
Caught between lies,,,,!

"this robot is for my elder sister, it will help with her massage, cook for her, and do her everything , 

When she will be tired from designing her arts this robot here will help

This is my first 5 - list robot with advanced feature, it can only be one to exist therefore I will give it to sister" seven said, he his a skilled engineer born with skill of technology 

He grew up in this world and not many people knows about him cause once he was kidnapped but was saved by Ghost

They could not find her to thank her so he stayed hidden 

"I am a doctor in traditional herbs and this king of special tea, this tea is called Longjing it is a thousand years old type of tea yet rich in fragrance

It is sweet and refreshing with pregnant women

It can relax the body and you can easily fall a sleep" the fourth grand child said 

Jane who was sleeping already didn't know what was happening neither did her father Robert Sanchez knew,, , everything was made and planned within a short period of time 

The Sanchez family are known to be middle class, but people didn't know actually was that this family was ruling almost 1/2 of the United Kingdom economy, and most young stars were coming from this family

They were keeping low profile since they didn't or never. wanted to catch the attention of the media

In the middle of the night she could not sleep but sneeze,

'who is that talking about me' but then she smiled and said those two friends they can't sleep so they are talking about me? 

She decided to go downstairs for some glass of water

"Hey, don't worry grandma am taking good care of myself and her" second young master Knight said

"Yes everything is as planned, what else do you need?" 

"Ooh okay I will do just that," he ended the phone though she could not understand what the other party was saying

She realized that this Greek God must be dating and has a good relationship with the person on the phone

"Could not sleep or something?" Greek God asked

"Yes I keep on sneezing so apart from that my throat is dry I came down here for water"

"Okay that's cool then"

"You have a girlfriend or something why can't you bring her over"

"Hahaa, where you listening to my conversation earlier with my grandma?"

, Are you scared that I might leave you,,?"

"Silly am going to drink water"

"Sweery you got water in your hands what are you going to look for?"

"Okay thank you" Jane was embarrassed beyond imagination how could she forget that she was carrying water in her hands

For sure she was caught between her lies

"Okay good night sweety"

"Good night too, tomorrow you might wake up and find me gone so just take care of yourself okay, keep that baby properly I want to see how handsome the father is,,

"Pffff,, who can say such kind of words yet the father to my child is Unknown I don't know whether he was some jerk I don't know, were he was some serial killer, she might be a devil in disguise for that matter, what kind of life did I get myself into, I just, can not understand and he gave me lots of money

If I meet him one day for sure, I will ,,,, I don't know this silly man, taking my virginity then throwing  money on my face,,,"

She made her way through her study room to check if her master texted her or perhaps replied or needed any favors from her

"Young lady, now that you are a grown up person take good care of yourself and 

Don't not trust anyone easily, being that I trusted wrong people that's why am here and in this state just hiding to protect my people cause I fear causing them harm 

But don't worry, Ghost has power to protect you 

But one thing take good care of my grandchild, I mean I see you as a daughter, so probably that kid in you is my grandchild,

There is also a favor I need you to do for me, just tell me in details what you want to do with your future I will help you okay,,,

Be a good person your future is in your hands" Ghost said 

"Okay thank you, very much I believe in you, and just mention it I will help if I can and I will be willing to help anyday anytime"

 Jane said

"Okay, I will inform you when that time comes"

After her conversation with Ghost she logged in the group of "imperial doctors"

Shark: "Hey everyone the queen has logged in did anyone here violated the rules?, "

Whale: "who dare to cause us trouble  here, that dare to disturb our boss"

Comic : "why are you all making noise let's wait and See what next  boss has something to say"

Mermaid:" I was a sleep but I smelled the queen must be around so am here boss talk at your command"

Queen: "I will need two people from here make sure you cover yourselves properly there is this old business maniac with brain tumor I need the two to go and help I believe that is a small case for you agree amongst yourselves and tell me"

"Mermaid: "okay boss will you be there"

Queen: " no I won't I believe in you "

" Okay" everyone answered,,

***  Who is that that can't get along with Jane?

"more than you Jane I want to be an uncle so get enough sleep " he left just like that

Who would not like Jane with her pure heart and beautiful soul not even a witch sent to destroy her will do that except for this devil who impregnated her,,,,

Early the next day at Jane's mansion**

"Miss Jane, Miss Jane are you up" Nicole entered the room without knocking at the door 

Jane was busy in the study room completing her drawing,

"Miss, Jane quickly dress up didn't you know that you had visitors?"

Jane"aha! Visitors what are talking about has Mr Coleman sent some people but he didn't inform me about such thing"

"Are you serious and who are those people? Then they said that they know you very well "

"I will go and have a look"

"Wait dress up first they must be rich people you can't go like that"

"Off you go Miss beautiful no wander every design you make the outcome is splendid"

"Hahaa, stop it the designs we will make will be the best in the world" she said

"Well don't keep your visitors waiting"  Nicole could not help but admire how this lady is very beautiful , she is down to earth you can't know that she is a self-made millionaire herself if you haven't witness 

As the door of her room was open, everyone downstairs turned there heads and looked at this beautiful figure with white skin, smooth as a soothing milk, and shinny it's a natural skill 

Natural shape, just like her mother,

She is peaceful from a distance her hair that was left untied dropped down her waist

If you ask for epitome of beauty the Jane is one, 

Why did she call herself gold and her brand gold she is indeed her name 

Old madam Sanchez could not help but see her second daughter in law in this beautiful lady "Wendy"  

Everyone could only see Wendy walking down the stairs, hey Mmo Sanchez, the fourth son of the Sanchez started crying, 

Everyone was having tears in there eyes threatening to be let out, 

The goodness of that lady still remained in there hearts, when it come to her she never had solutions but to others she had solutions

They still remember one day when there company was at the verge of collapsing they could not sleep not lift there heads up, they could not imagine the shame that was going to befall them

"Hey why are you lacking night sleep?"by then she was still new to that family just a university student therefore nobody gave her a listening ear but then she said

"Here mother this document is written by me, it took me 6 hours so far, 

And truly speaking this is the first time have done a project for a long time,,,

Trust because I can't harm your family because my fiance is your son,

Go through it and see, if it can help you tomorrow in your meeting"

"My granddaughter I bought you this gifts, I hope you like them, and your children too I hope you like them, 

This old woman didn't know what to bring to you anymore that's why she had difficulties in choosing this Jewelry I bought it for your mother on her behalf I would love to see you putting it on" the old madam Sanchez said, she was happy more than anyone here