
Pains of Dr Robert

"Wendy,,,,!" First daughter in law shouted,,,

But instead Wendy raised her eye brows and narrowed her eyes like 'do you know me...?' deep inside she was happy that until now this people have not forgotten about her 

She almost cried but she was afraid that they were going to notice her, the only people that knew the truth were 

Liam and Finn when they saw her they realized that there grandma was here to save them,,

"Hey brother grandma is here to save us" Finn whispered to his brother,

"I can never understand her she is lawyer too? Why do I feel like both grandma and mommy have same personality and same model set,,,," Liam said

"That is because she gave birth to her and I think that mommy has never shown her power but when she will this will disappear" Finn said

'wendy, Wendy, Wendy, but why , why do I feel the sense of familiarity with this woman here? Why do I feel like this woman is my wife, but Wendy was never a lawyer

Mmmh, how I wish she could have been her? 

He was lost in his thoughts that he had forgotten where he was  he signed how pitiful

"Here is our lawyer, lawyer Ghost , a very prominent person" 

"What,,,?" Someone shouted from the crowd

"Do you the unbeatable designer of all times the one that no one has never seen her face before?" Another person asked

"I thought that this ghost was very old and ugly why is she a middle age woman beautiful and Noble," 

"Superiority, heheee, live long Ghost" the news reporters were all at the entrance and they heard of the commotion in the court house

Immediately someone took a picture secretly and sent it in the Internet 

Though one could only see her side profile but they could see that this person was a beautiful woman and unfazed


"You lier, are you dreaming, Designer Ghost can never be a lawyer and further my cousin is working at the Assex Complex he said that though they have never seen this person but he should be around 70 years" first person said

"Yes I think what you have said is true, how can someone appear from no where and claim that she is Ghost ?"

"Shameless do they think that Ghost is someone they can just mess with however they want this can't be allowed,, I want ghost to truly come out and put end to this" person two said

"This people should be taken to court, no one has ever dared to claim to be ghost for so many years how come ghost appeared just when the Sanchez had a problem?" 

"They are being lied to , I pity them but I don't know how to help"

"I did expect that this prominent family to be cheated on a broad daylight, look at that shameless woman she just want to squander there money" 

The citizens of UK that loved how this rich and prominent family never mistreated the poor and rather  they supported them whole heartedly

*At the court room* 

"Miss Jane do you clearly accept that Mr Colin Fernandez, is the father of your two sons" Wendy asked

"No,,,!" She answered

"Miss Jane how can you explain, about the DNA test that was conducted are you still going to deny this? She raised the  envelope that had the result

Or do you want to say that I Ghost your lawyer is a lier and a cheat? Or should I call the doctor's to come and conduct this right here?"

"I know you are confused as to why am your lawyer but seem to be supporting person B , that is because you are still young and your children need there father to bring them up

I will tell you this for free, that happiness that you seek you will only achieve it with one person and that is him, 

If you miss this chance don't cry if you missk this beautiful opportunity, we are women we are ment to have our companions by our side but not all are lucky 

Your situation will not be the same but you had the chance but pushed it away" she said at this time even Jane was confused why does she sound like her mother, and why is she stealing a glance at the Sanchez even though she did not know how she looked like but she could see that this woman look exactly like her

Was she talking to her like how a mother should or as a lawyer, what was the warmth that engulfed her body when she held her hands and why was she destructed

Something about this woman seems fishy, when Wendy walked back to her seat before seating she said

"Judge Anthony, this case is in between two young love birds who doesn't know how to express there love towards each other, 

Allow me to  say that this young man should go with his kids and the young lady to reflect herself" she said

The judge did not give any room for the Sanchez to ask questions

"Case closed, young lad go home and reflect about your love and how to tell the father to your children you love him

Some to you young man" the judge said and ended the section

"Was I the only one dreaming? Her voice, her face, her talking style and everything about her it's just like Wendy" the first wife said

"That is her,,,,," the old lady said, in a low but broken voice, how can her lovable daughter in law just assume she doesn't know them

"Yes mommy is right, she was not talking like a lawyer but like a mother who wants her daughter to fall in the hands of the right person 

Can't you think of it she came in as her judge but she even had the DNA tests how did she obtain all that ? " Third son asked, this something that they must ask themselves

Colin stood there rooted what is going on, he has never seen his boss before not even a single day did he had that time to see her face or what she look like

But why was she looking like Wendy Knight, and , yes he is aware that Ghost is Jane's mother, but was she a lawyer too

When he saw her support him he was stunned, how come she supported me but not her biological daughter and how did she know about this case and how much power did she had that the lawyer had to listen to her

"Wendy,,,!" Dr Robert shouted at the name but the woman ignored him and kept walking like she did not hear someone call her

"Lawyer Ghost, please excuse me for a second" Dr Robert said

He was very sure that this woman right before him was his lover was Wendy

He hugged her without any fear, "Wendy why didn't you tell me anything why did you hide from me did you had any car accident that made you forget about me, look I am now growing old 

But am still waiting for probably in hopes that you will come back 

Wendy come back let's grow old together but if you don't like me anymore I wish you a peaceful life

At Least now I know that you are still alive, those are your grandchildren and that was your daughter, Wendy thank you for this beautiful family" after saying all this while still hugging her he realeased her and let her go

The natural smell on her was that of Wendy, that is something he was sure about, he looked at how well maintained she is, she is even more beautiful than before, she has a air of nobility around her, she seems to be surrounded by some coldness, darkness but why his Wendy was innocent and sincere did she went back to that evil man 

Or did they made her loose her memory? But he knew quite well that we was not going to get or have any answers

"Old man be careful don't go around and hugging people and talking sweet nonsense into there ears otherwise people might think you are crazy, 

And you can be mailed for that next time you might not meet a polite person like me" she said and left without looking at the back 

Robert stood there rooted 'had she really forgotten about him and even her daughter? She lost her memory and can't recall anything' he felt like his long forgotten wound reopened again, his heart was hurting that he held his chest and squat down

He was pressing the pain he was feeling when his two grandchildren run to him

"Grandpa, grandpa! What is happening to you, hey come over grandpa is in pains" Finn shouted , this made Wendy stop in her truck and turn to look only then did she realized that this old man was in a serious pain