
Feeling hot and restless,,,,,!

Jane's POV**

Just by getting into this bar/club named club sexy*, I felt disgusted by the smell, I even thought of running out right away, but this stupid idiots I call my friends held my hands tightly.

"Janny baby today you gonna taste a liquor, what are you using your money for mmmh,,, spend it dear" Roy said

"Ladies at my service today" Roy said

"I don't like the smell guys I feel like I'm gonna throw up any time soon I you just let me go maybe old Linda is waiting for me"

"Relax we already called her so she is aware we are together and here, you know what she supported it" Tasha said

Just as we were busy talking a bar attendant approached us, ""hello, what should we offer the beautiful ladies" 

"Hey are you only seeing my sisters and not me"

"Sorry sir but ladies first"

"Okay, will you get me the strong liquor in your shelf, " I said looking down on my phone

"Hey, what!,,, Babes you have never drink one before why the strong one,," Tasha asked worried

"Just bring what I asked for" I said

"Bring us What she has ordered okay, what besty takes is what we will take, ,""yes bring us the same"

The waiter came back with our drinks and glasses, but I started feeling that this was no place for us, I was feeling like something was going to happen just that I didn't know what was it

After pouring the liquor, the waitress that was serving the the other table brushed by my left hand and my glass fell off,

I saw fear in this ladies eye like she was expecting me to bust out loud or Maybe something else 

"Am sorry Miss please forgive me" she said

"It's is okay just bring me another glass I will be okay, it's also due to my carelessness" I said to her

Is like everyone in the room was expecting a serious scandal

"Did you see that, never in our lives in this club had we served a customer and offend her,  had we go Scott free without a slap or shoutings" 

"She is mature and not easily carried away"

"Let us go back to work"

She came back with a glass I poured my liquor and enjoyed it

I started feeling hot and restless

"Hey guys are you feeling the same, why am I feeling this hot"

"No babes we are okay, it's because this is your first time" Tasha said,

"I am going to the washroom, okay, wait for me if I take long you guys come for me okay,,,"

"Okay besty be careful on your way" Roy said ,Tasha gave assurance

Am new here have never been into a club before, I went straight up stairs and bumped into a room,

"Thanks I will go to the bathroom" I said to myself

I immediately flash water to my face, but the problem is I was feeling more and more hot, I felt uncomfortable and didn't know what to do