

" This person is special to me, she made me who I am today, and made me to be seen by him, 

If it were not for her, he could have not met me, in this life, therefore I want her to bless my marriage" she said looking at joylen's direction

Joylen held her head low, she could not believe that after everything she has a special place in Eileen's heart.

"Please Joylen Wade come forward, I your best friend request for your blessings, you picked me up from rugged, you picked us up, 

You clothed us, you gave us shelter you gave us food and today that this is my special day , and my family are here I just want you to know my family..." She said

Joylen could not believe , she cried and cried,,,, she walked to the podium and said

"My sister, I bless your marriage, am sorry I .... I wish you a happy marriage life, and you George take good care of my one and only sister, or else you will get it from me..

Make sure she doesn't shade a single tear while she is with you, you will hear from me, take good care of her, I hand her over to you" she said she hugged Eileen 

"Thanks for coming and this is from my grandpa, second elder prince Qin, from Glonover kingdom, this is his way of saying thank you, for taking good care of us,,, " she said as she hand over the card and the Blue view Villa master card to her.

Joylen blinked her eyes but she realized that it was time to let them go...

Jeffrey, George and King not even Colin was an exception

They were all stunned by how, Joylen has changed, she is too mature, she has changed a lot.

"Man I can not believe that, that was Joylen Wade , she is mature" Jeffrey said

"I think she realized it's was time to grow up" after the blessings and words from different people

They took the vows. George kissed Eileen it was a long long kiss

"Enough , ...! "



People were shouting from corner to corner, it was now that time to through the flower, 

"Hey, this flower am gonna give it to a specific person so please guys will you forgive me?" She asked

"Noooooo! No no! I want it too" a lady cried

"I need it too" she was left with no option but to throw the flower

"Woooooh...!" Everyone was waiting for the flower but it landed on Tasha, 

She looked around confused then everyone congratulated her.

The honeymoon was cancelled because The next day is the day Eileen is going to be introduced as the  Princess of Great Northern Kingdom.

Many were surprised by her identity, as a princess and some looked at her with envy, some wanted to be her even for a second, her brother Prince Brian hugged her dearly, 

The princess, welcomed her with a warm hug,,,

"Sister, congratulations, now I have a beautiful sister, I will surely learn from you when the right time comes" she said,

Her nephews from her mother's Kingdom they all surrounded her, including Roby,,, 

They were handsome men, tall with well build body, all the ladies in the house were all swept by the hotness of the eleven princes , 

They all looked at Eileen with admiration,some wanted connection to marry one of them, they could not help but shout, 

Just then Colin stepped forward to congratulate his brother George

"Wow.. ! Is this the black Market for the handsome CEOs, 

Just when I thought that have seen enough look at that tall man, look over their,, " a lady said

"Wow... This wedding has feed my eyes enough, " another lady said

"OMG,, that man is  is too cool"

Five lady's from second and some from first tier richest generations, walked towards Colin just to have pictures of him, 

He was cool and handsome

"Excuse us, Mr handsome," w sold voice said right behind him.

Colin did not expect this so it took him some seconds before he reacted.

"Please, just a photo then we will be okay.." another lady said

"And I can see you are single you don't have a wedding ring, we can date and i promise I will do anything and everything for you" another lady said.

Before Colin could say a word, two cute boys appeared right in front of him.

"Thank you for admiring our daddy, he is not cute enough we are more handsome than him" Finn said

"Oooh and also, our daddy has this straight and ugly face, which will scare you at night ours is the best" Liam added

"And our daddy is married, the reason he is not putting on his ring is because,  we don't want people to realize who our mommy let's all of you will faint, 

And we always keep our daddy's ring" Finn said

"It's here" Liam pulled out couple ring, the two rings, were made by pure gold,, it was shinny

The five ladies faces turned ugly immediately after listening to the conversation between the twins 

What caught their eyes were the two gold rings ,  they are limited edition, 

They have never seen this kind of design before, 

'but did they call their father ugly,,,?' they thought and the father was all smiley.

"Kids we are sorry we didn't know your father is married, can know who your mama is?" On of them asked

"Hahaaa, simple , the most beautiful and tallest woman in the building is our mommy" Finn said

"Look for the most and rare beauty within the building "  Liam said, 

They didn't forget to have a glance at their father, with a look of

"You are done... Mommy saw you' 

"Hahaaa, Bro I can't believe that your sons" Jeffrey said

"Hehee, brother you gat real son's I tell, they managed all those ladies .. wait a minute where did they get those two rings?" King asked

"Mmmh, how am I suppose to know" he asked

They talked for some few minutes and released the bride and groom to have rest, since tomorrow will be another busy day before therefore, the day ended peacefully

"Big sister, now you are married our mammy is happy with us, am your younger sister and your sister in law too, 

Look at how fate has played with us" Addah said

"Mmmh, am happy to have my cute pie as my sister in law,,,, we will love each other more, moreover this is a blessing in disguise," Eileen said 

"Okay, let me escort you outside to your car,  do not keep your husband waiting, 

But I have to tell you, first time is too painful, and after a few seconds it will be gone..." Addah said to her sister

"Addah....! Stop that will not happen very soon" she said shutting Addah's mouth

"Hahaaaa" few laughter broke out by the corner

"I didn't know that you are pure and shy, but babes we prepared you a black bag in your car, those are our gift 

We are sure you will like them" Audrine said

The rest nod their heads for confirmation.

They took her to the car, George was their already waiting for her.

"Mmmh, my darling wife" he pulled her inside and hugged her tightly

"Thank you for accepting me and thanks for becoming my wife, I know that I have flows but thanks, for accepting all of it

I promise to love you till forever" he said

She could only smile, by his words, she can't recall how many times has this man said the same line , 

But all in all she was happy to be married to George, he was going to be  a good father,

And she knew her origin because of this family, 

They gave her lot's of things.

"Okay, thank you for, making me your wife, and because of you and and the love of your family

I realized that I had a twin brother, a father, mother and grandpa, grandma and nephews

Above all you gave me happiness what else can I want, just thank you" she said

They drove down to the Villa, that George bought some time ago to gift themselves, after Marriage, this was the most beautiful Villa someone like Eileen admired to stay in forever.

"Husband, you bought this.." she asked

"I bought it for us, the very day I realize that you were a virgin so I bought this" he said.

"Thank you husband " she answered

"But wife you should give me some, something more special like kiss" George placed a puppy face, who can believe that this man is that same ruthless man.

"Wife, let's have some rest tomorrow is another hectic day, for us, I will not make a move on I you tonight" he said.

Eileen was happy, she still asked herself if she truly, he married and lots of people attended her wedding

"Husband do you think, we are in this for real or it's some sort of dream?" She asked George
