
Another update on *waitress at the Billionaire's Club*....!

Well, well, well, good afternoon everyone today I give you another side or other chapters of our up coming book 💖❤️💖❤️❤️💖❤️


"sister since we are reunited by coincidence, let's focus on building our foot then one day we will take everything that belongs to us" Phee said

"Sure sister beçause I have you and daddy I will work hard, and because we are twins I want to do the same profession as you

We will become the genius twins our father will have the most perfect life if we grow up and developed together 

I feel sad but Happy they sent you out of that house cause I get to meet you and that am not lonely any more we are a family of four,,,"

"Sister, let's sleep you have school I have work, eventually.everything will be perfect" Phee said

They hugged each other and kissed good night, 

The night was peaceful, Phee didn't have any night mare which was surprising, but she guessed maybe because she met her other part that is her twin sister

"Ooh sister you are up, have prepared breakfast, 

I wanted us to pass to daddy before going to school and you to work"

"Sure thing am done with everything let us take breakfast then drop by daddy, I know he is going to be happy seeing you"

"I hope so,,,"phee said

They took their breakfast, though it was only yesterday that they met but they were mature enough to understand each other, 

*J national hospital* 

"This is the best hospital in nation A, and dad has been staying here for so long

When the amount of money in his account was all spent

I asked and requested Mrs Beatrice to help with dad's condition at least because daddy loved her more than mom, and he doted on Zennah more than anyone or anything

So I thought she could help but I was wrong, they sold everything and even held the house in there names of which even if daddy will be cured he will only depend on us to survive" Phee said

"It's okay, since daddy saw both you and mommy useless back then 

We will show, him that he was wrong and when it comes to times of need only those who understand that only those with strong bond and love can be there for each other

Therefore daddy must survive at any cost" Neville said, she was serious while talking Phee could see her mother through her she was more that happy around this twin of hers

"Miss Phee, you are here to pay a visit to your daddy,,," the gate man asked


"Oooh, Mrs Beatrice is also here"

When Neville heard of that

"Take me to her, I have to see her and you will not show up okay" Phee could not answer but node

"Okay let's go"

Inside the word

"Adams you are so pathetic, how helpless, I can't waste my time and money on a dead person

Instead just die and let me and my daughter live in peace, "

Adams could not believe his eyes and ears was this that woman that he always loved the most wishing me death case?

Calling mean dead person? Was I blind to love too much,,, helpless he washer could not believe what Beatrice was saying he closed his eyes

Perhaps it was a dream and open them again but he still found Beatrice seated there looking at him

"This place smell, it stinks I can't stand this,,," just as she was preparing another sort or drama series words by lines

The door was pushed open, she was stunned not to mention scared

"Phee do you want to kill me? It's okay if your dad died but me?..."


It was like somebody was pulling her inner ears out, she could hear crickets making sounds, her cheeks were all red and tears were seen threatening and her eyes turned red indicating danger

She could not understand that it was Phee who slapped her

Mr Adams on the other side was also surprised beyond shocked,,

'this is not my daughter did they hurt her that much that she could do this without fear?' no no no,,,,

"If I spot your filthy self around my daddy or this hospital, that will be the end of you!

Do you understand! If I will find out by any chance that you step or discuss about my daddy with anyone out there

You are dead'! 

Are you getting me!!!! !

So try not to provoke me,,,

Out! Out! Run let me not see you again,,!"

She rawed inside the ward

Mrs Beatrice was stunned is like the she was facing a devil, she took off her heels and run outside the ward like lightning was about to strike that very particular moment and place,

She was confused the didn't know which direction to head to

"This way ma'am"

The nurses and doctors patience in the hospital were all surprised by this calm Miss Phee outburst,,

"Hahaa,, daddy why are you like that, did I scare you?

Neville is sorry she didn't want to meet you like this was just agitated by her and what she has done to you and sister" Neville said but she could see confusion in his eyes

"Who are you if not Phee"

"Daddy am Neville your lost twin,,, but I met Phee yesterday so we came to see you that is when we realized that she was here" at that time Phee stepped in

"Daddy she is my lost twin, we are staying together now, she took me in and we will protect you"

"Thank you my babies be careful out there am happy to see you my girl daddy is sorry for abandoning you back then, forgive daddy"

"It is okay, from today onwards you will not see the two of them " Neville said

Mr Adams though sick and had lost the value of life when he saw how her eldest daughter fought for him, he was beyond being happy he wished them the best and good luck in life, he had no reasons to worry about his second daughter anymore but to hope being together with them in the future.

This is her mother's fault, she was taught how to seduce men at a young age, can we blame her, partly she could have realized what is good for her and what is bad,,,,

******"@ Billionaire's Club***

'i can't believe what am seeing this is beyond my imagination, though the name of the club tells how rich people here are but

I still can't believe my eyes, this is super cool, with gold like decorations, and painting, the building is cool,,

Then why did Amber say that nasty things are being done here it doesn't seem like it'

"Hey young Miss what are you doing standing here if you know what is going for you, go back home

This place is not for kids"

The guard said 'are we quarreling in any way?'

"Why are you peaking on me are we quarreling ?" I asked back, this man seems terrifying but am also no weakling

"Anyway am here for my interview, with your manager"

"Ooh, sorry you are Phelicity Adams?" 

"Yes that is me"

"And here I thought that lady to be mature anyway be careful around here and all the best with your interview"

"Just go to the front desk you will guided"


'i hope she will maintain to be a good lady in this area"

"She is way too ugly to be disturbed by those rich men and she seems to be too naive, those old folks need naughty ladies"

"I just hope she stays face and out of trouble"

"Hello, am Phelicity Adams and am here for an interview" i told the receptionist, I don't why be she was looking at me in a strange way

"Girl you are trying to hide your beauty, here try as much as you can for this greedy gonzillas not to see, with that you will survive

Am meldon welcome to Billionaire's Club, the manager will pick you up, just wait there" she pointed at the waiting couch

This place is cool the music being played is cool

There are group of young men, in business suit drinking but it's too early to be wasting time drinking in the morning

"Hello, Phelicity" a horse voice came from behind


"Am Ken the manager of this club, my friend told me you were coming here, so please I will ask you this

Phelicity are you sure you want to work here?, Not in a bad way but you are young and innocent and pure, this place is not good at all"

"Yes am sure I want to work here, and it doesn't matter I know my limits and believe me I will not do anything that is out of my scope not even last"

""Okay if you say so, but here are the conditions,

You will not engage yourself in any sexual activity, whether the offer is huge or not

Men coming here are Billionaire's and they like naive girls if any try to assist you report immediately

There are uniforms to be put on therefore you must put them on"