
Tasha's fall out with Robyy,,,!

@Tasha and Roby

"Babes what can I do for you to believe me that, I didn't cheat on you, that lady threw herself on me I wasn't aware of anything, please why can't you understand you have known me for edges" Roby said, his heart was aching to see the girl that made him divert his attention to another profession doubt him now.

"Roby I know you too well, if you didn't like it why didn't you push her away? Why didn't you slap her ? Why didn't you scold her? 

If I didn't appear what were you going to do next, probably you were going to touch her kiss her suck her, and even have sex with her, 

After all you were in the same room with her or are you going to deny it, you were going to teach her a lesson by sleeping with her, 

Heheee, Roby, last time it was that thick face model but I forgave you and even had to forget about it

But do you know, that it hurts to hear don't talk of see your best friend your fiance behave like a maniac who can't control himself when he sees a beautiful lady?

I thought that after we are together you were going to change, that I was beautiful enough for that, I was satisfying you enough but Roby you proved me wrong 

Right it was her who through herself on you but have you ever seen a man who loves and respect her fiance through away and even slap a lady who tries to seduce him?

Okay I will take it this way, what if it was you who caught me with a man, first time I gave out a lame excuse and second time now it's me who is being seduced don't I have a self awareness, to resist? Is it only you who can't simply do that? 

Roby, let's end this before it goes further from today henceforth I don't have anything to do with yourself if you like have women line themselves here I will not care for sure I promise you 

After all you are a prince you can do whatever you like" she said and rushed out crying she can't believe that after this man staying by her side and made her believe that they understand each other this man can cheat how many times has the cheating thing happen 

She can't take it anymore with him.

"Tasha, am sorry am not that type of a person I am also confused I don't know why it's happening I was cought off guard I didn't even have time to react

Before you came in, am sorry for making you cry am sorry please don't go, have waited for you all our lives are we going to throw away our love just like that?" Roby was also heart broken why is she doubting him when they have always been together since there primary life to highschool to university and now open an empire together and arranged there lives together why is it hard to believe him?

With that Tasha rushed out and after some few minutes she sent an email of taking a break from the office for sometime, Roby could not understand but he was also hurt

""Roby, I want to be alone for some time if I come back we will only be partners and nothing else" she said

She could not think of any other place to go but home after so many years of chasing her dreams and being a self supporting lady now she is proud of who she has become, she didn't bother with her car she took a cab home

"Tasha, I have been the one waiting for you for so many years,  from the point that you only saw me as a play mates, to brother, to big brother

To someone you can share with your problems

To someone you could share your problems with

Until you gradually started liking me without realizing it you became jealous whenever I was teasing other girls or talk to them,

Until you fully fell in love with me, I proposed to you and you accepted me in your heart,

All this time from pre- school I loved you until today's, 

Then why did you walk out of me first leaving hanging do you know that my love for you became my dear before you confessed you loved me?" Roby could not help but hold there photos together and cry he has never lied to her

He just want a world of him and her and there children nothing more

"And why do I feel like, someone is deliberately doing this to separate them? And who is this person?

Okay, I will give her time and I have to look for this person who is separating us

For the first time he called his brother to help investigate who is taking his wife away from him...

"Hello, prince Robinson, " first prince asked

"Hello,, king to be,,,"

 (Laughter were heard from both sides)

"Why did you call you never call third, is there a problem,,?" He asked

"I want you to help me find out a sheep who is trying to separate my soon to be wife from me, the only better achievement I have in this life" he said in a hoarsy voice

When the first prince heard of this he trembled a little who dare test this son of a demon, do they really think that this brother of his was just a mare designer and nothing else

If I the first prince fear him and wish to stay on his clean book forever who is tired of living!

"Okay brother that is done, one day and you will have all the information  how about that?" He said

"Okay, I hope I will get a clean work from my king" Roby said he was never a jealous type and to him matters of the kingdom were not his and he was only born to care for Tasha Young and only her, she is his kingdom and everything and if someone want to harm him

That person is full of dreams

Meanwhile at the young**

"Young Miss!" The gate man was astonished with young ladys' sudden change of mind did she encounter any problem out there?

"Yes it's me" she said

"Then welcome home"

Before she could reach the main Villa,, the information of young miss coming back home had already reached the ears of her family members including her nephews and niece that only saw her on the pictures but had never gotten a chance to come closer

We're all rushing towards the door to see who there one and only aunty is

"What did you say?" Mrs Young asked

"I said that our daughter is home, our Tasha is home, wife" Mr Young said

She could not wait for her lazy husband to finish no

"Then what are you still doing here our girl is home and yet you are still seated"

"Wife I came here to tell you that is why am here in your room or do you prefer me going without telling you, or you were to find some flaws in me?" He said

"Old man let's go stop fooling around I want to hug her" she said

downstairs, maids were running from one room to next from one place to another

And the kitchen maids, were all moving they wanted to prepare all the favorite dishes that she likes

It has been along time since they prepared something for her and they were all competing for her attention as usual they know that she is now a big figure a celebrity at that a very famous designer at gold and Pinnacle peak 

"Hey aunty is coming ,my celebrity aunty is home, 

Am going to tell her to design me a gown for my upcoming birthday heheee, 

Though ladies that were trying to compete with me will for sure know that my aunty is the best" Christina said

"Hey don't think that she is your aunty alone am also here, since am the eldest my clothes comes first" Hansley said

"And who formulated that rule let me tell am the youngest and the youngest must always have everything first" she said

"But not for aunty we can share aunty but not everything" he said

"Aaah! Look isn't that sister in law, why does she look pretty in real life than on television? Aaah! I admire her she is a rare beauty"

"This aunty is really beautiful, "

"Sister on law is not only beautiful but also Has a big heart, you all you will know when the time comes" the first daughter in law said

"Mommy moommmy ,,, help Christy she is going to faint' aunty is too beautiful that Christy is going to faint'"

Hahaaaa, everyone busmrst out with laughter, this young girl is to cute while expressing, her shocking appearance