
Reunion of Jane and her younger brother Tan,,,,!

"Colin is this how you do things? By force now can you tell me where my kids are? " Jane asked

"Our kids mamaaa, they are in this very jet, just relax take a shower and then take your breakfast, we will be landing baby" Colin said

Then he walked out of the room, "inform all the military in Nation A and King that madam is coming back , the Villa should be clean anything less

Meals prepared my princes are coming home, I don't need any mistake" with that he ended the call

After 15 minutes he landed at the airport, men dressed in black and leather shoes were all waiting at the airport, not even the rich the flight were delayed for one day, 

"What is happening, who is the bigshot that is coming home?" One of the people whose flight was delayed asked

"The legendary bigshot that we all heard of all those years is rumoured to be the one coming home with his family" the lady answered

"Hey have never heard of  such a thing" 

"The bigshot here is God of war, all this time he has been living in exclusion, hiding himself, 

Many thought that this God of war  is coming from the United Kingdom , United States, talk it but 

We didn't expect that this legendary man is from our nation" the old man said

"Heheee, I heard that to be that powerful you have to be unbeatable, like you have to hold 7 power stars and eagle belt, , this one person that has fought like those wars we always watch in historical dramas in real life, 

This person's sperms and strength is unmatched

He is like a living deity" the old woman next to old man explained

"Sure enough our nation is blessed, if such people are found in our mother land sure I will live in my mother land and die here

I will show off my mother land and walk around with the soil of my mother land whenever I visit a new city"  he said

"I just wish I can see him, too bad he is old if he was young person I could have confess my love for him

But at the same time he has a family, too bad who is the legendary blessed woman who moved the unmovable"

"Sure this woman is not simple woman this woman, must be a queen of war somewhere, "

"After the landing of the plane, all the military that were on the airport stepped forward in  rows the formation was real crazy on

King who has just returned from Itali from dealing with the Italian Mafian, 

Was annoyed beyond recognition, this was not his plan his plan was to see

His small wife, but that can't be said anymore

"Shit! Where did he came from?" He cursed

Was he just waiting for my arrival now I can't see her, I actually want to hold her right now not this man, hehee, but it will be real cool, I will go for boss sake I want to welcome her daughter 

I wonder how this heartless man will treat my sister' he signed

"Hey is that The number three richest man in nation A Mr George Wembley and the second man in the business pyramid Mr Jeffrey?

What are the two most handsome bachelor's doing here, "

"Can't you see that they clearly have connections with God of war?  "

"Don't tell me that even this two are here because they respect this particular man"

"Who would dare to disrespect him, he is such a rich person not even a single group of 50 Billionaire's can compare to his half of wealth, from what I know"

"Oooooh my goodness is that for real?" " Why am I poor,,?"

"Hey hey guys can you see what am see the kids at the exit of the plane" she was pointing at the exit of the plane helplessly

"Yes, about about them, o am not interested in them am interested in the mother I want to see who dares to have my king marry her" the villain like girl said

"OMG,! Somebody tell me this is no dream those two cute boys are the ones that were trending on the internet some time back at the airport the set of twins 

That there pictures disappeared from the internet and that made people's phone to be hacked in all over nation A,"

"Yes I remember them so they are actually powerful! They are the family of the legendary  God of war!" They could not believe what they were seeing with there own eyes

" My God look at that woman she is too beautiful please give the umbrella I don't want her skin to be ruined by the scorching sun" like he was possessed by the beauty of this woman from a far he dashed in between the crowd with the snatched umbrella

Unfortunately was stopped by the military, "we are sorry " that is the only word they said before pinning him down

"Please, I have nothing against her not am I an enemy, I just want to hold this umbrella for her, because of the sun"  he said

By then it was too late Jane was trying to figure out something when she saw the side profile of this young man

'why do I feel like I know him? But I haven't met him before with that he looked at Colin helplessly for help

"Can we go and have a look" she asked

"Yes, king take your fellow to the car" he said

"Okay, brother" he said

"Hey it's okay" Colin stopped the officers, and asked Jane "do you know him?" Colin was jealous at this point how can she take a liking at such a young boy

'is this her type ?' he saw him as an enemy

Jane was lost in her thoughts trying to figure out where does  she know this boy

",Hey hello,,," she was afraid at the same time, what if he is someone that she knows

"Hello, am sorry to have caused such a  Tucker's  here it was not my intention please forgive me" Tan was very polite

"Okay, and help me with the umbrella" Jane said

"Aaah!" Tan didn't expect Jane to be this polite

"Don't keep my lady waiting " Colin said, he has realized that this young boy had no other intentions

"Okay,, here please but sorry once again" he said

"Are you not going to hold it for me,?" Jane asked this time round she wanted to see what was Colin's reaction, but he didn't disappoint her

"I will help her okay, thank you"

"Oooh you look familiar,,," she said

"Hehee, ma'am am sorry we don't this is my first time meeting you" he said

"John Carlos?" She said

When Tan heard of his dad's name he was stunned

"You,,,!" He was shaking

"Just a wild guess,," she said

"Come here young brother Tan" she said smiling

"What?" He asked

"Yes come here, let big sister hug you" she said

Tan made steps back, ', I this woman trying to kill me because of what I deed earlier but have just apologized why is my fate this bad today I have school overseas is my life going to end like this' for sure he didn't know her cause they haven't met for a long time and back then Jane was not using her real face either

"When there is darkness there will always be light, sweet candies are only sweet if I share with beautiful sister" Jane said reminding him of how he use to give her candies and throwing them below the door with this quotes

"Thank you baby nanny" he answered, he was restless his legs grew weaker he could not not move, he dropped down and held himself crying like a baby

"Sister you, left me,,,,! Mommy tormented both of us!" A grown up man crying like there is no tomorrow, everyone was restless, and stunned

"They know each other?"

"Brother and sister didn't you hear that?"

"But they can't recall each other's face"

"Maybe they were separated at their young age" 

"I think so too, this reunion is the most unique one, a man running to shield a beautiful lady from the scorching sun, , later after facing each other they realize that they are siblings that were separated because of some unavoidable circumstances,

Oooooh my goodness, look at them,is like he has been waiting for her for so long" she said

"Come little bunny, sister is here with candies,, " she walked towards him and hugged him from the ground, open her clutch and removed two berry Candy's and gave them to him, that is when he realized that she had never forgotten about him

"Sister you still eat this?" She nods

"I,,, I,,, actually I don't eat candies anymore but since you have them to me I will eat them thank you" and he hugged her

"Little bunny, meet Colin and little cuties' are in the car" she said