
Part 2: of mysterious CEO-Jessy...????... !

Hellooo, good morning guys  🥰💕🥰💕💕❤️🥰🥰, I admit I have lots of work to do, but then today am here to tell you that my unfinished book, The Mysterious CEO-jessy, will be completed soon

Though it will take time, but it will be completed, 

🥰❤️🥰❤️, Thanks to you all that have been supporting me,,. Here comes two to three books but one will be the most active, that is *THE WAITRESS AT THE BILLIONAIRE'S CLUB* this book's update everydays update will start next month, 

1st of September, welcome welcome! Welcome!.

But friends, just be honest with your, comments, I Know that not perfect when it comes to writing, but am trying if you point out a certain point I will correct it, and I appreciate, it, 

I will say this again and again that if not because of you I won't be here but because you allowed me to be here am here, and thank you for that💕💕❤️💕

The book has ended but, I can't help but think about the drama at the Wembley's 😂😂😂😂, 

The two old couples are really funny and are good hearted, because of them Eileen realized her identity like, this lady belongs to the three nation's🤔🤔🤔.

How about, Jeffrey, he called Eileen, pretending to be Addah's father? I mean Eileen bought it and told him everything, 🙉🙉🙉🙉 I must say that here, she was too simple minded,

Then another drama, here is the three triplets, who married Billionaire princes if anqranada Kingdom, 🤔, they were too blessed.

👏👏👏👏🙌 Am going to introduce the second part of mysterious CEO- Jessy, 

How did Damian and Jade ended their story , did she reunite with him? Or did she divorce him forever and focused on her career?

After their separation, she realized that she was pregnant, will the kid grow up not knowing her father and her Grandparents?

This is still a mystery to us, let's hope for the best , I hope this part two of the book will lift our spirit together, I hope we are going to enjoy the outcome 🥰🥰🥰😘😘


SYNOPSIS of Mysterious CEO-jessy part 2

Damian is a president son, he is divorcing his wife princess Jade his first love for his old friend who 

Has just lied to be pregnant. 

Later he it is revealed by his sister that the actress full of male scandals is not pregnant and was never sick,,,,

What will Damian do to get Princesss Jade back 

Years have passed after trying and trying but no response, princesss Jade appears with a daughter,,, "this is my daughter princess Mirabelle of country S"

End* of synopsis 🥰💕🥰

Chapter 1 💕🥰💕💕🥰💕

"Son now you should realize that you messed up a big time, the question is where are you going

When I first saw this woman, I knew that nothing good will come out of her, now you see I will not help you am out of this" Mrs Erickson said

She knew that, broken trust can not be mend easily, for a person with princesss Jade's personally it will be very difficult not easy as people my think

"Merissa you lied to me? But why did you lie to me why?" He asked

"Hubby yes I lied to you, but are you blaming me for lying to you? You abandoned your wife who has been nothing but good to you then you want to blame me? You think that I am the wrong person here

You blamed her for not being pregnant for you despite the two of you marrying for five years

I was afraid you were going to abandon me too that is why I lied of being pregnant" she said Merissa was in a big mess a mess that she has created by herself

First her family business being bankrupt then her only means and way of making a living has been destroyed no agency will dare to employee her 

And now this man that promised to love her is now regretting ever meeting her,

Her mistake is lying to him and now everything is gone just like that,,,

"Now brother such a woman can not be our sister in law, she didn't love you, she needed your resources to  make herself famous, let me ask you since when did a pregnant woman appeared on a cast ? 

But here she is trying to go acting while pregnant and on the other hand a woman sacrificed her entire life just like that to be a good wife to you and what did she received from you as a thank you? Betrayal"" his sister said

"I can't say a thing I don't think I have a brother like you from today henceforth if you will not bring back our sister in law then forget it" his second sister said

"Well son fix yourself, you have put me to shame with my best friend, and remember her brother is also your best friend the bond has been broken fix it yourself" president Erickson said

"Mama, dad, sisters am sorry I will make things straight I promise I will bring Princesss back home" he said

Damian didn't have much to say he went straight to his old mansion where he stayed with Jade ,

"Here was once a happy home, all the maids and bodyguards were all family members, Jade never treated them as servants and master, 

She was beautiful, the only person have ever see treat her servants like humans,

Now this big house is empty full of memories of Jade and I, the only thing I can feel and hear is her beautiful voice laughing and playing piano with her maids

Storying and eating together maids chasing after their master like small kids mmmh indeed I have messed up " he said

Chapter Two...🥰😘🥰💕, 

How will Damian make things right? Where will he start from? He has never heard of her ever since she left home.

Are things going to work out for him or will he live with regrets forever, will he have ways to lift his spirit of is everything gone just like that?

The love of his life, 

He can clearly recall when he went filming in Korea, he was just a seventeen years old boy, 

Who say a lady like fairy tale, 

She was just 14 years old innocent blond girl, but she was simple, she was more like a street girl than a model and a musician, this lady was too down to earth

When he was told that, she was the only lady with the same personality as him, he was dumbfounded, 

"She is an actress?" He asked

"Haha, wait until you see,,," the manager said.

When they were brought to the set, he was surprised again this girl was acting without a make up, 

This he has never seen this before, 

"Is she going to act without make up, will this make the scene boring?" He asked

"Okay try live streaming with her for just one minute" the Director said.

He could not believe so he had to try live stream to see if this young girl is popular

He was surprised , just a few seconds , thousands of comments were flowing, and likes were like she*t, 

'so she is the most generous person' he thought

@l-o-v-e my fairy:- (wooow, my most real life model, you look lovely today, that dress of yours is unique I love it)

@secret crush:- ( wow! today you are bright am waiting for you to come pay us a visit at the orphanage)

@jadegirl:- (am coming there too)

"So she meet her find in real life too?" He asked

"More than that kid, she is social and very private, not even a single one of us here knows her family members, 

And where she stays, 

We all know that after here she is going to visit an orphanage then after that she disappears, we have tried following her, but only her find can say or tell her life but, all of them can't betray her no matter the amount of money you offer" the Director and the manager and other models confirmed.

This did not surprise him what surprised him was her performance, she was natural and was not trying to play any tricks on him, 

His heart kept trembling,. 

And after the cast, she disappeared and not even the Directors were disturbed therefore he had to ask

"Where is she?" 

"Oooh, Jade, she is gone" the Director patted his back 

It was love at first sight, now that love is gone and gone,
