
Message to Ghost,,,!!


"Hello,, am Tasha, the legendary know god mama of the unborn child, am really greatful for old madam Linda, for her support and never loosing hope in use

Today am happy that my boss has started her journey in a new land and I believe that future is bright

Baby girl, Tasha is with you, and Greek God take good care of my unborn baby okay, Isaac and Nicole am looking forward to work with you in this limitless empire" Tasha said

"Am happy for you besty, and old madam Linda thanks for always pushing us to work hard"

"Eeeiya! My children granny will always be here, your success matters alot"

"To our success let's have a toast" Greek God said

The celebration was lovely, some were crying, when Jane recalled how she suffered some years back,

How she was forced to stop schooling and worked as a house maid she could not help it but 

Think that those were her inspiration to her great future

During those times that is when she started drawing her designs and posting them online

That is how she met Ghost, in the internet

And s

 Registered online in school of designs, and

Ghost became her  master in everything and groomed her to who she is, it's a pity she can't reach this person and say her thank you to him personally

The end of celebration everyone was tired and they had to wish each other good night

'i will have to look for him today' she logged in into there account. With Ghost

(Hello, master, am very happy and I honor your teachings very much, if you didn't pick me up from my times when my life hit the rock too hard I don't maybe I could have not realized my worth, 

Back then I was just a 9 years old kid whose life was shattered and lost her mother and was turned into a house maiden, because of you, I find my inspiration and myself

You took care of me from a far I wish I can pay you back or even see who my guardian is thank you

Today am in United kingdom and am also pregnant am carrying a child though I don't know the father but I am happy, I have my blood too

I also signed contract with Assex Complex, today, am happy and all this thanks to you

Ooh, the most interesting part, everyone is mistaking me for another person I don't know why but I find it crazy

Master am grateful and thank you for being my light to the world

Have a great day byeee"

On the other side when Ghost received the message she could not help but remember how her daughter helped her escape that husband of hers

She become emotional and cried the whole night missed her child

And she has a grand child too, oooh no she wished to blessed this grandchild and punish this shameless man who impregnated her gem,,,,