
Wedding 1.......!!!

"okay, boss we will make sure our madam is well taken care of" the body guard said.

Joylen , went inside and tried the dresses on, one after another the results was cool and overwhelming, 

She just prayed silently, that let not those three friends, see her as a spoiler or someone who has come, to cause trouble, she just wanted to attend the wedding.

"Wow, lady boss, this sister in law, really knows you, the dresses are cool and they are unique, 

You are going to be the lady of the night"  she said , what she said mafey third son Young to frown, 

"So I will have to go with you, my dear " he said

"Hey, I will be the one to drive your madam to the occasion, am her pilot and driver" he said

"But boss what if madam, suspects something while with you?" He was worried

"Nothing like that will happen then at the wedding I will introduce myself as someone she had said no t

See have been by her side for so many years, she could not realize that I was no old person, therefore am sure she will just think of me as a driver" he said

Meanwhile at the King's castle....

"Little wife,  don't tell me your husband is really feeding you, well with proteins, you are developing curves and that dress , oooh no I don't like it

Men will be ogling at you , 

Non-stop little wife why can't you , do me a favor by putting on another dress, and at least do not apply much make ups" he was making a puppy eyes like a kid and liking his lips,he is being turned on.

"Hey, dear husband prince Carter, this is my sisters marriage, remember and I won't look like, an ugly old lady that flies floke around me, 

And now that you are suggesting that I should put on dress and put on big clothes, 

Well darling husband I suggest you attend the wedding necked, how about that? And bare footed at that" she then winked at her.

"Aaah, my little wife is this not a height of wickedness?" He asked

", Darling husband, you taught your little wife all this, don't forget" she said

"Okay, you will put on that dress but...." Before king could finish

"Of cause for you and only you to see, and don't forget that she is your younger sister, you are the one to give her hand in marriage" she said

"And I don't know what could have happened if, you were to fall and marry your sister, ... I dare to not think about it" she said

"Darling wife, that is because I was born to have you and you alone" he said "and besides that was very impossible to happen" he added

"Without waiting he pulled her on their hug bed and said in between her horsy voice

"Oooh, little wife, you have done me injustice, allow me to kiss you, and hug you tomorrow I won't have you by myself" he said

"Darling husband, you can go ahead and have your little wife, you can eat me if you like," she said

How can king resist such a sweet seducing voice, how? He took his little wife lips and kissed it gently, she knew each and every corner of her mouth, 

"Aaah, Addah, you are the only woman that can satisfy me darling, I want to fuck you in the mouth and breasts" he said tomorrow I won't get to see you my darling

"Shameless husband" she said trying to push him away

"Darling this is for today, hold your two breast together for me" he said


"And darling today I want you to feel you, I fuck your breasts you finger fuck yourself" he said

"Darling, that is too smelling" she said with a disgusting look

"Darling just for today why can't we do something unique" he asked.

He help her hold her two breast together and started fucking her in between, Addah, could not believe how she was feeling, she loved everything that was coming with her being fucked in the pussy, at the same time she could feel, the downer part etching to be fucked, 

She didn't realize when her finger, dropped down and started fucking her,  by herself.

King could only reveal a smile, little wife is adorable, how can she be this cute..

Before realizing it they were both enjoying everything that was coming out as a result of this crazy love making process.

"Aaaddda...ah...! Aaahah... Ooooh... Darling you are the best" king was going crazy he was at his highest

"Far.... Darling ..aaah!... Aaah!... Aaahah...! Am going to cum" after she said that she was ready to cum, after fucking herself ruthlessly but her hands were pulled from her,,,,

"Not now my darling" he said

"Darling ..please.. I want to .." she was pleading

Just then her  legs were spread apart and king lowered his head and his tongue landed on her wet pussy, 

He sucked and sucked her, 

Addah was going crazy is like this was her first time doing this with him,,, 

She could not help it but push his head deeper , after series of sucking, he started to fuck her with his tongue

"Darling... It... It's... I am going to cam" she said  shouting

He continued to fucking to her limits, she could not help, but can, the vibration was too great, her entire body trembled, 

"Aaah,,, ! Aaaah...! Baby thank you,," she said

"And that is my little wife, you Know how to appreciate your husband hardwork," he said

", Now you come here, I want to suck the hell out of you darling" she said and didn't give him a chance to, think

She pushed him down, and grabbed his cock, it was very hug, but it's something that she has gotten used to , this is his this is her cock, the only cock that can make her go crazy... She love it like a lollipop, she liked and chewed it .

After the series of them can for more than once, twice, thrice they both collapsed and drifted to a good night sleep

The wedding day is now here the day that everyone has been waiting for, no one  could bare to miss such a great day, 

From Kingdoms to kingdoms, different royal house hold came, 

George was know in both underworld and all over for his coldness and straight forwardness in business.

 The three,  Fernandez ladies became the emcees of the day, they were dropping dead gorgeous, 

"Welcome everyone to this grand occasion , " line said

"Of cause drinks are everywhere, you can have a drink to your liking, there is one secret, in these drinks" Shasa said the three sister looked at each other and said

"The secret is bitterness, sweetness, sorrows, happiness and above all...." 

"Love... When we say love we are not talking just about love, 

We are talking about love that can make a stone hearted and a ice cold queens heart melt, " Olivia said

"It did melt till not even a single trace of coldness could be seen left in her, each and every day, the height of of warmth in her heart increased...." Line said

"Every hour our cold hearted princess could turn her cold face into ever happy and Emily face.." Shasa

"Until she got caught totally caught that she could not escape... Oooh book...!" Olivia said

"Did she try escaping? Really...?" Line asked

"Hahaaa, I don't think so she was caught in love that she lost herself to this handsome man" Shasa said

"Here comes, a man whose life has been peaceful, in his days of youth this big brother said..." Olivia said


"Hell no ...! I can't marry married life is not peaceful" 

"Then women are clingy... Hahaaa, I tell love.. came in as a thief it stole his heart" Line said

"Oooh, no my goodness are we forgetting something... " Olivia

""There are some of us ladies that dreamt to be seen by this gentleman,my heart is aching for big brother...." Shasa

"Am crying..." Line 

"He is going to get married..." 

"Look at this triplets, they are really funny I can't believe that they are actually coming from the most powerful family yet they are I don't cares" someone said.

"They have a strong personality, they are really carefree, they don't give a damn to anyone, they are not pretentious people like most of the ladies from rich families" another person said.

"Wow....! Dear sisters, who is that....!" Line said gesturing them to the direction

All the guest turned to that direction

"Wowww.... Asher's.. we have a special guest around a VIP please go and help Miss Joylen to the VIP seat,," Shasa said

"Wow... This wedding is full this wedding is cool, now after the mother, a good friend a friend's savior arrive, then I don't whether the miss who will be called Mrs feel, 

Will she cry ? Laugh or I don't know.." Olivia

"She will definitely cry... Tears of joy..." Shasa said