
The Sanchez banquet....!

After the celebration both Colin and Jane together with, their two sons , decided to visit old master Fernandez

"Mama,,," Colin called

"Yes" she answered

"How would you feel, when your mama appears right now" he asked , he was very attentive with his words

"About that? Mmmmh... I have always been positive, if my mother is still alive I will find her, though I have traced all the roots possible but failed in the end, 

The reason I want to Kno is , why she left me back then

Almost everything I obtained where given to me by her, ,,, or rather were things left behind by her, 

The person that handed over everything to me, is Mysterious, over the years I tried connecting and tracing things but failed,,, so I don't know how I will feel" she said, there were missed of emotions through her voice

Okay, am sorry to ask you that" Colin said

"It's okay" she said

The two boys, were waiting for a cold answer according to their understanding of their mommy's nature, they looked at each other , with shocked expression

"I didn't expect that big brother" Finn said

"Liam responded by nodding his head.

At the same time Jane lost in her thoughts, what if I see my mother again, the identity that she had back then was probably a lie.

The name that I knew was a lie, the family that was given to me was a lie, everything I knew was a lie, 

Untill I became pregnant back then, that is when I realized who I was... 

"We are here,,, " the driver said, it was the first time the two boys are visiting their great grandfather, 

The old man was Al happy, he was going to meet this incredible great grandchildren for the first time, 

They are his blessings, at least now he knows that his grandson found a good wife from a well known family and not some random problems.

"Wooow...! At great grandpa is very beautiful and cool,,, " Finn said

"Our grandpa is cool" Liam said

"I feel like, this great grandpa is a strict person" Finn said

Both Colin and Jane looked at each other , what is wrong with our son's minds

When old man saw the kids, he was happy, he called them forward and said

"My cute, great grandsons" he was happy smiling from ear to ear

"Great grandpa, you are handsome and strong, it's like you are only a 45 years" Finn was always sweet with words

"Aiiiyah.. great grandson, your grandpa is old enough"

"No way...!" Child am too old" 

"Grandpa, we are happy to meet you" Liam said

"Am happy to meet you too, then hugged them, before turning to face the two adults

"Grandson, this time round you found a beautiful family and this family, I cool, I like everything about my granddaughter in law" he said

"Thank you grandpa you glitter me" she said

"And I Know that you have just come from a wedding celebration, I just need you guys to have shower, then come Down for dinner after that I need you to have rest, we shall talk tomorrow" old master Fernandez said, 

"Great grandpa ,you are the best" Finn said

With that, he didn't disturb them anymore it was a very busy day for them, 

But the two kids were all strong and energetic, 

"Great grandpa, can you tell us how you met our great grandma" Finn said

"Why, do you want to Know about this" he asked

"Because I want to help daddy win over mommy" he said

"Women love flowers and gifts, so that's it" he said

They talked for sometimes before the two boys falling a sleep, 

"I really really love this pair of twins one is warm while the other person was cold,

My grandson surely choose a beautiful wife and great grandchildren" he said through her thoughts

Meanwhile in the United Kingdom

The Sanchez gathered together, they wanted to celebrate the Sanchez 50th anniversary after creation of the Sanchez Corporation

"I have been trying to reach this person called Ghost, Everytime I try to trace her, is like everything

Disappears just like that no explanation not even a single thing like traces, 

Not every deal will miss a loop hole, but when it comes to Ghost is like this person is an omnipotent

" Don't worry  guys, I think through him, we are going to understand everything and get our answers, " Helly said

"I have a plan but it's not going to help us reach the destination

It's not easy for him to disclose, who is actually his boss, so I have to make sure , he is at peace with us and trust us fully" she said

"Sister Helly, Don't destroy this good relationship that you together with him share, 

Just b open with him and tell him everything I believe that man will help you"

And he will feel hurt, what if he thinks that you are after his small wealth what will you do in that case, so  ex-tra careful,x he said.

"I think our little girl is right, let her spend the time with him, and be honest with him, I strongly believe we will have a good answer" someone said

"Okay, we have come to realize that, Ghost herself, will attend the anniversary " someone said

"And this is also the right time to talk think things through " someone said

They Sanchez were happy , at the thought of Ghost coming ,they wanted to, hold a banquet and celebrate with yourself" it was fourth son

"Today we are going to know the truth about the person," she ssaid

And another person came, in

The next day, 

The Sanchez were first tier rich families in UK, 

It has been a rumour that, all the genius people that have been in the UK, are all coming from the Sanchez

They act as poor as possible so that he won't disturb other person, 

This is a family that is controlling the economy in the UK, so it is obvious that they are rich ,

"The banquet was going to start" someone said

"Oooh my goodness look over there, that lady is too beautiful" someone said

"Wow..! Look at her beauty though you can tell that she is old, you can clearly see that, she is old,but you can't accept that if you were told this personally

Her  beauty attracted everyone, she has never appeared into this family, why was she hidding?

And now that she kept on, talking and talking please tell us everything

"Wow,, isn't that sister in law"he could not believe, his eyes

"Yes you are right, but she was stopped by the person was not easy to get along with this imposter

"Hey go go and can father and mother", the boy said

Meaning if I did not sport her she was going to go just like that, without saying a ward to us,

Immediately they spotted the rumoured Doctor next to Ghost

"Look, isn't that Hellys' boyfriend? What is he doing with ghost?" Seven asked

"I think Ghost is the rumoured, person " he said

"What person"

"The person who is Helly's boyfriend"  answer come came from behind

"Oooh, and if he is a doctor why is he with Ghost, and that kind, of business can they have together, let's hell Helly to give out the right answer" 

"I think that, this ghost was his master and life savours you mentioed with everything, happening between them, why can't I think this way

" He said

Everything went on as planned it was now time to welcome the mysterious backup or master of the Sanchez family 

"First and fort, I want to tell you that, this person am going to welcome, is no simple person

She went through a lot, but she build an empire by herself, look, she has started orphanags that are taking good care of our children,

She has educated lots of people, right from rags to what they are now, 

This person is a strong and renound designer, , this person after she witnessed her friends death,  she became a lawyer, and she is the best out into the UK,

Ladies and gentlemen  allow me to welcome my boss, Ghost" he said and pull himself out of that place

"It was her pictures that were displayed , on the screan and those had different expression into. Each and every of out as use

"This is her? " She is beautiful and she has to seat it by mommy's side

The young lady was gloomy, how can she just meet her long lost role model just like that

Wendy/ ghost greated everyone with a cute smile on her face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, first let me apologize for keeping all of you, all this years , you supported me and my industry,

You didn't give up on me either, your trust and love, is what has made appear, 

I want to apologise to my family and I know I wronged you but please forgive me, when that time comes I will tell you everything.