
Another update and notification....!

💖💋💖💖💋💖💖💖💖💟💟💟 yet another update, of *WAITRESS AT THE BILLIONAIRE'S CLUB* welcome welcome welcome , the update of the book is starting from 1st of September, welcome let's walk together,  💟❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️💕💕💕💞💞💞💞 

I L.o.v.e y.o.u a.l l💖💋💖💋💖💟💖💖💟💞💕❣️💞💕

I didn't think of anything apart from going to visit my father today I even bought him a vitamin to improve his appetite

Cause I know that once I get that job, my dad will not miss a single second without taking something, his skin will regain it's glow

"Dad, dad,,,," I called and by good luck today he was not a sleep, while looking at my dad now how skinny he has become and how healthy he was back then 

How my daddy used to enjoy life, we were happy but he cheated on my mother and let her live in the darkness for years but am happy

When they were together we were happy family,,,

"My daughter, how are you, are you okay, how is school?" He asked , 'dad am sorry school is a forgotten case '

'even though I asked my daughter about school I know she was chased outside the house and school is something she will not think of my poor daughter am sorry I let both your mom and you down,,,'

"Dad school is fine, I have come here to see you and to give you this,," I handed over the vitamin and the fruits,

"And I will always come here to visit you,, so we won't miss each other that much until I get you out of here, daddy "

"Okay my daughter I trust you but please work hard while in school" he said

"Okay daddy" I lied but I hope after my hard work he will understand why I did what I did, 

To me his life matters I know I will hurt him but I also hope he will forgive me,,

"Dad I have to go I will see you , again tomorrow" I said

"Okay, my daughter be careful, and take good care of yourself" when Dad said that I felt really happy at least I also have someone by my side, whom I can relay on, Amber and my dad,

The time I spent with him helped me a lot,

He told me stories how he met my mother and that was after he had met Zennah's mother, ooh which he doesn't know that is playing behind his back and having affairs outside right now

That, wildflower of his doesn't care even if he dies,

I mean no matter how much comfort she got from my dad after my mom's death,who will want to by by a dead person mmmh,

Mrs, Beatrice and her daughter Zennah  time will come when I will leave you with nothing, 

"I have to look for a house downtown at least not far away from my work area but this place is considered a place for the poor

People that leave, here, mostly they work for the middle class society and first class,  only if you have connections,,

Most people living here are thugs, everyday violence and death cases, they are poor but again they depend on there fellow who wake up early to earn little money for a living.

"helloo, there,," I greeted

"Hello, young lady you are new in this neighborhood, I can tell " an old grandpa said 

"Yes am new in this hood am looking for house to settle in" 

"Okay, young lady come with me I have a young granddaughter she stays alone but go to school in the city you two can stay together

She doesn't stay here this place is dangerous and I don't want you to stay here too, I will take you too her okay, come, I will ride you with my bicycle" he said

He seems like a nice person I hope this granddaughter is a nice person.

"Neville,,,, are you home"

"Yes grandpa am home, come in"

They entered the house though this house was small but it was two bedroom which was nice

"Daughter I brought this lady here, to stay with you, I met her in our neighborhood looking for a place to rent but I don't think she will like staying there

You know how that place is dangerous, so I am requesting you to take her in and you two to be like sisters and friends be good to each other" he said

But Neville  noticed something from Phee, even though Phee was putting on this ugly wig that she look exactly like her, but why do we look alike she will find out,,

"Okay grandpa, don't worry after all I have been staying in this house by myself at least I have a friend to talk to,,,"

Phee could not help but feel a sting of pain in her heart , why did she become this luck, but all thanks to God, finally she has a house and a roof on her head,, she will sure introduce this lady to Amber

"Hi, am Neville welcome to my home I believe we will get along very well,, feel free this is your house too,," grandpa felt quite well now his granddaughter will have a first friend in her life,,,

"Thank you Neville am Phelicity Adams you can call me Phee, sure I will be grateful to you " she said

Both Neville and Old Andrew felt sincerity, honesty and pain in her voice,

Neville whom has just seen Phee for less than 4 minutes could not help but feel the pain with the other person, 

She has a birthmark on her hands and if this lady is her sister she will will have the same birthmark, so she has to concentrate on her 

"Okay, grandpa let's prepare supper before you go, let's this family of three share this meal as a welcome home to sister Phee,,,"

"Yeah, sure my children I want the two of you to be happy and help each other at some point blood doesn't matter what matters is 

You be truthful and respect each other okay,,,"

"Yeah I will sure be honest with sister Neville, this the first time in a day a met three friends and all of the are ready to help me thank you"

"tomorrow I will be having an interview at *the Billionaire's Club* so Neville I will go to bed,," Phee was never a social person hence she doesn't know how to socialize

"Phee, I want to ask you something where are your parents you seems to be lonely "

"Well my mother died sometimes back and my father she is in the hospital, and my younger sister she died but I heard that my mother gave birth to twins but when she woke up

The baby was missing that also contributed in her death cause she couldn't bring herself to forget about her elder daughter,,,

Then my step mother and step daughter threw me out of the house

I have to pay my dad's hospital bills and keep some amount of money to go back to school

That is my life now,,:-nobody to look back to and I have to support myself to grow,,," Phee said 'ehy didn't I feel pain as always?'

"Sorry Phee, just know that you are not alone from today go take a shower before going to bed,," she said but she wanted to check the birthmark on her hand

"Okay,," finally I have someone who can direct me and correct me I don't regret meeting her,

"Neville thanks once again for accepting me" she said

"Okay freshen up" how can she  Neville give up she must check the birthmark on her hands, 

After a sometimes she asked can I have some towel please okay"

"Here is the towel wipe yourself,," she concentrated on her right hand and there the birthmark was

"Hey Phee, why do you have that birthmark?" She asked

"My mom said this is hereditary she also had one too, she said that my twin sister had one too,, so it's genetic thing" she answered

"Hey why are you putting on that wig it makes you look ugly"

"That's because am going to start working at the club, at it's the Billionaire's Club , with

The rich so I don't want to be beautiful for those men to start disturbing my peace 

I just want to earn for my father's hospital bills and continue with my education later

Once I will save enough money" she said

"Okay, since you are my sisters, I will help you save money for daddy" Phee frowned

"What do you mean by that,,?"

"We share the same birthmark and we look alike, you haven't noticed that but I have" she said

She could not believe it, how fate works

"Then who is old Mr Andrew"

"He , my adopted mother and father were his son and daughter in-law, when they died he took care of me but they all know that I was given out by a woman in hospital H "

"That is the same hospital that our mother delivered, but she was unconscious for 3 days meaning

Somebody must have done that,, " Phee said

"Hahaaa, that person is your step mother she was there during our delivery I will deal with her and that stupid daughter of hers" Neville could not help but get angry