
Helly is in love with the handsome male doctor......!!!

"No no,,,,,, I don't think I like him, I just see him like my friend, " Helly said

"Okay if you say so, but I can totally see a different thing, so I know am not wrong, if you think of my brother as a friend it's okay then" Monica said

"Hey sister I will need you to tell me something so after this we will be taking her home, then we will be having a conversation " he said

They ate together, told stories, Joshua could not stop looking at Helly from time to time, 

"Here, Miss Helly, you need to be more healthy you are a doctor, therefore you need to eat more like my lost sister" he said

"Okay thank you, but am more healthy" she said

"Eeehe! Eeeeheh!" Monica interrupted

Few minutes later*

"Okay, brother tell me why didn't you come back for me..." Monica asked

"Am sorry something unexpected happened that day" he said, you could clearly see that he didn't want to talk about it

"Tell me what happened, do you know what happened to me after you left home? Do you know how mamma and papa, treated me,,,?" She asked

"After sometimes, when I could not see you coming back I decided, to come from home and go to the orphanage, do you know?" She was breaking down step by step

"Am sorry but, after I came from the streets that day, mommy and daddy hired some street children to beat me to death, 

If it was not for my adoptive mother then I could have been dead that's why, 

I never wanted to come home after I was told that our own parents wanted to kill me" he said , without any tresses of emotions

"When, she picked me up I thought I was being taken in as a slave, but what she didn next was

To change my name and take me to school and different trainings, and that's how I survived, actually I didn't think of seeing any of you, cause I just want a peaceful life, 

Even though, I wanted to come for you but I couldn't because the kind of life we are living, it is not suitable for you, 

People might admire us from the outside world but to us, we don't live a life full of hopes, 

We might die any time, so we dare not go close to our loved once am sorry sister brother let you down" he said

"It's okay what matters right now is that our dreams of becoming doctors are met, I also come from home years ago, our parents, became best friends immediately after we left,

That's when I realized we lived a poor life but they had money, they really wanted us to die, after which they started traveling around the world according to their map, because of their habits of drinking and partying, 

Mama died and after two years because of depression papa died so Even if you came back home, you could not have find anybody" she said she was crying

For her to adopt to the environment  in the orphanage, she was bullied and after sometime she found a friend who later turned out to be a daughter from a rich family that was missing,

That lady, because they were best friends, helped her in her education levels until today although she was married and inherited massive wealth, that's how she managed to do her studies.

"Okay, it's okay sister, am back, and I will give you everything you can as well quite your job, brother will feed you, but don't be lazy" he said

"How can you manage to pull a joke at times like this when things and life wasn't fair to us, 

Actually brother am afraid of falling in love, because what happened to our daddy that husband might do the same to me, so just marry her I will take good care of your kids together" she said

"Okay thank you, but you will have to move in with your brother, we eat together and stay together okay, but your life will be up to me" he said

"Okay, brother you are the best, the best of the best, listen brother, I pray that you get to marry her and give birth to beautiful and adorable children I will carry them and call the "maningning" and "Tod"

How about that big brother?" She asked

"You too fall in love okay" he said

The two siblings reunited again they were happy though the other was keeping a secret from the other but they just met, so it was not the right time to tell everything, he had to be sure that his sister trusted him as before

Meanwhile at the Sanchez

"Hey, miss legendary doctor, you are smiling too much today,you smile by yourself, and happy is like you are not listening to anything and you are not staying in this house, 

Tell us what makes you happy "

"Mmmh, tell us already, we want to Know and share this happiness with you" 

"Aaah!  You all don't know, or are you blind,?" The princess b said

""Hey what do you know, ? Shut up" seven fired

"Whether you like it or not, I know that elder sister and that handsome male doctor are into each other" she said

"What male doctor" the father asked

"Here, this one I caught him, looking at sister and smiling and even taking pictures of her" she said as she hand over the the phone

"What,,, ooooh my God, this son in law is handsome" the mother said

"Bring it here let me see my grandson in law" the old madam Sanchez said

"Wowww,,,! This little kid must be dangerous look at how he is smiling, but he doesn't seem ordinary to me" she said "are you really, sure that he is an ordinary doctor" she asked

"Grandma you are right this young man , is not in ordinary doctor,

I have checked his information, he is mysterious and his family nearly killed him years back but he was picked by Ghost, 

And it was Ghost that took care of him all this time, in other words he is Ghost's son, he has a Sanchez name, have you ever realized that?" Seven asked Helly

"Yes, he told me that it was his adoptive mother's name" she said

"So are you now confirming that Ghost is Wendy Sanchez and Even using our name meaning we are still in her heart" 

"Do you mean I can't love him and he can't love me too" she asked

She has started liking him too, therefore if this is the case she can't continue to love him ", she thought

"No, darling you can both love each other" the grandmother said "you can't let such a Gene pass this family, though he is adopted by us but if you two love each other, 

We will not stop you including Ghost I understand her she will always be happy" she said

"Grandma thank you, you are the best" she hugged her grandmother

"Hello, everyone are you trying to say that, the young doctor has been adopted by my wife? You know I realized that he has the same name as us

But I didn't give it a thought, so that boy knows Wendy and he denied it? ?" He asked

"No, uncle, he doesn't know the true identity of Wendy and if he knows,,, then there is something

This group is hiding, and they are really protected by the government, something I realized is that, they also work with God of War, and God of War is aunty Wendy's underline" he said

"What?! Even the most respected man, is working for aunty? Just what did aunty become after staying away from us all this years" she asked

"Ooooh, my goddess I won't be surprised if everything we have now has been given to us by her, she has been protecting us" the fourth son said

"And since that young doctor is her adopted son, maybe or maybe not he knows you and all of us and maybe he is protecting us " that is what a think

"Then I will have to ask him" she said

"But please, do not push him away, I need him as my brother in law, " the princesss said

"I too need him as my grandson in law, but we have to know the truth from his side if he is purely in love with you or anything" grandma Sanchez said

"At the same time, the Knights walked in,,

"Greetings in laws" they greeted

"Greetings our son's, why did you visit us today?" The first son said

"Okay, my brother here is going back home so we thought of coming here and say goodbye" Ethan said

"Yes, am traveling back to nation A" Rodgers Said

"Is that the only reason as to why you visited us " the first wife asked

"Yes, aunty that's why I came, I will be living but I have to say that Aunty Wendy is still alive she will come soon" he said