
The Struggle continue

Chapter 42

"Stop right there!"

Madame Grande stopped dead in her tracks, as Alpha Charles's men called out to her from behind. She didn't have any time to spare to be messing around with those men, as she was on the prowl for any surviving children.

"Don't you dare take a step closer," she said to them, as she continued with walking as though they hadn't asked her to stop.

As she expected, the men came after her. But one by one they all dropped dead, as she had cast a lethal spell on them.

She was looking around for anywhere that there wasn't the cries of bereaved mothers. But it was hard to find one, as their was a loud outcry all through Alpha Charles's territory.

After a while, she began making her way out of the territory, as her search had come up empty. She couldn't wait to to get back to the children who were in the cave.