
Roxanne Quinn

Hi readers enjoy this story go on a crazy college adventure with Roxanne Quinn Also the cover isn't mine so if you don't want me to use it please comment below

Rae_beauty · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs


Third person POV

Roxanne woke up in the morning,she did her morning routine and came out of the room wearing a tank top and a white crotchet arm warmers on it , she wore a blue high waist Stretch pants and a white sandals,she packed her hair in a high pony leaving strands of hair at the front. She had breakfast took her bag, her dad left for work already .She went out hailed a taxi.

Roxanne POV

I came out of the taxi after paying and went into the school. I saw Nick flirting with some ladies he really disgust me , I'm thinking he purposely let me get down from the can that day.

"Hey "I heard Zachary's voice.

"Oh hi "I said

"Um.... are you going to class"He said putting his hand in his pockets as he smiled.

"Yeah where else will I be going"I said

"Oh yeah right"He said scratching the back of his head making him look cute.

"Are you trying to act cute"I asked him almost laughing.

"I'm I doing well "He said smiling

"Well... that depends ..."I didn't complete my sentence

"Wait a minute you have something on your hair"He said ok yeah he's flirting with me .

"Seriously "I said.

"Hey Roxie"I heard a voice I looked over Zach and saw a very familiar figure.

"Ezra"I said as I walked to him.

"Hey "He said

"Hi "I said

"Um kayla and Anna..."He said

"I know they told me"I said , Zach cleared his throat seeking for attention.

"What "I said.

"Hi I'm Zach , Roxie's boyfriend"He said as he stretched forth his hand.

"What the..."I wanted to speak but Zach put his hand around my neck and dragged me closer to him.

"I'm Ezra I'm her Ex "He said

"Bae how come you never mentioned him"He said.

"Ezra why did you come here"I asked him freeing myself from Zach.

"Actually I wanted to talk to you "He said

"Oh ok"I said


"What did you come to country K for "I asked we were both sitting in a coffee shop opposite school.

"My class came here for research ,so I saw it as a great opportunity to get to see you "He said

"So you have a boyfriend now"He said

"I thought you didn't like coffee"I said.

"I know you're trying to avoid the question"He said and I sighed.

"Roxie I stayed single since you broke up with me on the phone"He said

"You're kidding you mean since you left for country S you haven't dated anyone"I said

"No one, i thought maybe when I got back we'll get a chance to talk"He said

"Ezra you and I know you're were a bad influence on me ,dad told me to leave you and not expect you to come back"I said

"Bad influence ... we're going to that"He said calmly but he sounded mad.

"Ezra that's not what I meant..." I didn't get to complete my sentence.

"It's ok I understand you I'll get going I don't want the group to get worried"He and left immediately

"Ezra"I tried calling him back but he didn't answer me .

I stood up and walked out of the coffee shop.


I walked into the class, Sydney walked up to me.

"Hey aren't you tired of bullying me "I said I really wasn't in the mood for her.

"I am so leave this school , are you dating Zach now , you moved from him to Kainow you're going back to him again "She said and I just realized everyone around me in this country we're of opposite sex.

"We're not dating "I said and I went to my seat I sat down and put my bag on my table.

"You're really a h*e you know"She said and I said nothing.

"It's good you accepted it"She said as she walked out.

"Are you done please leave "I Said

"I really feel like strangling you "She said and I ignored her.

After class I packed my things and my phone rang it was Xavion.

"Xavi how are you feeling "I said I was really happy to hear from him. I stood up and left the class

"I'm fine , the surgery has been scheduled already but dad say I'll have to stay in country Z for a little while"He said.

"It's ok as far as you'll be fine "I said

Third person POV

Roxanne walked to the building next to the school

"Is Kai in"She asked the securities.

"Yes he is "They said

"I want to go see him, yes he knows I'm coming"She said

"Wait here"He said and went in before coming back after some seconds

"You can go in"He said

"When will you start to believe me "She said before walking in .

Roxanne POV

I walked into the building , Kai was on the sofa with his laptop .

"Hey "I said before putting my bag on the sofa

"Hey "He said.

"So ..."I said

"Look I know yesterday was awkward but ..."he said but I cut him off

"it was a mistake I know you were only helping me dry off, there's no need to act all weird about it"I said as I sat down.

"Oh okay then um... I haven't talked to my dad about Edward Kings "He said

"You couldn't do it "I said

"I can but if I ask him it means I'll have to apologize for everything "He said

"Oh I get it , Kai if you aren't ready don't do it we'll just have to figure out another way"I said.

"But my dad could be the only way to track your step dad" He said.

"True but we can't stay on a single spot"I said and i sighed .

"If Xavion was here he would know what to do "I murmured.


Her facial expressions changed already, she looked sad.

"If Xavion was here he would know what to do"She said I had to to think fast.

"Um... I can check Mr Edward Kings profile on the internet and see the people he's following"I said.

"Yeah that's smart , looks like the mention of Xavion's name made you smarter"She teased.

"You must really like teasing me"I said. I took my laptop from the table and searched for Edward Kings. She came to seat close to me looking at the laptop, I looked at her. She looked really beautiful in that hair.

"Hey whatcha looking at "She said looking at me.

"N... nothing"

Why did I stutter ,God . I typed Edward Kings names and we saw the people he was following.

"So Mr Edward Kings is following Sixty people how do we know which one is my step dad"She asked.

"I know someone who can hack into his account and see all the chats he has with this people, we can find the one who he reported you to "I said.

"Smart who"She said.

"um... It's Nick "I said.

"Nick "She said surprised

"Look I know you hate him but he's the only one that can do that "I said.

"It's okay I guess we'll just have to suspend it"she said.

"What if I talk to him"I said

"I guess if you ...."She didn't complete her sentence her phone interrupted.

"Hey Kayla"She said

"What where "She said.

"Oh okay I'll go there now"She said she took her bag.

"Hey Roxie where are you going"I asked her.

"It's urgent I've gotta go "She said

"Let me drop you off "I said.

"you don't need..."

"Come on let's go you just said it's urgent didn't you"I said and we went out , to go to the car.