
Time to make an appearance

"grandson, that won't happen maybe after he waited for your mommy to appear he decided to drop everything when he felt that long lost love" he tried to reason with his grandchildren

"Okay if you say saw"

*In a certain island inside a cave like castle*

"Boss, young mistress needs the best lawyer I think after the coming of God of war, they had a disagreement and I think they are deciding on the penalties of who to take the children" Mr Coleman reported

"Hahaaa, it's time to give them a surprise visit how can they just forget that I Wendy Knight existed" 

"Hahaa, boss I heard that after young mistress revealed her identity as a lawyer, Dr Robert was seen shading tears secretly shade tears and reasons for his tears were because he saw you.." though he knew that he was going to anger her but better said than unsaid

"I will be my daughter's lawyer after all I can't hide forever I want to grow old with that old man, I hope you check everything with Blue and Draco tell grandson that grandma is out for family matters

It's time to make an appearance, I have to test how strong is my daughter and son in-law"

*At the Sanchez*

"Get ready we are going to the court house, there is no time to waste if any random man can just and claim my kids away from me then you dream keep dreaming, there is no way am  going to allow you take my kids from me" she said

How can that possibly happen I was the one that went through that labor pain I was the one that Almost died I was the one he called a whore how can I possibly give him that chance to just take my kids am willing to fight till

The end he started this he will end it and here I thought that he wanted things to be okay, to just talk things through and let it all be I was dreaming a man like him who only knows how to do things by force can't possibly do  things softly pushing me won't help

"Granddaughter Eve if you loose you can still choose to go and stay with your kids you don't have to stay away from them okay" old madam's heart was aching to see her granddaughter suffer in the hands of this powerful man

How can she allow that to happen. , Hasn't she suffered enough what else does the world want from her, first it took her mother away from her, her father and her children whom she bore with lots of pain and suffering

The atmosphere was gloomy, some had teary eyes they knew that Jane had no chance to win against this man no matter how the lawyer is a genius

"Why must things be difficult for her why must she be the one to suffer in  pain? " Fourth wife asked, she has always had good impression on this strong woman who decided on moving despite the obstacles that were blocking her,

How can such a person only experience pain, and bad things can this world be good to her for once?

"I Know the lawyer that Mr Coleman if going to find her the best lawyer, and this big uncle is not going to win the case how can win? No way,!" Seven was burning in rage

'if he succeeds in taking them away he will never see them again then that only means that, he will be left alone" why is world so cruel in that the world most richest family at the top of the Apex can not help' what a pity I didn't know that our Sanchez family can be this pitiful

"Mommy don't worry we have your back, okay be strong don't worry" Finn said

"Are you on mommy's side or in his, I clearly don't understand you, why do you always seem confused after we had traveled to nation A,

Do not pretend yet you want to leave mommy small brother you can as well leave, 

But remember this, he is the man that slept with your mother and paid her$1,000,000 ask yourself if he likes you or he is feeling pity for you!" Liam didn't realize all he said and realized he said  something he should have not said after the room felt silent

"What did you say? And where did you get all this nonsense from?" Jane was shocked too how did the kid knew about it

"Mommy you are mistaken, I didn't hear it from anyone I saw it when we were 5 years old we found this cheque with you,

But I made this small brother believe that it was your payment but I secretly read the note

That is how I realized that actually our father didn't die how you told us but

He was some jerk with no respect for women, mommy when we traveled to Nation A some stole small brothers designs so we,,  wanted this person to pay for them, with the help of grandma we located this particular people to be in nation A

I personally visited him, and there I met her the arrogant fiancee, and she called you a bitch because of him (he pointed at Colin) that is when small brother and I made the Wade's go bankrupt,, 

When he realized that you are uncle's Ethan's sister that is when he wanted to drop his marriage 

The question is if we didn't go to nation A just because he invited you to design their wedding gown was he going to remember what he did to you back then

Back then he assumed, that you were poor and neglected you there like nothing a trash, now that you are powerful and we are powerful he wants to be our father and threatens to call a lawyer to take us away? Hahaaa, how a joke, 

Let me tell you mommy if you follow him as a dog then count me out as your son I have a family her and my grandma too,, I don't care about many things"

Liam talked full of tears how can his father and brother be so heartless, 

"Sorry brother, small brother made a mistake can you forgive me please, " Finn too was filled with tears as he held his brothers hands

"I thought that daddy at least could make mommy happy, cause I thought that he was a nice person and I wanted to have a daddy too am sorry" he said this while crying he hugged his younger brother

"Let's all go to the court,, the lawyers and the judges are there" they didn't know that they were going to have another shocking moments of life,

"We are here already,, they stepped down from the cars and everyone  had a teary eyes, how will it be when they loose to this cold blooded man? Are they going to allow the kids go with him and dare not to return back,

And what will become of  Jane will she lost her children the same way she lost her family members for so many years? Will she grow lonely

Surely one can tell that this two kids are what made her have sense of what life truly is,

"Today's case is about the custody of the two kids , now party B can you prove that you are the most capable to have the right to the children and not party A and why?"

 Colin looked at Jane and then at his kids, then signed 'am doing this to have all of you including your mommy am not here to separate you from her,' he thought

Colin cleared his voice and talked each and every point made lots of sense including the way  she slandered him to be a killer now Jane had no turning point but to appear pitiful

"After that being said who has a question to party B" who dared to complain there was no point of complain or question 

Mmh,,, with that Colin turned back to his seat and glance at Jane once, 'sweery I will have you by the end of the day,you are mine and no one elses' he thought and smiled

'my children and you belong to me and me only and you succeed here your life will be a miserable one not even a single day will you smile' he thought and walked to his seat

"Party A, welcome but this party A's lawyer will be the one to speak" the judge said

"What why not her? Why lawyer is this how God of war want to win the case?" First son immediately asked

Just then a middle aged woman appeared by the door her aura was extremely powerful and was very strong, 'who is this woman' the Aura she excluded stunned everyone including Colin

When she turned to face everyone, her smile was devilish smile but something hit the Sanchez immediately,,,!