
Ghost is a mafian Lord,,,!!!

'how dare he impregnate my girl that I stayed away protecting and yet out of sight, I will find him and make him pay

But how, once those people realize that out of the three of us am still alive, they will kill my daughter, my love, I can't risk there lives 

If it's by God's will they will meet and sort things out' the Ghost said though she planed seeing her secretly

Her landline number was ringing

"Hello, P what is the problem?"

"Boss, do you know I almost died today out of shock and stroke"

"P go straight to the point"

"Boss don't be cold hearted can you please be sweet for once,, will it cost you"

"Am hanging up"

"I saw a replica of you today, but the difference,," before Mr Coleman could continue

"Meet me now"

Mr Coleman "..."

At the Assex restaurant**

"What did you say earlier?"

"I said that I saw a replica of you, I almost fainted, because I was confused you showed up during the day and with two friends

Do you know"

"Fine tell me is she sweet, beautiful, hair color, eyes, everything about her"

"Hair color not yours, eyes yours, nose, not yours,

Mmmh height not yours,  she has a model like height, and she has a white skin, "

When she heard of that, she realized that her daughter looks a bite like her, but why replica?

"Why did you say replica"

"Hahaa, except for hair color she looks like you exactly I even thought that you changed your hair color

But after she introduces herself I even more surprised and more confused"

"So she looks like me except for hair color, and height right?"


"So she is really a grown up lady"

"What do,,, doooo, you mean by that boss"

"Stop being stupid, protect her at all cost, give her everything that is mine indirectly I don't want her to know that am still alive,,,

My people are yet to be strong then I will introduce myself to my daughter,

Do you understand!"

"Sure, sure" 


"Yes boss"

"That's all you can go"

"Ooh boss before I forget your mother and nephew are the once taking care of her and she doesn't know they are related 

She is also pregnant, she is the best designer have ever met after you"

"She is my blood what do you expect?"

"Oooh sure sure"

"Good am going back"

'mmmh now that strong lady that I left and helped me face my fears and build my name and give my own people now 

Now after am done with my preparations I will destroy the Italian Mafian, he will know that am the Ghost that they feared the most,

Someone who deprived me of my family, love, peace and everything, that person deserve to die I will kill them one by one

Once I was ignorant but now, Hahaaaa, I am strong and have power,

Heheee, am a woman of no nonsense if it cames to no mercy"