
Roxanne Quinn

Hi readers enjoy this story go on a crazy college adventure with Roxanne Quinn Also the cover isn't mine so if you don't want me to use it please comment below

Rae_beauty · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs


Roxanne POV

It was already 9:00 pm the party started 8:30 pm and I was still thinking whether to go or not. My phone rang I picked it from the bed. it was Zach.

"Hey "

"Hey aren't you coming the party started already"

"I'm on my way "I said

"Ok I'll come pick you up " He said as he hung up the call not letting me speak.

I opened my closet and picked out a short red gown .After putting it on I picked a sandal heels and applied a chapstick , I packed my hair in a ponytail tail took my purse and left the house.

Dad left for country Q last week not telling me why ,so I closed the door. Zach's car pulled up infront of the house. He came out of the car and I walked to him my feet stopped moving immediately Nick came out in a black outfit. His hair was in a Quiff cut and he had earrings on with rings on his hand complimenting his stud jacket.

"Someone's looking pretty "Zach said

"Hey"Nick said

"Hey "I said

"Who I'm I just a stick"Zach said

"Hey "I said to him and he laughed.

"Roxie , Nick will take you to the party"

"Where... are you going"I asked

"I also have to pick someone else up"

"Jessie"I asked.

Jessie was the new girl , Zach was into they met two weeks ago at the hospital I was in.

"Yeah "Zach said

"She's with her car so , Nick will take you to the party"He said


"Come on "Nick said going to the driver's seat . I opened the back seat but I stopped when he said

"Hey I'm not your driver "


I opened the passenger seat and went in before closing the door.

"Seatbelt"He said

"Oh ok"

Nick started driving and my heart started beating fast.

"Are you nervous "He asked.

"A little"I responded.

Nick pressed a button and the song started to play. it was a slow song. Why did the universe choose to punish me this way

"What you don't like the song" He said and I nodded , he turned it off .

"Should we talk about earlier "He said

"I was serious about the last time"He said

"C... can you try not to like me "He said

"I did "He said .

"Why don't you like me "He said and stopped the car. I cleared my throat looking outside before looking at him, He was staring at me and I couldn't say anything ,it was like he was hypnotizing me, I quickly snapped out of it.

"I don't know "I said

He sighed and continuing driving. I actually haven't seen him disappointed, this was the first time.Does he actually like me ? if he does I think I do.

We got to a party after few minutes of silence . I came out of the car and closed the door


"Wait ... do you know where you're going "


"I'll keep you company till Zach arrives "


We walked inside the party was actually crazy.

"Nick come on , come play for us "Some ladies said holding a guitar

"Maybe some other time ladies"

"You can go "

"Do you want to see me play"

"A little "I said and chuckled a bit.

"Ok then come "He said dragging me . He collected tng

"♪♪It beautiful, it's bittersweet

You're like a broken home to me

I take a shot of memories

And black out like an empty street

I fill my days with the way you walk

And fill my nights with broken dreams

I make up lies inside my head

Like one day you'll come back to me

Now I'm not holding on, not holding on

I'm just depressed that you're gone

Not holding on, not holding on

Beautiful mistakes, I make inside my head

She's naked in my bed

And now we lie awake, making beautiful mistakes

I wouldn't take 'em back

I'm in love with the past

And now we lie awake, making beautiful mistakes

Nah-nah-nah, in my head

Nah-nah-nah, in my bed

Nah-nah-nah, eh

Making beautiful mistakes

It's pitiful, I can't believe

How every day gets worse for me

I take a break, I cut you off

To keep myself from looking soft

I fill my nights with the way you was

And still wake up with broken dreams

I make these lies inside my head

Feel like they're my reality

Now I'm not holding on, not holding on

I'm just depressed that you're gone

Not holding on, not holding on

Beautiful mistakes, I make inside my head

She's naked in my bed

And now we lie awake, making beautiful mistakes

I wouldn't take 'em back

I'm in love with the past

And now we lie awake, making beautiful mistakes

Nah-nah-nah, in my head

Nah-nah-nah, in my bed

Nah-nah-nah, eh eh

Making beautiful mistakes♪♪"

They all clapped including me he has such beautiful voice even when he was drunk. He smiled at me ... wow such beautiful smile.

"Another one"They asked.

"No no that's okay "He said, he stood and I followed him.

"How was that"

"it was perfect, where do you learn to sing like that"

"I actually got it that from my mom"

"She must be a really good singer"

"She was "He said

"Was , is she retired"

"You can say it that way ... She retired from the world"

"Oh my ... I'm so sorry "

"Why it's not your fault "He said

"Come on let's get some drinks"He said

"Soda or wine"


"Roxie "I heard Kai's voice I turned back to see him dressed in white. He was the complete opposite of Nick . But he also wore rings in his fingers.

"Hey "

"For a moment there I thought you wouldn't respond "

"We're okay Kai "She said

"I understand if you want us to be friends and nothing more"

"Actually, you need to apologize to Nick. Bringing up the dead to talk to him isn't a good move"I said

"We're good "Nick said

"Here's your soda "He said giving it to me and he took a glass of whiskey .

"I'll leave first ... Nova and her friends are here"He said.

"Right "I said smiling as he left.

Nick brought out a stick of cigarette and a briquette , I looked at him trying to light it up I don't know why I yanked it out of his hands.

Nick's POV

I wanted to light up the cigarette when she yanked it out of my hands.

"Why did you that"

"Sorry I'm trying to give up smoking , can you not do it front of me "She said

Roxanne smoke , I didn't imagine her that way. I smiled as she said that statement.

"Ok fine I won't smoke infront of you"

"Thank you"

"um... I there some where else I can stay"

"Like some where quiet"I asked her

"Yes "

"At a party "I asked.

"Never mind "

"Ok come with me "