
Roxanne Quinn

Hi readers enjoy this story go on a crazy college adventure with Roxanne Quinn Also the cover isn't mine so if you don't want me to use it please comment below

Rae_beauty · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs

Nick Feelings (2)

"Clubbing"Kai said surprised.

"What you don't think I can handle clubbing "She said

"Some how"Kai Said

"Where do you think I found Nick "She said and Kai chuckled

"Ok let's we'll go clubbing there's a new Dj in the country "He said

"Really "She said

"Yeah you wanna go "He said

"Sure I love that " She said and they went into the car.

"You ready"He asked her and she nodded her head and started driving.

"So how did you find out that today's my birthday"She said

"Come on my dad owns the school and that's your question"He asked

"yeah right"She said

"What of Nick are you still angry at him"

"I hate the guy and that's your question"

"Fair "He said and they laughed.


The club was really loud it was just five-thirty in the evening and it was full with crazy teens.

"Woohoo !!!"Roxanne yelled in excitement

"Now this is my own kind of fun "Roxanne said

"Uhn"Kai couldn't hear her because of the loud music

"I said this is my kind of fun"She yelled dancing to the music .She goes her hair up to avoid distraction . Kai stared at her dancing to the beat . He never saw this side of Roxanne before , she seemed to be enjoying herself. They both went to counter and sat down.

"A shot of tequila "Roxanne said.

"Hey you can't have that "Kai said.


Kai stood up and went closer to her and spoke in her ear.

"You're not allowed to drink that "

"hey stop acting like my dad"

"Don't you have low tolerance for alcohol"He Said

"Who told you that "She said.

"Xavion"He said .

"Really "

"Yeah today you have only fruit wine "He said he told the bar attender and he gave it to them .

"I'll just have the tequila "He said and took a shot of tequila.Roxanne drank the wine and he took another shot of tequila

"Hey don't tell me you'll have all the drinking fun "She said.

"Stop whining and drink your fruit wine, Xavi told me not to let you drink or else I'll get in trouble"Kai said.


Roxanne helped Kai to the car , she was a bit drunk but it was not as worse as Kai. Se drove to his condo . And helped him upstairs, the door wasn't locked so she went in.The whole room was covered with smoke. Nick was on the floor with some bottles on the table and cigarettes everywhere. Roxanne coughed and took him to his room as she turned to leave. She heard Nick screaming , she turned back to see him hitting the table with his hand non stop.

"Hey hey don't hurt yourself"Roxanne said she wanted to interfere but she remembered what he said.

"I killed her I did it"Nick said he was actually crying.

"If I haven't broken up with her she wouldn't have left ,she wouldn't drink so much she wouldn't have died"

"Why did I do that "Nick hit his hand on the table harder and his hand began to bleed.

"Selena wouldn't have died, she wouldn't have died "He said crying.

Roxanne actually felt pity for him, She moved closer to him she knelt beside him and took a deep breath.

"I'm a murderer "Nick yelled he looked at Roxanne and hugged her tight to the point she couldn't breathe.

"Selena don't leave me again please I won't break up with you again"He said .

"Roxanne curse your good heart "She murmured to herself ,she patted his back and he continued to cry .

"It's okay "She Said , she helped him up and took him to the room.

Roxanne POV

I came out of the taxi and went into the house.

"You're home late "Dad said I looked at my phone it was 11;30pm

"um...I went out with a friend , dad this was actually the only birthday I enjoyed"I said

"Why do I perceive alcohol"He said.

"I helped a friend home"I said going towards my room.

"Wait a minute I haven't given you a gift"He said and brought out a box I collected it.

"Come on go into your room and open it "He said.

"Thanks dad I love you so much"

I went to my room after I took my shower I changed into my pyjamas, I sat on the bed and opened the box . I saw a picture album in it , I opened it and my picture in it right from when I was born.


Third person POV

The next morning Kai and Nick woke up with bad head ache , Kai looked at Nick and screamed .

"Stop screaming"He said he rubbed his temple.

"What happened, yesterday"Nick asked him as he stood up and went to the bathroom

"Um... I got drunk yesterday and Roxanne dropped me off"Kai said

"Roxanne was here yesterday"Nick said shocked.

"Yeah "Kai said .

Nick washed his face and looked at the mirror he rubbed his hand through his hair trying to remember what happened

-------------Flash back--------------------------

She moved closer to him she knelt beside him and took a deep breath.

"I'm a murderer "Nick yelled he looked at Roxanne and hugged her tight to the point she couldn't breathe.

"Selena don't leave me again please I won't break up with you again"He said .

she patted his back and he continued to cry .

"It's okay "She Said , she helped him up and took him to the room.

--------------End of flash back--------------------------

"Shit "Nick exclaimed .


Roxanne walked into the school in a black tank top and a black baggie leather pants a black leather jacket, a black bucket hat and a black boot.

"What's wrong with the black outfit today "Sydney Said

"You know in case you die ,we never know dad always say be prepared "She said smiling.

"Good then Sydney murmured and smirked as she looked at Isla.

"Bitch you actually think you can hang out Kai , Nick and Zach faker what a slut"She said to herself


"We didn't see you yesterday Zach, where were you "Kai asked .

"Making out with Mirabelle"Nick said.

"Your Dad's secretary"Kai said as he chuckled

"Yeah "Nick said as he took a stick of cigarettes and briquette to light it up. Nick who wasn't paying attention ,he kept his eyes glued on the television but he wasn't watching it.

"How'd you get her "Kai asked

"She broke up with her boyfriend two days ago ,so she wasn't her self I took her out to have some fun...."

"And she accepted"Kai asked

"What can I say I'm pretty irresistible"He said and they laughed.

"Any ways I dropped her off at home and as a thank you she kissed me I kissed her back and we kinda found our self on the bed"

"Nice "

"Nick are you okay ,you don't seem to be present"Kai asked

"I'm fine..."

"Selena uhn"Zach said and he nodded , Zach shook his head and passed a stick of cigarettes to him, He collected it and lighted it up with a briquette.