
Wedded at the court....!

A year has passed after Eileen's wedding and things have been cool, 

Tasha Young got married to prince Robinson Qin, and they were expecting their first born daughter.

"I can't believe that after years of staying by each other sides we are now more than just friendswe are husband and wife 

And we are going to be parents soon, Sweery thank you for following me , thanks for loving me all these years without looking back thank you, for supporting me and believing in me, 

Sweery, thank you, I know I kept you waiting for so long just that you did not tell me why you were their for me,

But it's cool we realized it when we are mature enough, thank you for giving me a family" Tasha said

"Hey you are my darling and when I first met you I swore to make you my wife, and everyday by your side they were the best days so far

I did not think even for a single day. That things were going to be too much instead, I thought that it was for the best, and good things do not come to the impatient, so I had to be patient and wait for my best friend , my confidant and see here we are you being the mother of our children" he said he was happy that at thee end of the day he married the love of his whole life.

"Okay baby boy, today is my best friend's wedding we have to hurry up we can't miss this I can not imagine that, that 

Cold blooded top assassin a doctor a designer a tycoon and a 29 years old lady is getting married 

And my friend is so much in love, she can even smile every minute like a pig, heeeheee, Colin did put a lot of hard work, " she said smiling.

"You know what sweery for once I thought that, she was going to be lonely for ever, but Colin he is something else he made her loose her mind Everytime she is thinking of her husband, 

Just the other day she made error while doing a design for the first time in history we should celebrate this after wedding" Roby said.

"Sweery let's go, i think we are going to miss the most important details if we stay here for too long, those people are too crazy " she said

And believe me you they missed the most important detail of this wedding.

"Hey brother were are we going , and why is mommy and daddy on the same vehicle?" Finn asked

"I can't imagine that I have such a block head as my elder brother, " Xavier said

"Young Brother am no block head you Know, you just can't understand these two people" he said

"I think you are thinking that they are escaping? Right? " Xavier asked

"Can't you see, " Finn said 

All this time, Liam was acting like an elder brother that he is, instead of arguing with his brothers he a calm and collected.

But he was happy to have his parents unit it was all thanks yo this crazy brother. Of his.

"Mama, thank you for loving me back" Colin said to Jane ' stubborn woman I gat you' he thought with a smile on his face.

"That is because you taught me how, you taught that love and happiness is the most important thing for a family to stand, 

So I have to thank you always not giving up, anf for sure you are the best husband in this life till next to next. 

Colin thank you for giving me these gift of three children, I didn't know I had another one I didn't know I had a mother until few months ago , so thanks for giving me my best world and after this am going to be a house wife for you and my kids" she said , she really felt how her few minutes to be husband has worked to give her love.

"And I will always love you and say sorry for everything I have always done to hurt you, I know in the past I was a terrible person but please mama, let me love you till our end times 

I promise I will be your one and only true love" he saw

"Wait,, wait wait.... We're you planning to cheat on me, Mr Colin? Let me remind you of this am an assassin and am the number 5 in your troop so better my co- wife to be you or an alien, 

Or else she won't stay by your side for a micro-minute" she said

"No mama I didn't mean that how can I cheat on you and how can I try doing that you are my heart and my beautiful world and how canI think of those things mama, I don't want to die soon, I want to grow old with you" he held her hands and kissed.

"Sir we are here" the driver said.

"Sweery after this our identity is going to change" he said.

"Okay, let's do this and go back to the hall" she said "we are still holding thousands of guest" she said.

"Babies lets get going your mommy and I are going in to get married , we have a lot of guest to entertain" he said

"Wooooooow!!! Daddy I didn't know that you will kidnap us like this on your wedding day, if I grow up I want my brothers to fall in love but not me, 

Look at mommy she has Totally changed because of love and she has grown too young" Finn said and he is the notorious one.

"Second brother, why is your mind full of toxins, do you Know that because of love, one can live despite the fact that they are tired of life, 

For example grandma, she has lived for love and nothing more" Xavier said.

"So when you are in love you can't die?" Liam asked

"Can't you see that, your mother was never smiling but now she is smiling" Xavier said

"Then love is dangerous it is poisonous" Liam said

"Hehee, brother do not forget I had found a beautiful lady for you so no stress at all" Finn said, Colin and Jane were speechless.

How come this people are all notorious. 

"Hey, do we really have children ?" She asked Colin

"Yeah, very cute babies and gentlemen" he said, 

"And today the world is going to know my unknown twins- triplets" he said and he was a proud one at that.

At the civil bureau, 

The two looked at each other with a smile 

Judges were all waiting for them , things were arranged according to this powerful couple's like.

When the security saw their master coming they were all happy to him getting his life and happiness, some saw him smile only once and that was when their master brought madam, home one year ago.

The single one also promised silently to find true love and those that can love them the way they are,

Most importantly the sight of the triplets left them in shock, 

'i think I should fall I love soon' someone thought.

"Heheee, now we are going to be happy family, no more weirdo in a family and a stubborn mammy" Finn said

"Welcome Master Fernandez everything is ready according to your like, the ceremony will start immediately" one of the judges who is also a good Friend of Colin said

Jane's heart was racing faster, she was also surprised with this, 

She thought she was not going to feel a thing but why is it that her heart is now racing?' she thought

"Relax mamaaa, am here for you," Colin said

"We are all here for you mo.. mommy" it was Xavier he is cool with his observation and saw this clearly, otherwise was he given the island to rule.

Once they stepped into the court, she asked, 

"Sweery, did you prepare all these here in court or did this children helped you?" 

"Mamaa, I did this" he said

"Mr Colin Mr Colin this way" the judge said

"The two couples sat across each other and one of most unexpected judge came in...

"Helloo, everyone let start with the process" she said

"Wooooooow, grandma nothing can go without you knowing" Finn asked, 

"Kids it's time to unit two big heads, and we have to make sure they do not run away from each other again" she said

Colin did not expect his mother in law to know his plans, 

"Mother?" She called 

"Yes baby" on here is your ring

"Are you ready the both of you" she asked, 

"Yes mommy" they both answered with lots of excitement.

"Okay, Colin Fernandez are you willing to take Jane Sanchez as lawfully weeded wife, to cherish and to love for better and for better...?" She asked.

"Yes I do...!" He said, but letter realized it was not 'for better and for worse, in health and in sickness?' then frowned.

"Jane Sanchez are you willing to take Colin Fernandez as your lawfully weeded husband for better for worse, in health and in sickness" she asked

"Yes I do I do and I still will do" she said

"And now ...." Before she could finish

"Jane stepped forward and kissed Colin , he was cought off guard , I mean his wife can be everything but can't take the initiative to kiss him, 

Therefore this was unexpected, 

"And your eyes are off limits , your hands are off limits and your lips are off limits" she said and jumped on him

"Wowww mommy you are love sick," Finn said