
Feast prepared by Lord Ghost,,,!!!

"call everyone tell them I want to meet them two minutes!" She commanded


There is foreyes, scareface, panther, dragon, Draco,  Blue,,, each and everyone here has a group and they are all leaders but they are being ruled by Ghost,,,! What they didn't expect is that this Ghost is a woman

They had the right to do everything they wanted in there world, but this Ghost she could only do her designs and all that but ever since she  took in as a leader

Everything has been cool, and underworld has been at peace, all those dirty sports and illegal businesses has been cleaned up, that is why she is called Ghost she is ruling the entire United kingdom, and Nation A, 

But her fear are, what will her daughter think of her as a mother, her once love and fiancee doctor Sanchez her in-laws, her family

Will they contain her? Will they accept her, the reasons why she disappeared , will they, those were her fears

"Lord Ghost, what should we do for you? At your call we will act immediately"

"Do you have a family?"

"Let me make this like children, or child"

"Lord why ask such a question"

"Tell me how does it feel to be called mother, or daddy I will reward you"

"Lord it doesn't need a reward it always feels good to be called mother, father, 

To people like us, our families friends from before don't love us, but when our children love us and call us parents,  we can move the whole world to ensure there safety and no harm to befall them" Blue said, after she married Draco,  she realized what 

Love means, she was once a daughter of a mafian Lord in Asia, but one day she woke up in a dark room and a small house with a letter written from her parents

'sweery from today onwards you are alone survive as you can by the time you read this letter we will be all gone, here is a black card this will help you once you become strong 

And avenge our death it was zhino from Italian Mafian, but first be strong,


That is when she met Draco at her least miserable self, she met him and he helped her. And mold her to be strong enough to rule her father's thrown,,"

"Okay, come let's eat together I will cook for you today, just take it as am treating my daughter"

Everyone "..."

"Boss you can't do that while we are here, we can do that for you you know as our light

"I insist don't you want to know if Lord Ghost knows how to cook or something?"

"Okay okay,," boss if you insist

"She must have love this daughter of hers and miss her to cook for us today" Scarface said, he could not believe it,

"What is happening here why didn't anybody tell me earlier? Thunder showed up this lady is scary that  anyone here except for Ghost can control her