
The Sanchez are running mad,,,!

"shhhhhh, our Lord is personally preparing meal for us today, so thunder please don't interrupt"  panther said

Though this people were significant figures, but some times they behave like kids

"What did you say! Are you all mad how can you get your butts on the seats and let the great Lord prepare meals for you?" Thunder was almost striking

"And who is that that is storming my cave?" Lord Ghost asked

"Sorry my Lord I didn't me to, but how can you cook when this figures are here,,,?"

"That is because if you are going to eat today just know that you are eating on my family's behalf and my sweet person's behalf so get seated I will cook today"

"Ahhah" Lord Ghost are you for real,' but she could say all this she was stunned

"Yes am sure and serious you are all my guest"

"Okay, Lord"

This went so smooth Ghost could not help but listen to stories of her fellows and think of her own daughter, how she suffered and got turned into a maid after she left that place, that man was going to kill her,,

At the Sanchez Villa

"Hey, you prepare tomorrow very early in the morning I want to see my granddaughter, okay, buy anything if possible everything remember she has my two greatgrand children, prepare gifts for the unborn" old madam Sanchez said

"Hey, that BMW M8 is to be bought for her make sure it is here by morning, my nephew must have that model of a care" first son of the Sanchez said

"No no noo,,,! She is the third grand daughter and third sister, she is a designer the best company in United kingdom will provide all the products needed for her project over here,

"That can't happen I will give her my 15% shares of my company " the third child said

"You how dare you treat her so cheaply, I will give her that golden Villa at island Z" the second wife said

"You I am going to buy that island for her that will be her resting place, with those young stars" fourth son said

"You that aeroplane the new one is hers it must be branded, Goldline flight, that is her gift" the third wife said

"So all of you are noise makers do you now what my niece went through in that nation? No father no mother?

And you dare give those useless gifts? You just wait, my niece must be treated like a goddess, she has made a name for herself she risk coming her for her future, therefore I will buy the Assex Complex for her that it hers, and if I can't get that the golf field and the Assex villas are hers" First grand child said

"You uncle's, mom's, nephews and nieces, do you think she is more beautiful than I am?

If yes this cute drawing is hers, and you said she is pregnant right, this cute toys are for those angels, and my drawings are known world wide she will like them" a young lady 6 years old said