
Introduction of new chapters of my new book...!

elloooo❤️❤️, helloo, hellooo ❤️, it is yet another day, am going to publish chapter 3 chapter 4, of my next book, 



"Meet me at the Hot coffee shop now,, am missing this lessons for you okay,, don't worry just meet me there,,,"

"Okay, thank you" I checked myself on the mirror, not even a single cloth to change this is my new life now, how can life be this cruel

I know they are dirty cause of the soup that was poured on me yesterday, so what can I do , people might think that am poor, dirty or perhaps even worse a thief,, mmm,, life is this

 She made her way to the Hot coffee shop where her friend was waiting for her,, she could not trust this lady genuinely but she could not doubt her either 

What was wrong with her

After some few minutes she was at the location, this place is only for the rich 

'why did she call me here, is she trying to humiliate me,,,? Or is she going to demand I pay for the coffee yet I don't have a single cent " she signed yet confused

just then a group of three men came in , just by how the security, rushed and opened the door when they saw them could tell that they were no ordinary people and maybe regular customers here,, this place is really for the rich people

Just when the three were about to go in Amber came from inside "can't you see that she has been waiting here for so long is this how you people treat your visitors?"

"Sorry, we are sorry, according to how she is dressed we didn't know that she was coming in" a security guard said

Why are people so judgemental just because am dressed up like this is this the reason why they can just judge me?

I felt like crying why? I won't let them ruin my mood all I need is to look for a job and nothing else

"Aha! So because my friend is dressed like this that is why you can't allow her in, and why didn't you put on a signboard that states *only business attires are needed in* my friend try that next time

I will not let you off,,, " Amber said

I didn't know that one day somebody will stand up for me , Amber clearly brought a smile into my face,,, and therefore I had to teach this people a lesson am not a weakling, but before I could step forward

A lady, happen to pass by and bumped into me I don't but for some reason was this lady targeting meor something? Just when I was about my head, 

I felt a very huge slap across my cheeks, 'why is my cheeks stinging,,' 

" You cheap slot! Why can't you walk while looking forward!"

Why does this voice seems to be familiar, when I raised my head I was shocked to death my step mother? With another man, who seems to be rich

I didn't care  she is not my mother anyway just then a pictured my dad in the hospital and how he treasured this woman, very much here she is with another wealthy man

"Haha, hahaaa, mommy,  what kind of joke is this hahaaa, your husband is dying in the hospital and here you are with another man

Carrying yourself as almighty millionaire, hahaaa, and yet you can't pay even a single cent to your husband hospital bills,,,

Hahaaa, Mrs Beatrice,,, , you are funny" I knew this one will trigger her moods

"You,,," she raised her hands to slap me but does she think that I'm a weakling and I will allow her slap me this stupid woman

I grabbed her hands , slapped her across the cheeks,  four times 

"Young Miss Beatrice am not a weakling  the moment I stepped out of your house yesternight I became a different person, 

Therefore do not mistake my meekness for my weakness, otherwise not even this useless monk besides you can help you when I begin to crush you

*Young Miss* think twice next time if we meet again" I can't believe that was me, I don't know was it because Amber was with me,,,

We left the crowded place and entered the restaurant

That was when those three men with caps and mask with black specs came in but we didn't concentrate on them

"Am sorry Amber, I caused you problems am really sorry I didn't mean to

Just that I got irritated when I saw her with that monk and remembered how my father is in the hospital and his love for her

"mmmmh, good morning, Pheee, today is a new day, your life starts now and you have to be ready to face the truth and you have to work hard to help your 

Daddy, therefore you have to apply for a job" I said to myself, though I don't have friends that much am just not that kind of person that can easily get along with her fellows

Therefore I only know of two people that can help me at least we are close in class therefore I called Amber,,,

"Hello, Amber this is Phee,," I said

"I know you are Phee, ooh by the way I saw your half sister in the morning she came to school very early and in a good mood

Why are you not in school" Amber asked

"Ooh Amber the reason as to why I called you is because,,," I got stuck I don't know what to say how will she think of me,,

"Just say it, besides I know and always know that you are in trouble,,, and has problems"

"Am looking for some good paying job, can you help me with one,, I really need this" I said I was trembling I was thinking she was going to hug up on me, or call me names or shout at me 

I sweats started forming ,,, "Phee, Phee,,, Phee,,, is everything okay, and are you crying? Or something did that dander head half sister of yours and your step mother did you something?"

"Amber can you help me with this one  I beg of you I really don't know any person and any where to start  Amber,,"

He loved her so much, but now she sold my dad's company to be with this monk and changed our house details and that house is hers

All the bank accounts details are in her hands, Amber, my dad is the only person left I can't let her die,," why was she smiling

"Phee, relax, I like your personality I know you might not trust me because we are not that close, but let me tell you something 

Am here to help you it's just that I don't know if you will accept it,  it's my brother's friend place of work" she said

"Amber, I don't care which type of job as long as it can pay enough money that I can save for my dad and I then am okay

I don't have a choice or do I? "

"Okay it's a club and it happens that they are looking for a waitress and since you are here I will call him to ask if that position still stands"

Okay" I answered she took out her phone and called out she stepped 5 steps away I didn't get what they were saying

But I saw her turn my direction with a radiant smile then I sensed it might have gone through

"Well friend, the position still stands but sweery you have to be careful, this is a club, not just a club 

But anybody you see stepping into this club, is either a Billionaire , or a trillionaire, be careful

I know you are innocent don't not let your guards down even a single day, don't just drink or even water make sure if you be want to take something first buy it yourself and not any other party

Those ladies there they are very cruel don't be friend any of them, trust yourself and your will be somewhere friend

Tomorrow is your interview go there with your CV, dress smartly, I believe you will rock it" I can't believe this

"Thank you, I felt my tears dropping down my cheeks, my so called friend  a person have never been close to 

Now has helped me, I cried like a child I didn't know it will come into this now I understand what it like to be down to be empty and importance of friendship

"Do not cry my friend, all this will come to pass one day and you will be back to to your feet again , always be strong when you encounter

Problems this are things that do pass with time,,,

Here take this amount of money it will help you, purchase clothes for your tomorrow's interview, be start is not a must you attract people's attention but always be smart you are a great person" she gave me

$5000 for my shopping and job interview attire, am grateful how can such a person exist but am still indented to her

I didn't go shopping in malls or boutiques but in a small dressing store, where an official cloth cost at least$5.5 the white dress  knee length and a long sleeve blazer white in color and flat shoes were all enough

*🥰❤️🥰🥰❤️, How is the book, tell me about. It, is it interesting, ? If yes comment , and I love you all🥰💕🥰, good night my people 💕❤️💕🥰💕❤️❤️