
Ditched by one night,,,,!

"what is happening to me, is this how it feels when somebody is drunk" I asked myself and swore never to drink again

Just as I was coming from the bathroom, I heard the sound from the door, click!

And slowly I talk handsome man came in, he was staring at me as if I was just a piece of meat ready to be devored by a angry Lion, 

"Hey, stop looking at me like that, do what brought you here,,"he said with a hoarsy voice, 

'what is this voice from humans or gods', he is handsome, ' lost in my thoughts of how handsome he is I did not realize at what time he reached and planted a kiss on my lips

'he is going to make me dirty, OMG!'

With all the energy I had I tried to push him away but I could feel that I need this man just from his touch, and simple kiss, I felt weak, this was unlike me something is wrong somewhere

"Don't pretend like you don't want this yet you are just a bitch, a white whom have just bought, do what you have been paid for"

"What!" Before I could think he pushed in the middle of a king sized bed

There my panty, bra, and clothes were torn from me 

He didn't give me a minute to think of something else

He thrust inside me like a monster, 

"Auhh!" The pain was tooo much that I could not hold on, I felt my tears streaming down my cheeks

"Holy, shit!!, What a fuck you are a virgin, " he cursed

Then his lips curled into a smile. But he did not stop, he continued and thrust harder and harder, I can't tell how many times did I come , then he took me to the bathroom

3hours later, the laid me back to bed , and slept by my side, due to how tired I was I slept off immediately,

Next morning*

I wake up in a strange room, my head pounding , like crazy "why is my head hurting? 

Slowly the things that happened yesterday came back flowing in my mind, OMG! 

"I have lost my virginity, to a stranger,,,,Janny see your life"

I said to myself

The side of the bed that the stranger laid on was very cold Like nobody slept there did I sleep alone, so this son of a bitch took my V-card and could not wait till morning to say sorry to me , oooh thank God

He didn't see my real face the mask I put on is a water proof, so if we meet in future he won't recognize me!

Just as I was about to come from bed I noticed new set of clothes, and a note,

"Sorry, angel, for taking your sanity away, due to your condition I realized you are poor but pure,, don't try to look for me here is a check for $1,000,000, make a use of this money, take it as a compassion from me 

I love you but I have to go"

"What he did not even tell me his name,