
Roxanne Quinn

Hi readers enjoy this story go on a crazy college adventure with Roxanne Quinn Also the cover isn't mine so if you don't want me to use it please comment below

Rae_beauty · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs


Third person POV

"Yeah I'll try not to waste your time I've got a bugatti on the line "He said smiling.

"Do you seriously have to brag about everything that's why you end up loosing them "he said.

"Zachary it's okay to be jealous"Asher said

"Speak "He said.

"Actually this is about a scene that went on in your school , can you say that anyone was kidnapped recently "He said.

"I don't know anything about being kidnapped, but someone was missing "He said

"Who's that "He asked

"My Girlfriend "He said and Roxanne looked at him.

"You were missing "He asked Roxanne and she nodded

"it was late last month "She said

"late last month "Asher said

"Hey I don't feel comfortable with you interrogating my girlfriend"He said

"Zachary would you do me the honor by shutting your mouth thank you I'll appreciate it"He said and faced Roxanne.

"Do you remember anything "He asked.

"Um... it's a little personal"She said

"Why are you asking her that question"

"It's kinda a secret but I'll say it ... My mom asked me to find the girl who my dad kidnapped last month cause she believes she's my sister "He said

"Your mom ..."Roxanne said

"So you do agree your dad's a criminal"

"Everyone knows that Luke Hastings is dangerous but he's till my dad "Asher said

"What a proud son"

"Excuse me who's your mom "She asked

"Linda Hastings"Zach answered her.

"Yup that's my mom"Asher said as he leaned back on his chair and took a shot of whiskey .

"Linda Hastings is your mom "Roxanne said a little emotional

"Yes , do you have a problem with that ?"He asked .

"My mom is Linda"

"Linda what"

"I don't know,she left me when I was just a baby, but do you think we're siblings "She said Zach watched the both of them.

"There might be a possibility , Let me have your digits so you can talk to her"He said

"Really I will love that"She said and her eye began to tear up as she gave him her digits.

"Ok thanks whatever you do don't look back , my dad ask someone to spy on me "He said

"Really"Zach said wanting to look back .

"What did I just say !"He said

"I've gotta go "He said

"Wait wait a minute, did you just come here toss me aside , talk to my girlfriend collected her digits and leave "Zach said

"Hey you forgot the part where I bought the whiskey"Asher said.

"oK gotta go "Asher said as he walked out of them. Roxanne wiped her tears.

"Hey it's okay there's no need to cry "Zach said

"I'm fine "She said , her phone rang it was Kai.

"Hey Kai "She said .

"Hey ,where are you, Molly told me you ran away "Kai said

"Yeah did you ask her to watch me "She said

"Yeah , how are you feeling now "He asked

"I'm fine , and you really don't have to worry about me it's not like we're dating"She said

"Xavion asked me to do that"

"Right I get that "She said before hanging up.

"Come on let me drop you off" Zach said.


Roxanne POV

I sat down on the bed after changing into something comfortable. I took my phone to call Xavion.

"Hey "I said

"Roxie how are you doing"He said.

"I'm fine what about you "I asked.

"My surgery is next week I'm a bit nervous the doctor said it's a 50:50 surgery"He said.

"I believe you'll survive "I said

"I know, what about any lead about your mom"He said

"Yes I think I found her but I'm not yet sure"

"If she is the one what will you do "

"I really don't know I've never thought of that , but no matter what I don't see my self accepting her "I said

"Roxie I'll only say one thing follow your heart okay"

"Xavi is your father higher than the Hastings"I asked

"I don't know I'm not that rich, look it up"He said

"Master Hawkins it's time for your drugs"I heard a feminine voice.

"is that your nurse"I asked

"Yeah gotta go"He said and I hung up the call and brought out my laptop and made research .

"Mr Dylan Hawkins worths five hundred billion dollars f!ck Xavion and he says there aren't rich ,his father is clearly a multi billionaire "

"Luke Hastings worths three hundred billion dollars, his father is richer than him , Xavion you liar"I said before closing the laptop and her phone buzzed.

"Hey "The voice on the other side said

"Hello please who's this"

"Did you forget my voice that easy it's Asher"Asher said oh right I gave him my number.

"No sorry I've got a lot on my mind"She said

"It's ok I've got someone who wants to speak with you "He said.

"Hello hello are you really Roxanne"I heard a woman's voice.

"Yes I'm Roxanne Quinn"I answered

"It's really you I missed you so much it's me Linda your mom"She said crying.

"M..mom "

"I have so much to tell you I really need to explain to you a lot of things"

i couldn't hold my tears again I cried,I was actually hearing her voice for the first time.

"Hey Roxie open the door I'm home"I heard dad knocking on my room door but I didn't stand up.

"I ... I miss you too even if I don't know what you look like ,why did you leave me"She said

"Roxie who are you talking to..."Dad opened the door and I looked at him.

"I can't explain to you right now it's a long story, I can't leave the house too ... I'll have Asher come to you "She said and I cried

"Well well well what do we have here"I heard a very familiar voice it was the man who kidnapped me.

Gerald hugged his daughter and she cried more. "It's going to be okay"


Third person POV

"L... Luke"Linda shook in fear

"Dad "Asher said

"Someone told me Asher went to see his stepsister"Luke said as he say down and fold his arms.

"We had a deal Linda "Luke said

"Luke it's been Twenty years let me just see my daughter"She said crying.

"I really hate see you crying but it doesn't change a thing "Luke said

"Please ..."

"Asher leave the office "Luke commanded and he left the room .

"We had a deal Linda I treat you and you get married to me forgetting those people"Luke said

"I just want to see her "Linda said

"You're leaving the country"

"To where "She asked.

"You'll go to country B"He said.

"Luke please let me see her "She begged.

"You see her once and you leave "Luke said

"Thank you thank you "She thanked him and he walked out.
