

Chapter 43

It was a grueling walk home for Henry and his family, as they had been forcefully released from Alpha Charles's fortress.

No one had uttered a single word since the moment the child was killed right in front of them. They had grown weary from mourning and worn out from blaming it all on Henry.

Henry could barely lift his head up, as he lead the long walk home. His troubled and confused mind was just too torn apart to come up with any words to face his father. It was just too much for him to bear at that point.

The words of his father still rung clearly in his ears, even king after reaping the consequences for not obeying them. He had been too carried away by the rewards Alpha Charles has presented him with.

"The ruthless alpha can never be trusted..." that was all his father had kept saying to him. He wished he could go back in time to obey his words. But it was just too late for him to do anything at that point.