
Old couples becoming parents.......!

After three days the old man secretly, went and picked the result, he walked home silently and walked into his studies, 

He wasn't expecting, more but his heart was in a mess bassed on his sister they looked a like and they were drugged to make their daughter and son.

"God I pray that the result should not shock me , no matter what" he said slowly praying 

Slowly he opened the envelope and took the two papers out, he checked

His hands were shacking, he was sweating for the first time in his life, why do I feel like something is wrong somewhere he asked himself, but just like a man he held his will high and strong.

He closed his eyes and opened his eyes slowly by slowly he opened the fold papers and read line after a line from both sides 

"Monica Mmo" and "Joshua Mmo" he compared them for so long but then thought

'i need my spects' with that he grabbed his glasses on

He read them again and again , I feel like am going crazy I need to relax let me take a shower first then the rest will come later.

The old man went to his bathroom inside the study room, there the emotions were getting stronger and stronger he did not know , whether to cry or laugh, whether to be Happy or sad 

Whether to start dancing or stay calm.

"God, I don't know what to say anymore, they are our children, so at this old age I and my wife became parents? Or is this just a dream , 

God this old man will not take it, "  he was talking alone , tears streamed down his cheeks, 

He can't recall the last time he cried, he can't recall the last time he felt this way, 

He walked out and announced

"I want a welcome party prepared , announce this and send invitations we are welcoming my children home, 

Make sure their are all sorts and kinds of food, at disposal, I want to share this happiness with them together, 

The world must know that today my wife, who has been by my side for so many years and I have two set of twins who came back home, the FOUNDER AND CEO of Mosquble company and THE ANGELS ORPHANAGE founder and CEO are our children 

And am also going to announce the heir of Samuel Green's wealth and provide the CEO of the Green's group" he said 

When his wife heard this he was tongue tide , she did not know whether to cry or laugh, this was what we call a. Miracle .

"Husband, I don't know how to feel anymore , I don't know what to do anymore our children , they are ours they look like us, they take after us, 

No one will look down on them, they are powerful and rich, our son is richer than 10 business tycoons combined and our girl she is well behaved" she said

She walked to his children and hugged them and said sorry, , 

"Am sorry, mommy is sorry" she said looking at them

"Son thank you for working hard despite the condition that you were in" 

"And my darling daughter look at you, you worked hard from today you will be eating and relaxing home, and grow more beautiful who dares to bully my neurosurgeon? Aaah my daughter and son are both wonderful doctors" she was proud at this time

These two are her blood are her children

Immediately the knew of Samuel Greens the wealthiest business tycoon welcoming his powerful children back home after so many years spread all over United kingdom like wild fire.

"What....! When did my brother had kids I didn't see my sister in law being pregnant " his brother Luke  Greens said 

"Hahaaaa, second mother has always been pregnant for more than countable, father or you can ask you wife who is our mother, " the eldest son said , looking at his mother who was tensed to death when she heard her son call her.

"Aaah" she gasped.

"Did you know that my brother had children?" He asked

"Noo, I .... I ... don't know" she could not talk clearly

"Are you sure mommy or you..." Before the first child could finish

"What are you talking about son" she asked

"Hahaaa, father you are my witness have you heard me talk a single word?"  He asked.

Luke the eldest turned to look at his wife, they have been married for so many years he knows his wife very well, he saw that his wife was guilty.

"Wife, why do I feel like this old woman is hiding something and why are you uncomfortable after hearing that my brother has an heir? Mmmh let me tell you, if I find out that you did something I will send you back to your people at this old age and you will die with your family" he said Luke Green was  a no nonsense man, this man has served the military years ago.

At the same time the fourth son sent a video clip of Joshua and Monica career talk and work

When the eldest played the video the mother thought that they were bunch of useless children that could be controlled

But, Joshua's list of career swept both her And Luke

"What...? A mafian? Second in command mafian,  an assassin protected by government?" The wife asked

"Mmmh, those are clearly Green's blood , I like what am hearing, first son make sure you be in good terms with this two children most especially your brother now, 

With him around I will not have to worry about our future in this nation,

Take me to my brother I want to say my congratulations and hug my last borns" he said not being bothered by his old wife

"Sure daddy let me go and hug my my last born brother and sister" he said and left as well.

She was left in the room, 

'with all the energy I spent in making sure that that woman won't have an heir, she still have birth to twins, 

This old witch...! now her son is 100 times stronger that my own son's, her daughter is even 10 times stronger than my own daughter things that I feared the most' she thought to herself

Meanwhile, at the Green's old residence.

Luke saw his Happy brother and smiled wildly, 'this is the brother that I Know' he thought as he approached him.

"Brother you heard?  Am a father and we have our twin children, brother am a father at my old age? Imagine am a father at this old age, look at my wife , she is old, but see she is a mother, after our children's death look today we have the most handsome and beautiful children" he said he could not hold it after seeing his brother.

"That is why we came, I want to say congratulations for bringing our last born children, they are the youngest, " he said parting his brother's shoulde

"They are by the pool" he said, the two kids were silent, 

They felt that this was their home, the warmth that they received no or smelled, was a warmth of belonging

"You know what brother I can't believe this , that through Doctor Helly we found our parents, I mean look at us we are old enough look, and this is when we are coming back home, if these people were bad enough they might think that we are after their wealth , thank God this family of ours are full of loving people" Monica said leaning closer to her brother

"But their is something that have observed, our parents, they were fed toxins, that's why they look this old, but in real sense they should not look this old, 

And who was she that. Was making mom loose her pregnancy, infact we should thank the Mmo couple too bad they are dead" Joshua said.

"You are right brother, and Helly can help us in this since she is a great Chinese medicine practitioner" she said.

"I don't know after realizing that we are related I wonder how she will feel" he said

"Am okay, that is why I came here today to say that, am sorry, we are related and so be it, 

I just hope we be a family, the bond that we shared was a family bond though ours was a little bit too strong." 

A voice said ,. It turns out that Helly was there and a certain old man and a middle age man.

"Helly ? " Monica called she was smiling and Helly responded to her with a smile on her face, Their ending should be cool, Helly hugged the two of them and said

"We will find the criminal together" she said

"Hey, hello am Luke your father's brother am the eldest and this is Sebastian my eldest son, your eldest brother" he said

"Hello elder father, hello big brother, I don't think we need introduction nice to meet you I hope we gonna have a perfect relationship" Monica said whereas Joshua just shook hands with a smile and brotherly hug
