money am looking for love one true love" she said

Aa...! Madam you have a misunderstanding about boss " before she could finish

The door opened,

"Madam boss, our big boss is not ugly, and boss, is no old man boss is around 35-37 years, so rest assured boss I a good person" he said

 At that very time, young master Young was listening to their conversation

"So little girl after all this things you can only think of me like an old man and an ugly one at that, 

Was I ugly when I proposed to you? And am just afraid of what you will think of me if meet again" he said

"Okay, I will take it as if you are all working for a ghost and that your boss is a handsome spirit" he said

Before they could talk much longer, dresses were brought from different places 

First from, Finliam and another set from Gold empire, and a letter written in it

"Helloo, sister in law, big brother too me about you and that you want to attend my friends wedding, that makes us friends,

Mmmmh, am a designer at Gold empire so this types of dress were specifically made for you, and our leader Gold did everything, to us even though we don't know you , we are always lively and likable so don't worry we will love you and you will be part of our sisterhood,

We will love and take good care of you, and I also called our family to tell them that you around and so our brother won't die single.

Our parents and the rest welcomes you, you have other sister in laws, they are good people and nice always happy people, 

I would love it if you try this five dresses and let me promise you this , my fiancee also took part in making this dresses, he said that this designs will never appear ever again, 

Byee, meet you at our friends wedding tomorrow" she ended the message.

After reading the message she could not help but think, when she visited the Gold empire, she met a beautiful lady and a man only two of then were the co-workers with Gold.

Or did they hire another person but have never heard of this before. She thought

"Hey do you know your boss identity?" She asked if this man can have his sister at gold empire then he is no ordinary person

"Ooih, our boss is coming from one of the top 7 richest family in nation A, and that is because their family loves privacy that's why this are like that" he said

"Okay,  help me check the outfits  from Gold, they are from your bosses sister, and they look lovely" she said

"Okay, I will inform everyone to come and make sure that our madam boss is cool and will be the gossip and the headline" she said

"Okay" this hidden lover of mine seems to be loving and he even told his family about me? And they welcomed me too, hehee, am blessed this is the feeling of being loved, mmmh, now I understand, she smiled at herself and for the first time she felt warmth in her heart.

"Lady boss is smiling today" one of the maids asked

"I think that she is falling for our boss, and this clothes are from missus Young boss only sister, she wrote her letter," she said

"I think she is happy" another person said.

"Make sure your madam is comfortable and make sure she never  lack a thing" he gave orders, she is falling for me,,