
Will you be my girlfriend Helly...!!!

"I did not expect that, my long lost daughter in law to be alive, am just wondering why she kept herself from us" old madam said.

Many things have happened for example a daughter that she left back has already grown up into a powerful woman.

She already has two handsome boys and even a genuine man, who is willing to love her all her life, 

Even though she has been helping in shadows but it is much more different, than if she could have been around,,

She didn't enjoy motherly love, but here, she build herself she made a name for herself she is too brave, 

She educated herself, mmmh my dear daughter in law, what was it that was so difficult that you had to abandon your daughter somewhere else for some people who mistreated her, 

My dear granddaughter I didn't even know, that you existed if you could have not travel back here, 

Truly Fate, is Funny though , this granddaughter of mine was abandoned by the country side she found her way home, 

What else can I want an old woman like me, I really hope I can see my daughter in law for one last time

Tears fell down her cheeks, she whipped them gracefully

"Okay young man I wish you safe journey, send my greetings to my granddaughter and great grandsons, and to your grandmother my best friend" she said

"Take me to my room I need some rest" she said

"Okay we will be going now" Rodgers said

They left the mansion and to the private aeroplane, 

The next day at the hospital , Joshua and his sister came together, they were happy, Monica changed to someone else.

She was energetic, like she had some new lover, but her mind her heart were all free is like she has found her new self, in her blood brother

"Hey, have you seen ,sister in law " she asked

"No! Is like she is avoiding me I have that feeling like her schedule was fully booked, it is like, she doesn't want to see me" he said

"Maybe, she realized that she is in love with you but she doesn't want to accept it so take it easy don't taken to heart , allow her be" Monica said

"Hey sister, you Know it better I will let her be" he said

"Hey, moniq, I heard that, that handsome man is your brother, 

Can you play copied between us, I like him and I am in love, 

I promise I will be a good person" the lady said

"Pfff, looking at who is talking I can't help but want to laugh, 

Why are you dreaming look at  you and look at me, am much more beautiful than you, am more knowledgeable than you, I have a rank and you just a low life , doctor, do not even dream of climbing on his bed

And that handsome doctor is way out of your league" she said

"Okay, ladies I will tell you the truth, my brother has a fiancee and I have a sister in law, with two kids so stop daydreaming not unless you want her to hear you and get fired" she said

"Oooh my goodness,who is the lucky lady, I guess she was from a rich family, she is beautiful and maybe a model or some crazy genius oooh my God, 

I want to meet your sister in law, let this fools dream" for once you can ask yourself are this doctors 

Is this a medical industry or some entertainment industry,? This doctors are funny. This is really funny

"Are you all being paid by the hospital to gossip around, or should I get you all fired instead" Helly asked

"Sorry, sorry, we didn't mean it " they said , this was like a daughter to the CEO of this well known private hospital

Therefore they can't afford to , be warned by her

They all disappeared like rats that have seen some cat.

Deep down Helly was very happy to see , her soon to be sister in law protect her and even lie to for her sake

She was really something,

At the same time, Joshua could not bring himself to concentrate at his work he was going to do a surgery at night but he was almost seeing himself messing up. 

He had to see her before, his head become a mess

Therefore he sneaked in her office and , and made himself comfortable waiting for her to come 

Immediately , Helly opened, the door, she was pulled in and the door was shut close she was pinned on the wall 

And a warm, lips landed on hers , she did not take a clear  look at who was this 

But she immediately knew that, it was Joshua, but why is he behaving like this

Still in q dazze , his kiss deepened, moans and moans were close to to be heard

"Mmmmh...mmmh.." she tried to push him away, 

"Hey what is this for , "?" She asked

"Why did you try to avoid me today, Helly, I could not even do a thing  because of it you Know ,I just 

Don't know but you not saying anything to me messed me up" he said

"Wait is that why you are kissing me, ? Do you know apart from my family members no one has ever kissed me before" she said

"You stole my first kiss from me, you know I kept it for that man that will win my heart you know" she said again

"Helly, then I guess am lucky a you are the first lady that made me loose it to the point of kissing you, so you also stole my heart and my first kiss and my body" he said shamelessly

"Hey, how can you say that's she asked

"Okay can you  take me to bosses office please" Joshua said

"Okay, as long as it is not something stupid"  she said

"Walking to doctor Sanchez office, they were holding hands like couples one could see how their eyes were filled with love

"Hey, can you see what am seeing" one person asked

"Did not that sister of his said that, he has a fiancee and they have two kids?" She asked

"Are you for real? And why is he joking with our legendary doctor"

"Poor cute doctor, she has never experienced love before" someone said

"Don't tell me that, the doctors in this hospital, only knows how to gossip on their employees, " it was Princess

"Hellooo, young miss, .. " 

"Helloooo... Are you seriously saying hello to me after, you guys talking gossip about my sister and my brother in law... Am going to get you fired" she said

"Sorry,, sorry,,, sorry,,, madam please forgive us" they said

"Okay, under one condition" she said

"That is madam, we are willing to say everything, everything"

"That is,you work hard and make sure that this hospital of my uncle become the number one hospital and in terms of cleanliness you have to take part, in terms of doctors patients interdictions must improve

Any one caught putting on some gossip around will be fired do you hear me" she asked

"Yes madam we will work extra hard for the betterment of this hospital, you are generous madam thank you very much" they said

"Okay, we the Sanchez and you, we are all humans and on the same level do do not think I can be Petty and arrogant okay,

This hospital is here because of you, just do your work at the end of the day you will be doing much more to earn and save lives" she said

"On the other side 

"May we come in doctor Sanchez" he said

"Okay, come in I was looking for the two of you" he said

"But you go first" he said

"Okay, Doctor Sanchez I came here with her to ask for your permission of you allowing her to be my girlfriend, 

Have never done this before that is why I come to you with her, I don't want to be with her in the darkness I want this to be pure relationship and friendship" he said

"Young man are you serious," he can not believe this young man where did he come from

Yes, am serious doctor" Helly could not believe her ears, and she tried opening her mouth to speak but could not speak or let alone a word coming out of it.

"Well daughter what do you think? Should not you say something to him?" He asked

"Okay,uncle I accept to be his girlfriend" Helly said

Joshua felt a wave of love in his heart

'is this what boss always talk about? I must say that this feeling is really strong, ' he thought

'i will have to call boss back and tell her the progress with everything' he thought

"Thank you Helly, thank you very much, though I don't know much about love but I will love you with all my heart" he said a prot right in front of his in-law