
Roxanne Quinn

Hi readers enjoy this story go on a crazy college adventure with Roxanne Quinn Also the cover isn't mine so if you don't want me to use it please comment below

Rae_beauty · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs

Meeting Asher

Third person POV

"Do you think Kai will notice we did this "Trisha said

"No , it was a perfect plan "Sydney said as she gave them their pay.

"Where did you get that painting from"

"I bought it off a guy"Sydney said

Kai ,Zach and Nick walked into the class everyone became silent.

"One instruction , I gave only one instruction and someone went against it . Trisha, Megan you should say the truth now or you can say goodbye to Havana "Kai said. Megan looked at Trisha , they were panicking.

"What makes you think they did it "Sydney said

"I don't think they did it I know they did it "Kai said

"I went to the control room and I saw them going to the top floor with Roxanne,the one without cameras ..."

"Don't you find that suspicious"Zach said

"When they were coming back, Roxanne wasn't with them , how do you explain that "Kai said

"Why do you care so much about who trapped Roxanne, isn't it great that you found her already"Sydney said

"Isn't it weird that you keep supporting them"Zach said

"I'm not supporting them "She said

"Two of you have thirty seconds to come clean"

"Don't punish them I did it , I paid them to lock her up .She deserves being locked up that's where all black are meant to be isn't that right Nick"

"I hope you didn't forget ,that Kai's mother is black "Nick said before walking out . Sydney mouth hung open.

"I didn't mean it "She said.

"Deal with her "Kai said before leaving. Zach Phone rang , he removed his phone from his pocket

"Look who we have here"He said as he picked the call.

"Yes you're speaking with Zach "He said

"Hey "Asher said

"I never thought you'd call "He said

"Desperate time calls for desperate measure"

"Let's meet up "Asher said

"Where do you want to meet ..."

"How about The Hot Spot "Asher said

"Sure when "Zach said

"How about in Thirty minutes "He said

"Thirty minutes sure I guess I'll skip class"He said


Roxanne POV

I opened my eyes and looked around I wasn't in the infirmary .Where am I ?, I sat upright on the bed. Megan and Trisha they trapped me those piece of brats. I stood up and wore my jacket , I looked for my phone but it wasn't with me. I wanted to leave the room when someone called me back.

"Miss you can't leave now "A lady said

"Why can't I leave "

"That's an instruction from young Master "She said

"Young Master , do you mean kai "I asked her

"Yes he told me to look over you and give you anything you need"She said

"What ..."

"He also ask me to give you this"She said giving me my back pack. I opened it and saw my phone.

"Miss would you like anything "

"um... where am i ?"I asked

"This is the apartment close to the school"She said

"Oh I didn't know it had a room "I said I sat back on the bed

"Can I leave"I asked

"You really can't leave until young master gets here"She said

"oh ok then can I get um... water"I said

"Yes miss "She said and left I took my bag and opened the window and jumped down.

Third person POV

The maid came in with a glass of water , Roxanne wasn't in the room ,she looked around before noticing the open windows.

"oh no young master is going to punish me "She said before running out .

"Miss!!"She said running after Roxanne

Roxanne POV

I heard the maid running after me so increased my speed even if it didn't make any difference. Curse my short height I went out of the gate and bumped into someone.

"Hey !!"He exclaimed I looked at Nick and hid behind some bushes. Nick looked at me with a strange look I begged him to shut his mouth.

"Hey Molly what's wrong"Nick asked.

"n.. nothing by any chance have you seen the miss who was in the room earlier"She said

"Did you lost her "Nick asked with a serious look which was really funny I covered my mouth with my hands.

"N..no I didn't , I just remembered she went to the rest room"She said before walking out I came out of the bush and sighed.

"What's with the running "

"Kai asked her to look after me and I really wanted to leave "I said and he nodded

"Thank you for saving me "

"You know I did that "He asked me, and I nodded

"When I get those two , I swear I will..."

"Hey chill, we're handling that "Nick said .

"I'll leave first"Nick said before walking out. I continue walking ,A car stopped in front of me it was Zach.

"Hey why are you here ,are you okay "He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine "I said.

"Hey you wanna come along I want to make a friend jealous "He said.

"What do I look like to you "I asked him

"The most beautiful girl in the school who is about to help me "He said.

"Cute" I said

"Miss!!!"I heard the maid voice I quickly went into the car .

"Drive now "I said.


Third person POV

Asher came downstairs in a blue t-shirt and black trousers and white sneakers.

"Where are you going "A familiar voice was heard

"I want to meet up with a friend "He said

"who is that "His father asked

"Just Zach we want to get some drinks together"He said

"Aren't you guys Archenemies"He asked

"Yeah,about that can I take the bugatti "He asked

"Where are you guys gonna be at "

"Hot Spot"He said

"Be home before nine and it's yours "

"Seriously "



" bye dad"He said before leaving


"Do you remember you're acting as my girlfriend okay he's really proud so try to make him jealous"

"How do I benefit from this"

"I'll pay you"

"I don't need your money "She said

"Come on please "He said

"Fine I'll agree to it but I gotta leave early okay"She said

"ok"He said.

"Zachary " Zach looked up to see Asher he shook hands with him.

"I thought you were coming alone" Asher

"Come on ,Asher I'm not single like you "He said

"Meet Roxanne my girlfriend"He said emphasizing on the word girlfriend.

"She's beautiful nice to meet you I'm Asher Hastings "He said.

"Roxanne Quinn"She said

"What did you call me for Asher because I know you didn't just call me together"Zach said