
We are going home,,,!

"why do I find this man strange he must be upto something" he can't just smile after I have denied going with him that is very impossible

"Madam's please go inside let's help you prepare for the journey that awaits you" the head maid said

"What journey am not going anywhere so just go to your duties okay,

If I will need any help from you I will tell but for now I don't need any help" she said and ignored them

Just then one of the maids that dare not loose her job blocked her

"Madam please forgive me for being rude but this will not happen again as my future madam,

But this is our masters orders that we have to force you he had already figured out that you won't agree 

So we were told to use this" immediately she pulled a bottle from her pocket covered her mouth and nose and Jane who was not aware of anything inhaled the powder

This was to subject her for 24 hour sleep 

They drugged her to the bathroom, they bathed her and dress her

"Hey, Madam's skin is too smooth and beautiful and moist, no wander boss can't risk loosing her, she is also good in heart and doesn't look down on us, I really hope I can work with her for my years" she girl said

"I also like her she is the only woman who can suppress boss, both of them are powerful,

Look her eye lashes are natural black and long, look at her skin, it's while and cool" the other lady said

"What is there to admire about her she is just a shameless bitch who keeps on pestering our boss what right does she have to make boss look pitiful" this lady is jealous

"Hahaaa, don't tell me you are jealous of our future madam, and that you have something for our boss" 

"Mmmh, why must she talk about future madam like that if she is pure, she must be converting on boss for so long, 

Are you blind can you see that demon's always marry demons and angels get a long well with angels

Let me tell that stupid wish you have kindly delete it for sure or else you will not like it,,," she said pointing a the assistant chief maid

"Hey, are you forgetting who you are pointing that filthy figure at, I brought you here and if you want to go against me because of that bitch over there just tells me you don't need your job anymore" she said

"Heheee, are you threatening me? Let me tell you am not a fraid of anything, even if I loose my job I  still survive, but let me warn you if you dare try any stupid moves against our future madam

Then don't blame us, for not respecting you and for treating you like a bitch that you are, let me not hear that stupid word again coming from your fall mouth

I will tear it apart" for once the chief assistant was was stunned

" You dare to go against me because of her she will be going back I want to see how the two of you are going to survive here" she said

"Who dares gives orders in my father's house don't tell us you are one of my father's toys' Hahaaaa Finn I told you that nothing can come from that man you call a father now can you" Liam said

"Look at her ugly face, hahaa, have never seen such a person was this one born or thrown let me tell you 

If our daddy gave you the authority in this house, don't think you have authority to talk I'll of our mother,,, monkey from Africa" Liam doesn't tolerate any stupid stuff against his mother

"Brother you are right, let me see if she is worth dealing with, once you call our mommy bitch, we can't forgive you" Finn said

"Hey kids why are being big mouth , you are just kids don't you know how to respect your elders?"

"And who is talking brother Liam I can't see anyone talking are you seeing someone, this woman if she doesn't take our daddy serious 

We can't meddle in her and daddy's business but for our mommy we will " Finn said

"You! ...  Am sure you can't be boss's kids uncultured, and stupid disrespectful heheee"

"Because you like talking to much we will can our grandma you are going to work as a maid at my grandma's place, till you grow old 

There there will be no food and water for you,  I hope you are not thinking about the Sanchez, that is not where our real grandma is okay" Finn said

"Brother it's done they should be here to pick her soon" Liam said

"You , this kids are just like their mother look at them hehee, I wonder,,,"

"Let me tell assistant chief maid, even though you brought us here don't forget you are not our boss, and those two kids and this woman here are our Boss's most important people if his parents dare not meddle in his life who are you

You are just a maid like us so don't forget who you are do not be too greedy for everything here is not yours , don't act like madam of this Villa or dream of having boss dream on how you are going to be jobless because you disrespected boss family" the most silent maid said

Before they could finish a group of guards walked in

"Second young master who disrespected boss" one of the guards asked

"This ugly witch therefore take her to grandma, tell grandma not to give her water and food , she should not die or faint for disrespecting our mommy,

That Mr Colin might not care but we do care so take her away, we don't want to see this face anymore" Liam said

"And to all of you , you didn't not see anything and perhaps if you did just tell us we will help you by digging out your tongue out and eyes, so you won't see and talk more for your own good" Liam said

"This kids are scary than boss, I can't believe that they are capable of that" 

"What else do you want to believe did not you see how they dragged her out and those terrifying guards they look like bandits, heheee, 

Madam's background is tooo strong, I dare not go against her or even her strand of hair in future I want live a peaceful life for ever and even fall in love"

They arrived at the price jet, of the Fernandez Colin carried Jane in a bridal style and took her to the jets' bedroom

"Hey Mr Colin , why aren't we going to sleep with our mommy, why you?" Liam asked, Colin was speechless, he shook his head and said "you room is located on the other side" and closed the door

"Finn, do you see what I was telling you each and every time he is around he just want mommy to forget about us,now see 

He is the only one sleeping by mommy's side" Liam was complaining

"Signed, brother let the elders be alone, let them be start practicing on how to bring our little princess to this world, let's go to our room" Finn said

Liam "...." He opened his mouth to talk but not even a single word come out ' another child if the two of us have not enjoyed mommy's love?' no way!, Liam is a jealous type and doesn't want to share his mother apart from Finn he can't share his mother with anyone

Colin slept next to Jane till the next morning when Jane woke up, she found it difficult to stand up like something was pressing her down and it was heavy, 

She lazily open her eyes and was stunned, this  and the windows, heheee, 

She felt a warm hair on her neck and thus was stunned to see Colin's close face and sleeping style his one hand was holding her waist and his other leg was on her

He was cute and handsome

"What a a pity, you are too handsome yet you are the real definition of devile and demon together,

I wish we could have Crossed our paths like normal couple did but ours if full or hatred I can't like you talk of loving you,,

Mmmh, you hurt me back then and it's unforgivable"

After saying that, is like he saw a lightning, Colin pinned her down and kissed her, , until she was almost out of breath, 

"Good morning mamaa,," he greeted

",You, Colin Fernandez how dare you kiss me without my permission and have not brushed"

"I like it like that when you wake up " he said

"And we're is this place,,, don't tell me you have kidnapped me for the second time?" Jane said

"Nope mamaa, I don't kidnap you, we are going home and it's only 15 minutes till we are going to land" he said